6 Items You Can Invest in to Make Money-Saving Weekends at Home More Fun
When I was a kid, I was never at home. My teenage years in Singapore were filled with nights that melted into mornings walking from Orchard Road to the Esplanade,...
17 March 2016

3 Places Where Tired Office Workers Can Take a Power Nap in the Singapore CBD
If you ask me how I feel at work most of the time, my answer would be: sleepy. And judging by the exhausted faces on the MRT on any given...
17 March 2016

Why Isn’t LTA Making It Easier to Drive an Electric Car in Singapore?
2016 is SG51, and this year on National Day, we celebrate the first year of Singapore’s second 50 years of independence. Since last year, we’ve been touting ourselves as a...
15 March 2016

3 Huge Reasons Young Singaporeans Need to Start Investing ASAP
Your parents always wished you were a child prodigy, but all those violin/abacus/ballet classes were wasted on you, and here you are, an adult who’s as ordinary as any other....
15 March 2016

3 Reasons Why Singapore May NOT Be the Most Liveable City For Asian Expats
Singapore has long been thought of as a paradise for monied expats. Paying almost zero income tax, partying in a playground for the rich and jetting off to Bali or...
14 March 2016

4 Things You Should Do If Your Workplace Offers Staggered Hours
If your boss had a choice, you would be sitting at your desk every morning at 9 sharp. But the public transport system, which is bursting at the seams during...
14 March 2016

5 Excuses Singaporeans Make For Not Planning For Retirement Early
It’s Singapore’s dirty little secret, but anyone who spends more than a few weeks here notices it: The number of old, wizened people who continue to toil away in menial...
11 March 2016

4 Little Rituals That Can Help Saving Money Become a Habit
Everybody has their own little habits or rituals. Maybe you make it a point to buy 4D each time you see a car accident. Maybe you go for a massage...
11 March 2016

Going for an Interview? Don’t Forget to Bring These 6 Things
Unless you’re wearing a Superman costume under your suit, you should not be turning up at a job interview empty handed.
10 March 2016

4 Food Hacks That Make Life Cheaper and Easier in Singapore
A few years ago, my idea of a home-cooked meal was flinging a slice of cheese into a bowl of steaming hot instant noodles. These days, I wouldn’t exactly call...
10 March 2016

6 Interesting Places Singaporeans Can Visit This Year Without Needing to Apply for a Visa
There might be lots of things people complain about in Singapore, like the heat, the crowds and the fact that practically everything is expensive as hell.
9 March 2016

10 Cheap Things to Do When Having Friends Over at Your Place
So you’ve blown all your cash on your resale flat and are now enjoying the much-delayed experience of having your own place. Congratulations, but now that you’re broke and repaying...
8 March 2016

4 Money-Saving Travel Tips That Can Make Your Trip More Memorable
Besides food and shopping, the one other thing many Singaporeans live for is travel. For many, their main motivation for all those evenings at the office is the satisfaction of...
8 March 2016

Is Singtel’s Music Streaming Plan Worth Cancelling Your Spotify Premium Account For?
In case it’s not obvious from my previous articles, I jiak kantang. That’s a Singlish term using the Hokkien word for ‘eat’ and the Malay word for ‘potato’. Among other...
7 March 2016

Think You’re Ready to Be Your Own Boss? Ask Yourself These 3 Things First
To many Singaporeans, being your own boss can sound like a dream. Imagine being able to dictate the environment in which you work on a daily basis. No more boring...
4 March 2016

3 Easy Hacks Chronic Overspenders Can Use to Save More and Spend Less
Look at your to-do list for the week. Does it involve entries like “save the world” or “become a billionaire”? If your answer is yes, you’re either Superman or failing...
4 March 2016

3 Things Fresh Grads Should Do Before Entering the Working World
Whether you spent your university days mugging furiously or trying valiantly not to pass out at Zouk, at some point you realised you had to clean up your act and...
4 March 2016

Need Emergency Short-Term Accommodation in Singapore? Here are 3 Affordable Ways to Get It
If you were born and bred in Singapore, there’s a good chance you’ve never ever had to think about looking for accommodation in your own country, save for the usual...
3 March 2016

If Singaporeans Knew These 4 Things, They Might Change Their Spending Habits
A 2011 survey found that only 1% of the Singaporeans surveyed said they didn’t like shopping. The overwhelming majority—70% to be exact, either liked or loved shopping. Loved shopping.
2 March 2016

These 3 Factors Besides Salary and Work-Life Balance Determine Whether Singaporeans Leave Their Jobs
The biggest problem businesses in Singapore face is, well, having to hire Singaporeans themselves. Many SME bosses complain that Singaporeans are not only more expensive to hire than foreign employees willing...
1 March 2016

3 Ways to Feel Like You Still Have a Life While on a Tight Budget
Now and then, someone will tell you that the cost of living in Singapore is not that high. After all, hawker meals only cost $4 and bus rides are never...
1 March 2016

5 Common Part-time Jobs for Students in Singapore to Earn Some Money
When I was at school, “social media manager” was not a part-time job that existed… because Facebook didn’t exist either. If you wanted to make some extra pocket money, you...
29 February 2016

3 Ways to Make Money Instead of Just Overspending When You Go on Holiday
The only way Singaporeans can get free holidays is to check in to Changi Prison. For the rest of us, holidays cost money—sometimes, a lot of it, if your main...
29 February 2016

3 Tough Questions You Might Get Asked at Job Interviews and How to Answer Them
You might think your tattoos show off your personality and your dreams of travelling the world indicate an open mind, but if you’re going for an interview at a typical...
26 February 2016

10 Productive Things to Do on Your Bus/MRT Ride
Judging by the general level of misery of your fellow commuters on the MRT, no amount of cabin decorations or MRT station busking is going to make public transport pleasant.
25 February 2016