
5 Super Cheap Halloween Costumes to Try This Year
5 Super Cheap Halloween Costumes to Try This Year
It’s that time of year again—no, not haze season, but Halloween, that day when bars, clubs and theme parks ...
28 October 2015
money regrets singaporeans have
3 Reasons Enjoying Yourself in Singapore is So Expensive These Days
It’s a little ironic that Singapore markets itself as a shopping and lifestyle destination when many of ...
15 October 2015
5 Creative Ways To Have a Fun and Almost-Free Date Night in Singapore
5 Creative Ways To Have a Fun and Almost-Free Date Night in Singapore
The government might think they were on to something when they deduced that couples needed more money to ...
14 October 2015
Learn Manga Drawing and More With These 6 Free Courses at Singapore’s Public Libraries
Learn Manga Drawing and More With These 6 Free Courses at Singapore’s Public Libraries
I have some friends who are unabashed about the fact that they hate reading. At school, they loaded up ...
10 October 2015
Think You Need to Spend Tons of Money For These Awesome Experiences? Think Again
Think You Need to Spend Tons of Money For These Awesome Experiences? Think Again
“Wow, this place is magical,” said my friend. “It looks like we’re not in Singapore.” When Singaporeans ...
28 September 2015
3 Weekend Activities You Can Enjoy For Free in Singapore
3 Weekend Activities You Can Enjoy For Free in Singapore
To some people, the weekend means fun and relaxation. But to their reluctant spouses, parents or friends, ...
21 August 2015
hobbies singapore
5 Easy Ways to Make Your Hobbies Cheaper in Singapore
Even if your hobby isn’t flying your private jet or riding and grooming your pet horses, the most innocuous ...
11 August 2015
6 Regular and Fun Events in Singapore That are Absolutely Free
6 Regular and Fun Events in Singapore That are Absolutely Free
There are some events in Singapore that so blatantly exist solely to rip people off of as much money as ...
7 August 2015
6 Affordable Ways to Pamper Yourself and De-Stress in Singapore
6 Affordable Ways to Pamper Yourself and De-Stress in Singapore
It can seem like only rich people in Singapore get to lead stress-free lives. After all, they’re not the ...
14 July 2015
staycation singapore
5 Unique Places to Enjoy a Singapore Staycation During the June Holidays
So the June holidays are coming, but you’re not about to cart the entire family off to some foreign land ...
29 May 2015
3 Inexpensive Experiences in Singapore That Will Make You Feel Like You’re on an Overseas Holiday
3 Inexpensive Experiences in Singapore That Will Make You Feel Like You’re on an Overseas Holiday
When you only have x vacation days a year, not using them to go on holiday can make life seem, well, not ...
15 May 2015
fuji rock festival
Fuji Rock Festival – Here’s How You Can Enjoy This Amazing Festival on a Budget
So you think Laneway is for wimps. You want to go to a real music festival, one with mud, tents and portaloos. ...
7 May 2015
happy hour singapore
17 Awesome Places in Singapore With Happy Hour Deals That Last Till 9pm and Beyond
It’s all well and good to tell people to save money on alcohol by going for happy hour. But many bars’ ...
29 April 2015
4 Strategic Ways to Lower the Cost of a Group Outing Without Losing Friends
4 Strategic Ways to Lower the Cost of a Group Outing Without Losing Friends
They say money can’t buy you love, but sometimes you need to spend a little to stop yourself from losing ...
20 April 2015
7 Hobbies You Can Pick Up for Free Thanks to the Internet
If money were no issue, we would all be passionate amateur pilots, champion ice skaters or expert equestrians. ...
10 April 2015
3 Totally Insane Things Singaporeans Spend Too Much Money On
3 Totally Insane Things Singaporeans Spend Too Much Money On
They might look straight-laced, but Singaporeans can be a pretty zany bunch. If you don’t believe me, just ...
18 March 2015
5 Extravagant After School Activities Singaporean Kids are Enjoying
5 Extravagant After School Activities Singaporean Kids are Enjoying
It can be disconcerting to see someone who isn’t even old enough to watch an R(A) movie in the cinemas ...
17 March 2015
community centre singapore
5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Learn at Community Centres in Singapore
Mention community centres in Singapore and the first things that come to mind are line dancing, karaoke ...
11 March 2015
hobbies drain money singapore
3 Ways Your Hobbies Are Draining You of Cash, and What You Can Do About It
Take away your job and your home and you might still survive, but if someone tries to pry that Gundam model ...
13 February 2015
zouk singapore
How to Get Into Singapore’s Most Popular Clubs for Free
50% of the most important decade of my life was spent in neverending queues for club toilets, or sitting ...
13 February 2015
singapore library
5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do at Singapore Libraries
Anyone who actually reads for leisure knows that the library is a goldmine and can save you a ton of money ...
4 February 2015
How Can You Save on Grocery Spending in Singapore? Grow Some of It!
How Can You Save on Grocery Spending in Singapore? Grow Some of It!
Don’t believe that the “organic” food at the supermarket is really that clean? Sick of being part of the ...
30 January 2015
christmas gift ideas under $15
5 Christmas Gift Ideas for Under $15 That Won’t Insult the Recipient
Christmas, also known as the most stressful time of year, is just around the corner. That means it’s time ...
10 December 2014
expensive hobbies singapore
4 Expensive Hobbies that Regular Singaporeans Enjoy
Just because someone has a full range of Leica cameras doesn’t mean he can take pictures better than the ...
9 December 2014
best massage places singapore
3 Ways to Get a Cheap Massage in Singapore For Not More Than $60
When life gets too stressful, as it does 99% of the time in Singapore, some turn to alcohol, and others ...
14 November 2014