education loan singapore
A Master’s Degree is Only Worth Your Money if it Satisfies These 3 Criteria
Despite the rigorous education system Singaporeans are put through, it’s fairly rare for people here to obtain master’s degrees. Delaying entry into the workforce for another year or two while continuing...
6 September 2016
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Personal Loans
Is Credit Card Debt Eating You Alive? Here’s What You Should Know About Debt Consolidation
Being smart about your personal finances isn’t just about being cheap. Unless it’s for health purposes or Pokemon Go, there’s no reason for you to walk 5 kilometers just so...
5 September 2016
3 Big Reasons Singapore Employees Complain About Being Stressed Out
3 Big Reasons Singapore Employees Complain About Being Stressed Out
For as long as I can remember, Singaporeans have always been complaining about being stressed out.
5 September 2016
4 Simple Pleasures That Every Singaporean Can Enjoy For Free
4 Simple Pleasures That Every Singaporean Can Enjoy For Free
Whoever came up with that $2.7 million dining package that recently made the news, involving a helicopter ride and diamond-encrusted chopsticks, had better pray there are some very stupid people...
3 September 2016
How to Go on a Week-long Holiday to Athens For Less Than $1,200
How to Go on a Week-long Holiday to Athens For Less Than $1,200
What do most Singaporeans think when Athens is mentioned? In the past, it used to be Hercules and, um, a bunch of ruins. But now, mention Athens and some guy...
2 September 2016
4 Fads Singaporeans Have Spent Tons of Time and Money on in the Last Decade
4 Fads Singaporeans Have Spent Tons of Time and Money on in the Last Decade
When fads take hold in Singapore, they have the tendency to spiral out of control. The island is so densely populated that just 0.01% of the population can cause insane...
1 September 2016
Singaporeans Looking for Side Income Should Beware of These 3 Types of Jobs
Singaporeans Looking for Side Income Should Beware of These 3 Types of Jobs
You can never have enough money in Singapore, and besides, there’s no telling when you’ll get retrenched or get so fed up end up firing your own boss. Having another...
31 August 2016
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Believe it or Not, These 3 Things Have Actually Gotten Cheaper for Singaporeans
It’s practically a fact of life in Singapore that staying alive just gets more and more expensive each year. We’re paying way more for restaurant meals and private healthcare, amongst...
30 August 2016
The Unseen Perils of Living Paycheck to Paycheck that Singaporeans Don’t Realise Until It’s Too Late
The Unseen Perils of Living Paycheck to Paycheck that Singaporeans Don’t Realise Until It’s Too Late
Many Singaporeans assume that people who have trouble saving on a monthly basis are low-income earners without any room to buffer their expenditures. Unfortunately, that is rather far from the...
29 August 2016
7 Types of Employees You See in the Typical Singapore Office
7 Types of Employees You See in the Typical Singapore Office
The typical Singaporean office looks nothing like what you see on Suits. Actually, being at work can sometimes feel like being on the set of Phua Chu Kang, just that...
27 August 2016
3 Ways Busy Singaporeans Can Reduce Their Chances of Getting Diabetes
3 Ways Busy Singaporeans Can Reduce Their Chances of Getting Diabetes
Many of us in Singapore have stick-like physiques, but that doesn’t mean we’re healthy. It’s official—Singapore has the world’s second highest proportion of diabetics, second only to the United States....
26 August 2016
Travellers on a Budget Should Stick to Dining at These 5 Types of Eateries in Singapore
Travellers on a Budget Should Stick to Dining at These 5 Types of Eateries in Singapore
Eating out in Singapore seems exorbitant when you’ve been surviving on $1 plates of pad thai, but it’s actually relatively affordable compared to most other developed countries. Of course, that...
25 August 2016
5 Microbusinesses Kids in Singapore Can Start on Their Own
5 Microbusinesses Kids in Singapore Can Start on Their Own
When I was a kid, I once tried to make some extra pocket money by sticking up toilet signs on the bathrooms in my home and charging my parents 10...
