
3 Reasons Singaporeans Choose to Rent Out Their Homes on Airbnb Rather Than Doing it the Legal Way
3 Reasons Singaporeans Choose to Rent Out Their Homes on Airbnb Rather Than Doing it the Legal Way
Singaporeans are usually law-abiding folk because everyone’s so darned scared they’ll be caught and their ...
12 December 2016
buy sell hdb flat
Just How Much Can You Can Save By Buying or Selling Your HDB Flat Online?
I cannot imagine just how different life was before Facebook, Wikipedia, Google and iPhones. I mean, I’m ...
8 December 2016
If You Are Renovating Your Home, This One Small Addition Could Save You Quite a Lot of Money
If You Are Renovating Your Home, This One Small Addition Could Save You Quite a Lot of Money
These days, renovating your house in Singapore isn’t as cheap and simple as just doing some painting and ...
18 October 2016
To Use a Housing Agent Or Not? 5 Ways Singaporeans Can Decide
To Use a Housing Agent Or Not? 5 Ways Singaporeans Can Decide
Anyone who thinks Singaporeans are lazy because they get maids to do all their housework is mistaken. We ...
17 October 2016
home protection scheme
Here’s Why Singaporeans Are No Longer Using Housing Agents
I think I speak for all Singaporeans when I say that we’re sick and tired of reading about the latest property ...
12 October 2016
hdb dbss
5 Things Singaporeans Wish They Considered Before Buying Their First Home
Singaporeans always seem to be in a hurry to buy property. In many people’s minds property is the only ...
23 August 2016
Renting Out Rooms in Your Home? Here’s What You Should be Screening Your Tenants For, Not Their Race!
Renting Out Rooms in Your Home? Here’s What You Should be Screening Your Tenants For, Not Their Race!
So you’ve finally decided that despite the small size of your humble abode and your aversion to other human ...
28 July 2016
home renovation singapore
6 Tips for Not Getting Cheated by Your Renovation Firm
It’s incredible that in a country that prides itself on its strict laws and lack of corruption, certain ...
27 July 2016
3 Common Mistakes That Make Singaporeans Lose Money on the Property Market
3 Common Mistakes That Make Singaporeans Lose Money on the Property Market
Most Singaporeans will never, ever have to rent property. Many just make the transition from children living ...
7 July 2016
home loan refinancing singapore
How Can CPF Make Your Home Purchase More Affordable?
You know that period of time in your life when all your Facebook friends are taking turns to get married? ...
29 June 2016
5 Things You Should Bear in Mind Before Listing Your Place on Airbnb in Singapore
5 Things You Should Bear in Mind Before Listing Your Place on Airbnb in Singapore
It’s a modern day horror story–the tragic tale of how two HDB flat owners got their homes confiscated by ...
13 June 2016
If You Bought a BTO 5-7 Years Ago, Now is the Perfect Time to Upgrade
If You Bought a BTO 5-7 Years Ago, Now is the Perfect Time to Upgrade
No matter what people say about the Five Cs going out of style, the Singaporean dream is still alive and ...
12 May 2016
Here’s How Much Renting a 3 Bedroom Apartment Costs in Major Cities Around the World
Here’s How Much Renting a 3 Bedroom Apartment Costs in Major Cities Around the World
A lot has been said about how expensive property is in Singapore, blah blah blah, but the fact is that ...
26 April 2016
4 Reasons Why Buying a Smart Home Not Only Gives You a New Level of Convenience but Saves You Money Too
4 Reasons Why Buying a Smart Home Not Only Gives You a New Level of Convenience but Saves You Money Too
The year is 2016. That means we’re now further than where Marty McFly was in Back to the Future. So why ...
9 April 2016
Need Emergency Short-Term Accommodation in Singapore? Here are 3 Affordable Ways to Get It
Need Emergency Short-Term Accommodation in Singapore? Here are 3 Affordable Ways to Get It
If you were born and bred in Singapore, there’s a good chance you’ve never ever had to think about looking ...
3 March 2016
BTO vs Resale Flat: How Much Should You Be Budgeting For Renovation?
BTO vs Resale Flat: How Much Should You Be Budgeting For Renovation?
2015 wasn’t exactly a stellar year for property in Singapore. With both home sales and prices dropping ...
19 January 2016
4 Affordable Living Arrangements For Couples Whose Homes are Still Under Construction
4 Affordable Living Arrangements For Couples Whose Homes are Still Under Construction
In other developed societies, couples move in together before getting married, and then at some point before ...
13 January 2016
What Do Singaporean Home Buyers Need to Know in 2016?
What Do Singaporean Home Buyers Need to Know in 2016?
Last year may have been the year of #SG50 but this year is definitely starting to be the year of #SGRugi. ...
11 January 2016
Thinking of Buying and Renting Out a Second Property? You’d Better be Prepared to Do These Things
Thinking of Buying and Renting Out a Second Property? You’d Better be Prepared to Do These Things
Screw the white picket fence and the golden retriever. The Singaporean dream features a walk-in wardrobe ...
15 December 2015
Here’s What You Should and Should Not Be Paying Your Property Agent in Singapore
Here’s What You Should and Should Not Be Paying Your Property Agent in Singapore
No one likes to be told that their job can be done by anyone. Whenever a Catholic priest counsels people ...
9 December 2015
3 Important Basics Singaporeans Must Know When It Comes To Your Home Downpayment
3 Important Basics Singaporeans Must Know When It Comes To Your Home Downpayment
The biggest hurdle to most Singaporeans hoping to purchase property isn’t the hefty loan repayments each ...
2 December 2015
multigenerational flats
Which Singaporeans Can Benefit From Buying a Multigenerational Home?
In land scarce Singapore, where the property prices are still pretty high despite the past two years of ...
21 September 2015
3 Reasons Singaporeans Might Consider Buying a Condo as Their First Home
3 Reasons Singaporeans Might Consider Buying a Condo as Their First Home
Let’s face it, many Singaporeans choose to buy condos over HDB flats because of perceived prestige and ...
11 September 2015
Which Singaporeans Will Benefit The Most From The New Special Housing Grant Changes?
Which Singaporeans Will Benefit The Most From The New Special Housing Grant Changes?
The way the eligibility for the Special Housing Grant has changed is like the way education in Singapore ...
24 August 2015
5 Common Mistakes Made by Singaporeans in Search of Their Dream Home
5 Common Mistakes Made by Singaporeans in Search of Their Dream Home
So you fell in love with the penthouse’s infinity pool or were bowled over by the sea view from the living ...
17 August 2015