Turning 65 This Year and Afraid Your Employer Will Ask You to Leave? These 3 Measures Can Help You Keep Your Job
Turning 65 This Year and Afraid Your Employer Will Ask You to Leave? These 3 Measures Can Help You Keep Your Job
Very old people continuing to work despite barely being able to stand are a fact of life in Singapore. While McDonald’s outlets in other developed countries are mainly staffed by...
22 September 2016
singapore car loan restrictions
Young Singaporeans Still Want to Own Cars Despite the “Car-Free” Initiative – Here’s Why
“Car-free” has turned into one of those meaningless buzzwords bandied around by politicians to make people feel more optimistic about the future.
21 September 2016
7 Psychological Reasons Why Singaporeans Keep Overspending
7 Psychological Reasons Why Singaporeans Keep Overspending
Oops, I did it again. That seems to be the refrain of the many Singaporeans who aren’t exactly shabbily paid but still can’t seem to pay off their credit card...
21 September 2016
3 Reasons Singaporeans Quit High Paying Jobs to Do Less Prestigious Work
3 Reasons Singaporeans Quit High Paying Jobs to Do Less Prestigious Work
Every kiasu parent’s dream is that their kids will get a high paying job when they graduate. The day their offspring becomes a doctor, lawyer or investment banker is the...
20 September 2016
Just How Much is The Great Singapore (Graphic) Novel Really Worth?
Just How Much is The Great Singapore (Graphic) Novel Really Worth?
It seemed like the whole of Singapore was at Marina Bay Sands two weekends ago. Foodies could be found at Savour, Singapore’s largest gourmet festival, now in its fifth year....
20 September 2016
cpf salary ceiling
3 Pieces of Advice For Young Singaporeans Embarking on Careers at Raffles Place
If you know where the fat bird at Raffles Place is, know exactly what to do with a tissue packet during lunchtime and know your way around the warren of...
19 September 2016
singapore wedding banquet price list 2015
Credit Cards
If You’re Going to Spend More than $15,000 On a Single Purchase, Which is the Best Cashback Credit Card to Use?
I’m not planning to buy a car, get married or travel the world in the near future, but even if I was, I wouldn’t be able to afford it. In...
18 September 2016
4 Cheap Destinations in Southeast Asia for Singaporeans Who’ve Seen It All
4 Cheap Destinations in Southeast Asia for Singaporeans Who’ve Seen It All
Escaping overseas on holiday is one of Singaporeans’ favourite past-times. We’re some of the world’s most avid travellers, and no wonder—a strong Singapore dollar and being smack in the midst...
16 September 2016
educational courses singapore
How to Get Drunk on a Budget in Singapore
Cracking open the can of cold beer at the end of a challenging day at work could cost… more than an hour’s worth of your salary. Alcohol is one of...
16 September 2016
Here’s Why This New Singaporean Site Might Be Daiso’s Strongest Competitor
Here’s Why This New Singaporean Site Might Be Daiso’s Strongest Competitor
For the longest time, Daiso was my favourite retailer in Singapore. I mean, you can’t argue with $2 everything.
16 September 2016
tuition singapore
Tuition inflation in Singapore: Where Should Your Child Go for Classes?
Junior comes home from school one day with a less-than-satisfactory grade on his primary 1 math paper, and like any Singaporean parent, you freak out and curse yourself for not...
15 September 2016
For Singaporean Drivers, Citi Just Made Driving a Lot Sweeter in September
For Singaporean Drivers, Citi Just Made Driving a Lot Sweeter in September
Singaporeans are very keenly aware of just how expensive it is to not just own a car in Singapore, but also to actually use it. Any sort of savings that...
15 September 2016
3 Ways Singaporeans Can Give Back to the Community That Doesn’t Involve Just Donating Money
3 Ways Singaporeans Can Give Back to the Community That Doesn’t Involve Just Donating Money
One day, when you strike Toto, you’ll donate a ton of cash to charity and become a philanthropist. Since you’ll no longer have to work in your dead end job,...
