3 Types of Unplanned Spending That Singaporeans Fall Prey To When They’re Not Paying Attention
3 Types of Unplanned Spending That Singaporeans Fall Prey To When They’re Not Paying Attention
It’s very apt that Singaporeans coined the term “blur sotong”, because there are quite a few unaware people in our midst, especially when it comes to spending. Money mysteriously disappears...
28 December 2015
Singaporeans Are Wasting $2,600 a Year – Here’s 5 Better Things You Could be Doing With The Money
Singaporeans Are Wasting $2,600 a Year – Here’s 5 Better Things You Could be Doing With The Money
We already know Singaporeans spend tons of money on homes, cars and tuition for their kids. That’s all well and good, because they at least intend for their money to...
24 December 2015
3 Pieces of Money Advice Singaporeans in Their 20s Should Take Heed Of Before It’s Too Late
3 Pieces of Money Advice Singaporeans in Their 20s Should Take Heed Of Before It’s Too Late
When I was in secondary school, I once borrowed $30 from a friend to buy some a pair of clownish JNCO jeans (oh the shame). That was my first and...
23 December 2015
best credit cards students singapore
Is Getting a Private University Education Worth It in Singapore?
While it’s true that Singapore students have lots more tertiary education options now than they did ten years ago, to say we have a really diverse educational landscape is like...
23 December 2015
3 Realistic Money Goals Every Singaporean Should Have Going Into 2016
3 Realistic Money Goals Every Singaporean Should Have Going Into 2016
Let’s face it, Singaporeans are just not that good at coming up with goals that haven’t been programmed by society. Other than the whole “degree, job, marriage, HDB” thing, people...
22 December 2015
3 Red Flags Singaporeans Should Watch Out For Before Accepting a New Job
3 Red Flags Singaporeans Should Watch Out For Before Accepting a New Job
Applying for a job in Singapore is scary. But not because you’re afraid you won’t find another—we’ve got a robust job market which means leaving your job for a new...
22 December 2015
Just Got Your Annual Increment? 5 Things Singaporeans Should Avoid Doing At All Costs
Just Got Your Annual Increment? 5 Things Singaporeans Should Avoid Doing At All Costs
Unless your boss is the devil incarnate, you’ve probably received news of your salary increment for 2016… although let’s admit it, there’s a good chance your increment barely keeps pace...
21 December 2015
5 New Year’s Resolutions Every Singaporean Should Make For 2016
5 New Year’s Resolutions Every Singaporean Should Make For 2016
So, did you manage to keep any of the New Year’s resolutions you made at the end of last year? If your year went anything like ours did, your resolution...
18 December 2015
5 Industries in Singapore That May Be Facing a Tougher 2016
5 Industries in Singapore That May Be Facing a Tougher 2016
It may have been the year of #SimiSaiAlsoSG50, but it was also not all fun and games. In the midst of a global recession that saw the China stock market...
18 December 2015
Festive Season Shopping Strategy – How to Maximise Your Time and Money in Singapore
Festive Season Shopping Strategy – How to Maximise Your Time and Money in Singapore
If you haven’t bought your Christmas gifts yet, be afraid, be very afraid. You’re at risk of spending your final week before the holidays being elbowed in the face by...
17 December 2015
3 Expensive Ways Singaporeans Spend Time Hanging Out and Their Cheaper Alternatives
3 Expensive Ways Singaporeans Spend Time Hanging Out and Their Cheaper Alternatives
Having fun in Singapore can be hard sometimes, not just because this country is full of boring sticks-in-the-mud (just kidding), but because it’s so darned expensive. A single drink at...
16 December 2015
2 Key Advantages Singaporeans Have When Looking For Jobs Overseas
2 Key Advantages Singaporeans Have When Looking For Jobs Overseas
The Singaporean employee sits quietly in his office cubicle, hoping his boss will leave early today so he can escape the office at a decent hour. He dreams of looking...
