
Working as a Temp or Contract Staff in Singapore – Is it a Good Idea?
Working as a Temp or Contract Staff in Singapore – Is it a Good Idea?
Being a temp or contract worker can seem like a nice, non-threatening, low-commitment way to dip your toes ...
16 July 2015
4 Good Habits That Are Critical to Form When You’re in Your First Job
4 Good Habits That Are Critical to Form When You’re in Your First Job
Few people can say their first job is their dream job. When you’re paid peanuts and your duties could be ...
14 July 2015
3 Things You Must Know If You Work From Home
3 Things You Must Know If You Work From Home
Every time I tell people that I work from home I get envious looks and coos of “oh you’re so lucky!” But ...
9 July 2015
How Singaporean Employers Can Raise Productivity in Their Companies
How Singaporean Employers Can Raise Productivity in Their Companies
Every day in the newspapers, a journalist quotes some minister or academic who fortells doom and gloom ...
6 July 2015
4 Part-Time Jobs You Can Do in Singapore That are Actually Fun
4 Part-Time Jobs You Can Do in Singapore That are Actually Fun
A part-time job might conjure up visions of running along the beach Baywatch-style in your weekend lifeguard ...
6 July 2015
5 Ways to Make Money Without Leaving Your Neighbourhood
5 Ways to Make Money Without Leaving Your Neighbourhood
Shenton Way is not the only place where there’s money to be made. In fact, if you’re smart about it, you ...
2 July 2015
3 Things That Could be Sabotaging Your Singapore Career
3 Things That Could be Sabotaging Your Singapore Career
Returning overseas Singaporeans often find to their dismay that working in Singapore is a different kettle ...
1 July 2015
4 Ways to Make Money Indirectly From Your Workplace
4 Ways to Make Money Indirectly From Your Workplace
If the only money you’re earning from your job is your salary, then you’re not taking full advantage of ...
25 June 2015
Thinking Of Quitting Your Job to Become a Chef? – Here’s Where and How to Get It Done
Thinking Of Quitting Your Job to Become a Chef? – Here’s Where and How to Get It Done
Singaporeans love food. There’s usually as many photos of food on people’s Facebook and Instagram feeds ...
23 June 2015
Running a Home-Based Business From Your HDB Flat: What You Can and Can’t Do
Running a Home-Based Business From Your HDB Flat: What You Can and Can’t Do
The woman who was recently fined for running a curry puff syndicate out of an HDB flat is not the only ...
16 June 2015
3 Well-Paying Industries Fresh Grads Might Want to Think Twice about Entering
3 Well-Paying Industries Fresh Grads Might Want to Think Twice about Entering
Every fresh grad’s dream is to clinch a job offer that puts them on the fast-track to the high life. As ...
10 June 2015
3 Inexpensive Ways to Instantly Look More Professional
3 Inexpensive Ways to Instantly Look More Professional
Beauty comes at a price, so says everyone who’s gone for botox injections or redone their face with the ...
9 June 2015
How Much Does it Cost to Become a Yoga Teacher in Singapore
It seems like just yesterday when people were leaving their soul-destroying corporate jobs to set up cafes ...
8 June 2015
4 Things You Need to Think About Before Accepting a Job in Singapore
4 Things You Need to Think About Before Accepting a Job in Singapore
In my second week at one of my last jobs, a secretary came up to me and remarked that none of the previous ...
24 May 2015
make money singapore
5 Quick Ways to Make Money in Singapore If You Need Cash Fast
Did you know you could make up to $250 an hour doing homework in Singapore? A recent MyPaper article revealed ...
12 May 2015
change job singapore
Is It Really Possible to Switch Jobs to a New Industry Without Suffering a Pay Cut in Singapore?
Nobody these days expects you to stay in your company, or even in your industry, for life. I know a lawyer ...
7 May 2015
3 Signs You Are Not Earning Enough Money
3 Signs You Are Not Earning Enough Money
Ask any Singaporean on the streets if they’re making enough money and you’ll be met with a sneer and a ...
27 April 2015
3 Popular Illegal Jobs Many Singaporeans Secretly Take On
3 Popular Illegal Jobs Many Singaporeans Secretly Take On
Foreigners usually have this image of Singaporeans as this sterile bunch of robots who follow the rules ...
27 April 2015
skillsfuture courses singapore
6 Cool Courses to Take Using Your SkillsFuture Credit
By now, you might have heard that the government is giving everyone over the age of 25 $500 to spend on ...
20 March 2015
Find Work Overseas Easily With These 3 Qualifications
Find Work Overseas Easily With These 3 Qualifications
If you’ve ever spent time really travelling and not just blitzing overseas shopping malls with your entire ...
18 March 2015
budget 2015 sme business
Budget 2015: Dear SME Owners, Are You Getting Screwed?
It takes a lot of guts to be an entrepreneur. You have a great idea and think it’ll make you money. You ...
26 February 2015
unconventional jobs singapore
4 Unconventional Careers That Pay Well in Singapore
In Singapore, a career is only considered desirable if it pays big bucks. Unfortunately, too many of such ...
26 February 2015
How Much Should You Charge as a Freelancer?
How Much Should You Charge as a Freelancer?
Whether you’re doing a bit of freelance work on the side as you complete your studies or are fully self-employed, ...
4 February 2015
How to Take a Break From Work Without Destroying Your Career
How to Take a Break From Work Without Destroying Your Career
Long working hours in Singapore are taking their toll, and for young workers these days, taking a break ...
2 February 2015
making money online
4 Ways to Earn Money Online, Singapore-style
You might not exactly dream of becoming the next Xiaxue, but I bet earning money online doesn’t sound like ...
29 January 2015