15 September 2016
If You’re Not Motivated to Save Money, Here are 3 Long Term Goals That Can Give You Some Drive
If You’re Not Motivated to Save Money, Here are 3 Long Term Goals That Can Give You Some Drive
Frugal people get a bad name in Singapore. Apparently, not buying designer handbags or spending a day’s wages on a restaurant meal means you’re not living life to the fullest....
14 September 2016
How Can the Singapore Government Stop Scholars from Breaking their Bonds?
How Can the Singapore Government Stop Scholars from Breaking their Bonds?
Every Singaporean parent’s dream is to have a kid who grows up to become a “scholar”. Not only are they guaranteed a cushy, well paying job in the civil service...
13 September 2016
Here’s Why The Digitization of the Insurance Industry is Going To Have a Huge Impact For Singaporeans
Here’s Why The Digitization of the Insurance Industry is Going To Have a Huge Impact For Singaporeans
When some Singaporeans think of insurance, they still get nightmares of their army or university friends whom they haven’t spoken to for ages suddenly giving them a ring to “meet...
13 September 2016
If You Drive in Singapore, This Credit Card Might Be Better Than Any Other Card in Singapore
Credit Cards
If You Drive in Singapore, This Credit Card Might Be Better Than Any Other Card in Singapore
Everyone knows that it’s ridiculously expensive to own a car in Singapore. You spend thousands on COE, car insurance and road tax. And each month, we spend hundreds of dollars...
13 September 2016
5 Factors That Can Help You Decide Which Singapore Coworking Space is For You
5 Factors That Can Help You Decide Which Singapore Coworking Space is For You
Coworking spaces, which didn’t exist in Singapore a few years ago, are now sprouting up like mushrooms. And they’re not just for hipster startup founders either. A slew of atas coworking...
13 September 2016
How to Go on a Week-Long Holiday to New York City For Less Than $1,800
How to Go on a Week-Long Holiday to New York City For Less Than $1,800
Most Singaporeans’ first trip to the United States has them visiting either New York, LA or both. Unfortunately, New York City is not only one of the most expensive destinations...
9 September 2016
If You Have No Self-Control When it Comes to Spending Money, These 4 Tips Might Help
If You Have No Self-Control When it Comes to Spending Money, These 4 Tips Might Help
You would think that after a childhood spent, nose to the grindstone, in tuition classes and after school activities, followed by long hours at work, Singaporeans would be the most...
9 September 2016
5 Ways Fashionistas Go Broke in Singapore
5 Ways Fashionistas Go Broke in Singapore
Remember the days when ah bengs used to wear bell bottomed jeans and carry JPG wallets? Well, Singapore has come a long way from its dodgy fashion past.
8 September 2016
If You’re Struggling Financially, Don’t Fall Prey to These 3 Traps That Will Make Life Even Harder
If You’re Struggling Financially, Don’t Fall Prey to These 3 Traps That Will Make Life Even Harder
The authorities might claim there are no homeless people in Singapore. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t a whole lot of people who are under extreme financial stress.
8 September 2016
4 Fascinating European Destinations That are Cheap for Singaporeans to Visit
4 Fascinating European Destinations That are Cheap for Singaporeans to Visit
Recently, a friend of mine confided that his wife, whom he married last year, is insisting they go on a grand tour of Europe before she will agree to have...
7 September 2016
3 Reasons Why Getting a Loan for Your Business Isn’t a Bad Idea
3 Reasons Why Getting a Loan for Your Business Isn’t a Bad Idea
I know several Singaporeans who are good at marathons and will keep going no matter the distance. Not everyone, including myself, can do that though. I’m the kind of guy...
7 September 2016
3 Free Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Overseas Holidays
3 Free Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Overseas Holidays
Singaporeans spend a lot of money on overseas holidays. Well, there’s no other way to escape the annual haze and now, the Zika virus.
6 September 2016