
unexpected child expenses family bills stress
6 Unexpected Expenses That Hit You When You Have Kids
SIt’s safe to say that hardly any Singaporean decides to have kids without being cognisant of the costs. ...
20 July 2017
5 Money Issues to Discuss Before You’re Ready to Have Kids
5 Money Issues to Discuss Before You’re Ready to Have Kids
So, you’ve decided that it’s time to fill up the spare rooms in that five-room flat you and your spouse ...
12 May 2017
3 Uncomfortable Money Moments Filial Singaporeans Might Face
3 Uncomfortable Money Moments Filial Singaporeans Might Face
Filial piety is highly valued by mainstream society in Singapore. Without a proper pension system, it falls ...
7 April 2017
4 Ideas for Raising the Birthrate in Singapore
4 Ideas for Raising the Birthrate in Singapore
The Singapore government prides itself on getting things done. It’s transformed the economy over a matter ...
30 March 2017
Should You Send Your Kids to An Elite Affiliated Primary School?
Should You Send Your Kids to An Elite Affiliated Primary School?
Primary 1 registration is a nail-biting time for kiasu parents islandwide—especially those who don’t want ...
20 March 2017
integrated shield plan
3 Concerns Singaporean Couples Really Have About Having Kids
For years, the government have been scratching their heads, wondering why the Baby Bonus is doing nothing ...
13 March 2017
3 Ways You Can Make Good Use of Your Child’s Ang Bao Money
3 Ways You Can Make Good Use of Your Child’s Ang Bao Money
Each year, you dress your kid up like a Chinadoll and send him or her, armed with two Mandarin oranges, ...
10 January 2017
3 Ways Singaporean Parents Can Teach Their Teenage Children How to Manage Money
3 Ways Singaporean Parents Can Teach Their Teenage Children How to Manage Money
Got a teenager in the house? Unbeknownst to you, he’s probably spending a ton of time stalking other kids ...
4 January 2017
3 Things You Might be Doing That are Sabotaging Your Child’s Ability to Manage His Finances in the Future
3 Things You Might be Doing That are Sabotaging Your Child’s Ability to Manage His Finances in the Future
Any parent will tell you they want the best for their kid. What differs is what each one considers the ...
30 December 2016
4 Free and Fun Ways to Keep Your Kids Entertained During This Year’s School Holidays
4 Free and Fun Ways to Keep Your Kids Entertained During This Year’s School Holidays
The school holidays are a time of freedom, fun and sleeping in. Well, that’s if you’re a kid, that is. ...
14 December 2016
5 Very Valid Reasons Adult Singaporeans Have for Continuing to Live With Their Parents
5 Very Valid Reasons Adult Singaporeans Have for Continuing to Live With Their Parents
Expats often look upon adult Singaporeans living with their parents with a mixture of disgust and scorn, ...
9 December 2016
3 Things Parents Should Avoid Doing if They Don’t Want to Go Broke During the School Holidays
3 Things Parents Should Avoid Doing if They Don’t Want to Go Broke During the School Holidays
As much as Singaporean parents are (I hope) happy to let their kids de-stress a little during the school ...
17 November 2016
3 Real Reasons Singaporeans Want to Get a Flat Before Having a Kid
So if you’ve been following the local news or at least have a Facebook account, you’d have read about Josephine ...
19 October 2016
5 Microbusinesses Kids in Singapore Can Start on Their Own
5 Microbusinesses Kids in Singapore Can Start on Their Own
When I was a kid, I once tried to make some extra pocket money by sticking up toilet signs on the bathrooms ...
25 August 2016
3 Ways Singaporean Parents Should Teach Their Kids How to Manage Money
3 Ways Singaporean Parents Should Teach Their Kids How to Manage Money
Singaporean parents, if you want to ensure your kid has a bright financial future, flooding him with tuition ...
9 June 2016
Going Back to Work After Maternity Leave? Here are 4 Things You Must Settle
Going Back to Work After Maternity Leave? Here are 4 Things You Must Settle
Having a child, especially your first, is like dealing with an alien invasion—albeit an invasion by a cute, ...
25 May 2016
baby costs singapore
Expecting a Baby? Here’s 5 Ways You Should be Planning Your Finances
So, you’re pregnant or, if that’s biologically impossible for you, your spouse is. Congratulations! You’ve ...
13 May 2016
3 Things Singaporeans Parents Should Spend Money On Instead of Tuition
3 Things Singaporeans Parents Should Spend Money On Instead of Tuition
If you thought you car or your flat were expensive, wait till you calculate the cost of bringing up your ...
22 March 2016
4 Money-Saving Tips for Pregnant Ladies in Singapore
4 Money-Saving Tips for Pregnant Ladies in Singapore
Once upon a time, you thought that if you could only give up cocktail hour and nights at the club, you ...
28 January 2016
3 Things That Must be Done Before Singaporeans Will Want to Balance Work with Child-Rearing
3 Things That Must be Done Before Singaporeans Will Want to Balance Work with Child-Rearing
Just like Singapore’s low birth rates and lack of work-life balance, incentivising child-rearing in the ...
6 January 2016
3 Ways Young Singaporeans Can Help To Save Money When Living With Their Parents
3 Ways Young Singaporeans Can Help To Save Money When Living With Their Parents
If the government wants to know why young Singaporeans aren’t coupling up and having babies as often or ...
11 December 2015
3 Important Ways to Teach Your Kids About Money That Will Benefit Them in the Future
3 Important Ways to Teach Your Kids About Money That Will Benefit Them in the Future
There’s a saying that wealth in the family never lasts more than three generations. While the first generation ...
20 October 2015
3 Ways Parents Who Work Long Hours Can Spend More Time With Their Kids
3 Ways Parents Who Work Long Hours Can Spend More Time With Their Kids
Work-life balance is so scarce in Singapore that many young parents have given up on it altogether. Instead, ...
16 October 2015
3 Ways to Reduce the Cost of Your Kids’ After School Activities
3 Ways to Reduce the Cost of Your Kids’ After School Activities
When Singaporean parents lament that it’s crazy expensive to bring up kids here these days, most of the ...
13 October 2015
What is Causing Parents To Spend So Much More on Their Kids Than They Used To?
What is Causing Parents To Spend So Much More on Their Kids Than They Used To?
Having kids in Singapore can feel like playing the Sims. You have to invest in them by making sure the ...
7 October 2015