
national day rally 2019
National Day Rally 2019 — On Retirement, CPF, Education & More
Shortly after Singapore’s 54th birthday, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong made his National Day Rally 2019 ...
19 August 2019
Preschool in Singapore – Kindergartens, Infant Care, Nursery And The Costs Involved
Preschool in Singapore – Kindergartens, Infant Care, Nursery And The Costs Involved
The pregnancy is over. Whew! The delivery went smoothly. Yeah! Now, you have an adorable tiny person who ...
19 August 2019
safra membership singapore
SAFRA Membership Fees and Facilities — Plus 10 Best SAFRA Promotions & Discounts
Generally, SAFRA is an affordable recreation club in Singapore: If you can’t afford a “real” country club ...
13 August 2019
senior citizen discount supermarket
Senior Citizen Discounts in Singapore — Supermarkets and Pharmacies
I think of birthdays like video game levels. With each decade you clear, you “unlock” a series of benefits ...
5 August 2019
animal shelter singapore adoption
13 Animal Shelters for Puppy, Kitten and Rabbit Adoption in Singapore (Some Are Free!)
I’m a huge advocate of pet adoption in Singapore — you probably would be too, if you knew as much I do ...
3 July 2019
best credit cards for families
5 Best Credit Cards for Raising Kids in Singapore
Raising a family in Singapore is not for the faint of heart — not when it’s estimated to cost $360,000 ...
25 June 2019
raising 5 kids
“No Need for Enrichment Classes”: Mother of 5 Shares How Her Family Gets By in Expensive Singapore
The typical Singaporean family that we see today usually only has 1 or 2 children. Some blame it on the ...
20 June 2019
moe primary school registration
MOE Primary School Registration 2019: How To Navigate P1 Registration For Clueless Parents
It’s probably not unique to Singapore that parents are obsessed with which schools their children go to. ...
14 June 2019
Jewel Changi Airport Rain Vortex Kid-Friendly Canopy Park
Jewel Changi for Kids: Admission Prices to Canopy Park, Sky Nets, and More
By now, you must have already seen pictures and videos of the iconic rain vortex and hyped-up first-in-Singapore ...
12 June 2019
confinement nanny singapore
Confinement Nanny Prices in Singapore – How Much Do They Cost and Where to Find Them?
For many new mothers in Singapore, the first 1-2 months after giving birth are not a walk in the park with ...
11 June 2019
alternatives nursing home
3 Alternatives to Placing Your Parents in a Nursing Home
Singapore’s elderly population is projected to grow exponentially. Based on projections from the UN, 47% ...
29 May 2019
baby fairs singapore
5 Baby Fairs To Buy Baby Essentials in Singapore – Are They Worth it? (2019)
These days, it seems like there is always a version of a baby fair going on in Singapore. If you have ever ...
23 May 2019
probate lawyer will estate
Getting a Probate Lawyer in Singapore – What Exactly Do They Do and How Much Do They Cost?
This post was written in collaboration with PKWA Law. While we are financially compensated by them, we ...
19 May 2019
father's day
10 Affordable Things Under $50 To Do in Singapore For Fathers’ Day 2019
It’s common knowledge that Mother’s Day falls on the second Sunday of May, but I bet some of you who landed ...
17 May 2019
divorce family lawyer singapore
Getting a Divorce Lawyer in Singapore – How Much They Cost and What They Do For You
This post was written in collaboration with PKWA Law. While we are financially compensated by them, we ...
12 May 2019
newborn money issues
New Mummies & Daddies: Here are 5 Most Immediate Money Issues You Should Settle
Buying a piggy bank for your kid might be cute and all, but we sure hope it’s not the only financial plan ...
24 April 2019
infant cares in singapore 2018
Infant Cares in Singapore 2019: PCF Sparkletots vs My First Skool vs Others
It feels like just the other day when you whooped with joy (and relief) at the arrival of your baby. Now, ...
16 April 2019
sahms work from home jobs singapore
10 Work From Home Jobs in Singapore That Are Ideal For Stay-at-Home Mums (SAHMs)
Contrary to what some believe, SAHMs or Stay-At-Home-Mums don’t spend all their time watching Korean dramas. ...
11 April 2019
prenatal massages singapore
7 Shiok Prenatal Massages To Relieve Aches and Water Retention: Price Guide for Mums-to-Be
Don’t let instagram mumfluencers or Meghan Markle fool you. The pregnancy glow is not all there is to growing ...
8 April 2019
paediatricians in singapore
Paediatricians in Singapore (2019): Consultation Fees at Top Kids’ Clinics
Few things worry a parent as much as when a child falls ill. The younger the child, the greater the worry, ...
5 April 2019
family-friendly workplaces
How Can the Government Promote Family-Friendly Workplaces
The low birth rate is one of those problems all Singaporeans have accepted will never be solved. The Baby ...
18 March 2019
lasting power of attorney
Cost of Making a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) to Supplement Your Will (2019)
Life is fragile. You may be well and alive today, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make preparations ...
18 March 2019
increasing singapore's birth rate
How to Increase Singapore’s Birth Rate and Encourage Parents to Have More Kids
Having a child takes a lot out of you. 9 months of physically and emotionally draining pregnancy followed ...
12 March 2019
school bus fees singapore
Alternatives to Paying Expensive School Bus Fees For Singaporean Parents (2019)
Recently, it came to light that a bus operator engaged by Singapore Chinese Girls’ School (SCGS) quoted ...
4 March 2019
push gifts singapore
Push Gift Ideas For New Mums – What Are Singaporean Husbands Getting For Their Wives?
There are some peculiar phenomena in the world of millennial parents. An up and coming one is the novelty ...
27 February 2019