25 August 2016
What Does Singapore Need to Do to be Fully Cashless?
Credit Cards
What Does Singapore Need to Do to be Fully Cashless?
Everybody has that one friend who always uses the excuse that he has “no cash” when the bill arrives, and then promises to pay you back when he finds an...
24 August 2016
3 Bad Money Habits Singaporean Millennials Have Inherited From Their Parents
3 Bad Money Habits Singaporean Millennials Have Inherited From Their Parents
Enough of all that Millennial bashing already. Sure, we may have been born into a prosperous society, and never had to live through a war or experience life without electricity...
23 August 2016
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5 Things Singaporeans Wish They Considered Before Buying Their First Home
Singaporeans always seem to be in a hurry to buy property. In many people’s minds property is the only unrisky way to invest your money (not true, obviously), as well...
23 August 2016
Here’s How Singaporeans Should Make Sure They Don’t Get Crippled by Healthcare Costs
Here’s How Singaporeans Should Make Sure They Don’t Get Crippled by Healthcare Costs
Every Singaporean knows the saying, “it’s cheaper to die than to get sick in Singapore”. In fact this little catchphrase is fast eclipsing “Singapore is a fine city” as our...
22 August 2016
4 Ways to Win Your mySQupgrade Bid, aka the Mile High Hunger Games
4 Ways to Win Your mySQupgrade Bid, aka the Mile High Hunger Games
When I was a kid, I loved the idea of upsizing my meals at fast food restaurants. After all, for a relatively small price, I got more fries and more...
19 August 2016
Why Initiatives Like Car-Free Sunday and Orchard Road’s Pedestrian Night Have Been Such Flops
Why Initiatives Like Car-Free Sunday and Orchard Road’s Pedestrian Night Have Been Such Flops
Once the nation’s pride and joy, Singapore’s shopping scene is now a shadow of its former self. Vacant units haunt malls on the once-bustling Orchard Road, and the CBD and Civic...
18 August 2016
Here’s How Singaporeans Can Perform a Spending Audit to Stop Themselves From Wasting Money
Here’s How Singaporeans Can Perform a Spending Audit to Stop Themselves From Wasting Money
Government bodies and opposition political parties’ town councils aren’t the only ones who need to be audited from time to time. You, yes you, should do one too, if you’re...
18 August 2016
2 Changes to the Healthcare System That Would Make Singaporeans Heave a Sigh of Relief
2 Changes to the Healthcare System That Would Make Singaporeans Heave a Sigh of Relief
Last year during haze season, I ended up in the emergency room at a local hospital with an eye infection.
18 August 2016
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4 Free Ways Singaporeans Can Make Their Morning Commutes Less Stressful
44% of Singaporeans have complained that their commute to work stresses them out in a 2015 survey. And nobody is surprised.
17 August 2016
6 Online Businesses Singaporeans Can Start That Aren’t Blogshops
6 Online Businesses Singaporeans Can Start That Aren’t Blogshops
There are two types of online entrepreneur stereotypes in Singapore. The first is the start-up owner who’s a whiz at coding, or has hired someone who is, and is on...
17 August 2016
3 Ways Work in Singapore Will Change in the Next 20 Years
3 Ways Work in Singapore Will Change in the Next 20 Years
Let’s be honest here. The only thing pleasant about working in Singapore right now is the fact that the better paying jobs actually pay quite decently, even relative to the...
16 August 2016
4 Absolutely Free Activities That are Not Pokémon Go but Will Still Enable You to Explore Singapore
4 Absolutely Free Activities That are Not Pokémon Go but Will Still Enable You to Explore Singapore
I’ve seen many Singaporeans express frustration at the Pokémon Go zombie apocalypse, but I think it’s great that so many people who would otherwise be locked in their rooms trolling...
16 August 2016