16 December 2015
Thinking of Buying and Renting Out a Second Property? You’d Better be Prepared to Do These Things
Thinking of Buying and Renting Out a Second Property? You’d Better be Prepared to Do These Things
Screw the white picket fence and the golden retriever. The Singaporean dream features a walk-in wardrobe and a second investment property to rent out.
15 December 2015
5 Awesome and Affordable Overseas Destinations to Go for New Year’s Countdown 2015
5 Awesome and Affordable Overseas Destinations to Go for New Year’s Countdown 2015
Let’s be honest—if you want to celebrate New Year’s Eve in Singapore anywhere but your bedroom, you’ll have to brave such ridiculous crowds you’ll wish you’d stayed home. So it’s...
15 December 2015
How Singaporeans Should Be Planning For Their Holidays in 2016
How Singaporeans Should Be Planning For Their Holidays in 2016
No matter how much you love the thousands of shopping malls in Singapore, you’ve got to admit that this tiny island gets claustrophobic at times.
15 December 2015
DBS vs UOB vs OCBC: Who Has The Best Lifestyle Mobile App in Singapore?
DBS vs UOB vs OCBC: Who Has The Best Lifestyle Mobile App in Singapore?
There’s an app for everything these days. Dating apps, taxi booking apps, and a dozen and one ways to add filters to your photos. Mobile banking has quickly become common,...
14 December 2015
Look Out For These 3 Financial Red Flags Before Getting Married
Look Out For These 3 Financial Red Flags Before Getting Married
Singaporean women have a reputation for being money-sucking gold diggers, or at least that’s what the regulars over at the EDMW forums would have you believe. Whether this rather unbecoming...
14 December 2015
Most People in Other Developed Countries Can’t Enjoy These 4 Things Singaporeans Take For Granted
Most People in Other Developed Countries Can’t Enjoy These 4 Things Singaporeans Take For Granted
As Singaporeans, we spend so much of our time complaining about how expensive things are that anyone outside of the country would think we were all living in card board...
14 December 2015
Here’s Why You’d Be Really Silly to Not Get an Integrated Shield Plan in Singapore
Health Insurance
Here’s Why You’d Be Really Silly to Not Get an Integrated Shield Plan in Singapore
If there’s one thing the classic Morgan Spurlock documentary “Super Size Me” taught me, it’s this: It doesn’t make sense to spend more to upsize your fast food meal. Your...
11 December 2015
3 Ways Young Singaporeans Can Help To Save Money When Living With Their Parents
3 Ways Young Singaporeans Can Help To Save Money When Living With Their Parents
If the government wants to know why young Singaporeans aren’t coupling up and having babies as often or as quickly for their liking, they might want to consider that living...
11 December 2015
christmas gifts singapore
The Most Awesome Christmas Gifts to Buy Under $30 / $50 / $300
If you still have money leftover after paying last month’s credit card bills and making your housing loan repayments, then congratulations, you get to spend more of it on Christmas...
10 December 2015
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4 Ways to Make Taking Public Transport in Singapore More Bearable and Productive
Recently, after five years of avoiding the overcrowded buses and MRT, I sold my motorcycle. What followed was one month of extreme frustration. From waiting 20 minutes for buses while...
10 December 2015
best credit cards students singapore
3 Things Singaporean Students Should Learn at School That Can Impact Their Finances as Adults
I’ll be the first person to tell you that you can’t expect MOE teachers to teach kids everything. Asking why your kid can’t tie his shoelaces or isn’t a stock...
10 December 2015
Here’s What You Should and Should Not Be Paying Your Property Agent in Singapore
Here’s What You Should and Should Not Be Paying Your Property Agent in Singapore
No one likes to be told that their job can be done by anyone. Whenever a Catholic priest counsels people about married life or raising children, the common criticism they...
9 December 2015
3 Things You Should Leave Out From Your Resume
3 Things You Should Leave Out From Your Resume
I’ve got several friends who are either business owners or recruitment agents, and as a result I’ve had the opportunity to have a look at many of the resumes sent...
9 December 2015