
Articles by Valerie Kor

Juggling editor, wife and mama duties has taught me to adopt an efficient, no-frills lifestyle that’s naturally MoneySmart. My Achilles heel is the incurable Singaporean wanderlust.

Why Every Singaporean Needs an Emergency Fund—And How You Can Build Yours
Almost every financial advisor you meet will ask if you have an emergency fund in place. You know what the unfortunate thing is? Too many Singaporeans don’t have one! If...
27 June 2024
childcare options preschool infant care childcare
Infant Care vs Babysitter vs Nanny – Cost of Childcare Options in Singapore
Before my child was even born, my husband and I were researching on every childcare option there was and visiting them one by one. This was because I was deadly...
16 March 2022
kids friendly cafes and restaurants with playgrounds
10 Kids-Friendly Cafes and Restaurants With Playgrounds in Singapore
People joke about marriage being the end, but any parent can tell you that the real end truly comes when you have a child. Ok, so, I guess there’s no...
15 March 2022
practical activities to do in singapore
Is Your Child Spoiled? 5 Activities Singaporean Parents Can Do to Not Raise Brats
No matter what the government says about the joys of parenting, most of the Singaporean kids you see around you look plain miserable. Their lives are a battery of school,...
15 March 2022
ladies card
Credit Cards
DBS Woman’s Card vs UOB Lady’s Card — 2020 Comparison of Rewards & Privileges
What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the phrase, “The men don’t get it”. Menstrual cramps? Menopause? Notice these words all start with “men”? Ha ha. Jokes...
7 August 2020
adopting in singapore
How Much Does Adopting a Child in Singapore Cost? According to A Single Mum, $32,000
The moment Melissa held the 10-week-old baby girl in her arms, she couldn’t bear to put her down. She was enraptured. Born in Indonesia, the baby girl (later named Kaitlyn)...
2 September 2019
psle sbb changes education reform singapore
PSLE Changes & Subject Based Banding in Secondary Schools: Will Singaporean Parents Become Less Kiasu?
Singapore’s education system has always been hailed as world-class, but it’s also one of the world’s most stressful. Young children in Singapore start to gear up for the national PSLE...
15 August 2019
budget effectively according to mbti personality type
How to Budget Effectively According to Your MBTI Personality Type
Wondering why your friend can always save consistently but you’re all out of cash by the last week of the month? The difference could be embedded in your personalities. But...
1 July 2019
raising 5 kids
“No Need for Enrichment Classes”: Mother of 5 Shares How Her Family Gets By in Expensive Singapore
The typical Singaporean family that we see today usually only has 1 or 2 children. Some blame it on the “Stop at Two” family planning campaign of the 1970s, but my...
20 June 2019
moe primary school registration
MOE Primary School Registration 2019: How To Navigate P1 Registration For Clueless Parents
It’s probably not unique to Singapore that parents are obsessed with which schools their children go to. But the MOE primary school registration system is probably like no other. To...
14 June 2019
Jewel Changi Airport Rain Vortex Kid-Friendly Canopy Park
Jewel Changi for Kids: Admission Prices to Canopy Park, Sky Nets, and More
By now, you must have already seen pictures and videos of the iconic rain vortex and hyped-up first-in-Singapore shops in Jewel Changi. Or, you might have posted some yourself, under...
12 June 2019
car leasing singapore
Car Leasing Singapore: Is It Better to Lease or Buy a Car in Singapore?
It’s not new to anyone that owning a car is ridiculously expensive in Singapore. Most of us are left either with public transport or taking Grab and taxis. But there...
10 June 2019
father's day
10 Affordable Things Under $50 To Do in Singapore For Fathers’ Day 2019
It’s common knowledge that Mother’s Day falls on the second Sunday of May, but I bet some of you who landed here looking for Father’s Day gift ideas still don’t...
17 May 2019
redmart lazada singapore
RedMart on Lazada: One Month On, Was It the Right Move to Merge RedMart with Lazada?
It has been slightly over a month since RedMart moved to Lazada. And it has also been the exact same amount of time since I last ordered with RedMart. Considering...
29 April 2019
by invitation only credit card priority banking
High Life
5 Invitation-Only Credit Cards That 99% of Us Will Never Get
The credit cards buried deep in your wallet signify your net worth. Just like the way you dress, the car you drive, the house you live in, and the social...
26 March 2019
school bus fees singapore
Alternatives to Paying Expensive School Bus Fees For Singaporean Parents (2019)
Recently, it came to light that a bus operator engaged by Singapore Chinese Girls’ School (SCGS) quoted a monthly school bus fee of $550 for ferrying students two-way from Punggol...
4 March 2019
push gifts singapore
Push Gift Ideas For New Mums – What Are Singaporean Husbands Getting For Their Wives?
There are some peculiar phenomena in the world of millennial parents. An up and coming one is the novelty of giving “push gifts”, or “push present”. What’s a push gift,...
27 February 2019
do babies and children fly free
Flying with a Baby – Do Babies Fly For Free? Plus 10 Tips For A Stress-Free Flight
Many young parents like me don’t want to slow down on exploring the world even after having a baby. They want to have the baby and travel with it too. But...
27 February 2019
bicentennial bonus bicentennial community fund budget 2019
Bicentennial Bonus & Community Fund (Budget 2019) – How Much Are You Eligible For?
2019 marks the 200th year since Sir Stamford Raffles signed the 1819 Singapore Treaty with Temenggong Abdu’r Rahman and Sultan Hussein Shah of Johor. This treaty gave the British East...
19 February 2019