5 Things to Do Before You Leave Singapore to Study Abroad
Every year, thousands of Singaporean students say goodbye to their families at Changi Airport and leave to study abroad. For many, it will be the first time they’ll be living...
8 January 2018

4 Bad Work Habits to Break in 2018
Most of us are no angels at work. Even the most wayang goody-two-shoes has some dark secrets he wouldn’t want his boss to know about—using the office computers to print...
5 January 2018

ComfortDelGro Invests in Uber – How Will Singaporeans Be Affected?
Missed your last train home? Woke up late for work? MRT broke down again? You have two options: try your darnest to get a taxi, or order an Uber/Grab and...
4 January 2018

Want to Finally Use Your SkillsFuture Credits? Bear These 3 Things in Mind Before Signing Up for a Course
Those of you who haven’t used your SkillsFuture credits yet might want to do so soon. Your $500 credit isn’t going to earn interest, and businesses in Singapore tend to...
3 January 2018

Home Loans
How to get your CPF Withdrawal Account Statement
All home loan refinancing applicants in Singapore are required (regardless of whether their CPF was used to service their existing home loan) to submit their CPF Withdrawal Account Statements to banks....
3 January 2018

4 Money Saving Tips for Uni Students Starting a New Semester
A new semester has just started, and after an entire month of YOLO you’re now back on campus and faced with a new pile of reading, lab work, projects and...
3 January 2018

3 Career Moves Every Singaporean Should Make at the Beginning of the Year
At this time of year, you’ve either just received your annual bonus and increment, or you’re waiting for it to be announced.
3 January 2018

Why are More and More Singaporeans Choosing to Travel Over Public Holidays?
Each time public holidays roll around, Singaporeans rush to Changi Airport to get out of the country. This year, more Singaporeans opted to go abroad for the Christmas and New...
2 January 2018

Female Readers List Their Favourite Online Shopping Sites and Why They Think It’s Cheaper
As a Singaporean female (or just any ordinary common folk), I’m always on the lookout for cheap and quality buys online. As the Hokkien saying goes, “ai pee, ai chee,...
27 December 2017

SG Homebuyers in 2018 – How the 2017 En-bloc Sales Fever May Hit You Hard
It seems Singapore’s property slump might soon be over. Recently, a wave of en-bloc sales swept Singapore, leading us to believe that housing prices could soon be in the rise.
26 December 2017

Victim of a Flight Cancellation? – 5 Things to Do Instead of Yelling at Customer Service
Stranded at the airport due to a cancelled flight, like the Singaporeans who were recently trapped in Bali due to the eruption of Mount Agung? Fallen victim to the flight-cancelling...
21 December 2017

5 Tips for Enjoying Your Christmas Eve and NYE Celebrations Without Going Broke
Christmas is a time to celebrate the people in your life, eat, drink and be merry, blah blah blah. If only it didn’t have to be so expensive.
21 December 2017

Life Insurance
FWD’s New Term Life Insurance Policy Means You Have No More Excuses Not to Get Covered
No one is denying that life insurance in Singapore is important, which is why it’s strange that so many of us don’t really know much about what to buy, or...
Sponsored article

5 Bad Christmas Presents You Should Avoid Giving
We’re not going to lie—receiving Christmas gifts is one of the most awesome things about the holiday season. And giving gifts to loved ones and seeing their faces light up...
20 December 2017

7 Free or Almost-Free Ways to Keep Your Kids Occupied This December Holidays
The school holidays are in full swing and, for parents, that means trying to keep the kids occupied without spending a ton of money.
18 December 2017

Bitcoin and 5 Other Bubbles in the Past 20 Years
Those of you who are kicking yourselves for not jumping on the bitcoin wagon earlier might find some cold comfort in the knowledge that the meteoric rise of the cryptocurrency...
15 December 2017

3 Tips For Cutting Down on the Amount of Food (and Money) You Waste
Eating is a national obsession in Singapore, and you’d be hard pressed to find someone who doesn’t get a least a little flustered at the mention of their favourite restaurant...
14 December 2017

Credit Cards
Spend the Holidays with UOB Lady’s Card – 3 Good Reasons Why You Should
It’s been almost 30 years of “the men don’t get it”, and in terms of shopping, wellness, beauty and fitness, no other card comes close to the UOB Lady’s Card....
Sponsored article

4 Ways Singaporean Teenagers Can Earn Some Money During the School Holidays
You’ve been begging your parents for a Nintendo Switch for six months already, but given your less-than-stellar grades this year, it’s unlikely you’re going to receive one for Christmas.
13 December 2017

3 Ways Employers can Boost Employee Engagement and Stop Their Workers From Turning into Zombies
Do you have colleagues whose default facial expression at work is “sian”? Who try to get by doing the bare minimum each and every day? Then you’ve witnessed a zombie...
12 December 2017

Are The New Malaysia Tourist Taxes Going to Stop Singaporeans From Crossing the Border?
People like to say Singapore and Malaysia have a love-hate relationship, but from the point of view of Singaporeans, it’s all love. We go to Malaysia for hawker food that’s...
11 December 2017

Here’s Why Singaporeans Shouldn’t Be Worried About Changing Job Industry Anymore
Gone are the days when you can expect to stay in the same company or industry to build your career. With the rise of technology in the past two decades, entire...
11 December 2017

Online Scams That Affected Singapore in 2017 – Don’t Let Your Guard Down Shoppers!
It’s been a busy year for scammers targeting Singaporeans. The first half of 2017 saw more than $22 million being lost to online scams.
7 December 2017

Credit Cards
Credit Card Charge Disputes – 5 Things Singaporeans Should be Aware of Before Making One
Many people don’t know why it’s better to use a credit card than a debit card, especially because credit cards have gained the reputation of being evil thanks to a...
6 December 2017

3 Skills You Can Learn From Your Parents That Save You Money and Benefit Your Career
Can you believe that it’s been only 5 years since Gardens by the Bay came into existence, and 7 years since Marina Bay Sands opened its doors? Heck, ten years...
5 December 2017