
4 Tiny Tips to Make Working as a Freelancer Work For You
As they say, you choose your battles in life. What we do for a living and how we do it is no different. ...
4 August 2017
5 Reasons You Haven’t Quit That Job That’s Not Right For You
5 Reasons You Haven’t Quit That Job That’s Not Right For You
You’ve known for some time that you should leave your job. You’re being underpaid, your boss is a douchebag, ...
26 July 2017
4 Things Freelancers Can Do to Be Happier People
4 Things Freelancers Can Do to Be Happier People
So you’re a freelancer who’s happily self-employed, earning a decent income while enjoying the flexibility ...
19 July 2017
6 People Fresh Grads Can Use as Professional References
6 People Fresh Grads Can Use as Professional References
It’s bad enough that companies only want to employ people with prior experience, even for entry-level jobs. ...
10 July 2017
Moonlighting as a Tuition Teacher? Here are 4 Pitfalls to Avoid
Moonlighting as a Tuition Teacher? Here are 4 Pitfalls to Avoid
Most Singaporeans have participated in the billion dollar tuition industry in some way or another—whether ...
29 June 2017
When Are Coworking Spaces Worth the Money in Singapore?
When Are Coworking Spaces Worth the Money in Singapore?
These days, it can seem like everyone and their mother works in a coworking space. These workspaces for ...
19 June 2017
5 Things to Do In Your Free Time That Can Help You in Your Career
Doing well in your career isn’t exactly the same as doing good work. While you will get nowhere if your ...
2 June 2017
3 Tips for 20-somethings on the Cusp of a Promising Career
3 Tips for 20-somethings on the Cusp of a Promising Career
Just before starting at my first full-time job, and having heard horror stories of friends who were subjected ...
1 June 2017
5 Ways to Help Yourself Feel Less Stressed at Work
5 Ways to Help Yourself Feel Less Stressed at Work
Stress and work go hand in hand. The only job in the world with zero stress is that of a tai tai, and even ...
23 May 2017
7 Times Social Media Can Jeopardise Your Job
7 Times Social Media Can Jeopardise Your Job
They say you can tell a lot about someone’s personality through their social media profiles. What their ...
18 May 2017
Freelance Work: From Side Income to Full Time Job. How Do You Get Started?
Freelance Work: From Side Income to Full Time Job. How Do You Get Started?
Many people these days think of freelance work as a great way to make side income while others use it to ...
17 May 2017
5 Reasons Singapore Companies Should Adopt an Honour Sick Leave System
5 Reasons Singapore Companies Should Adopt an Honour Sick Leave System
Going to the doctor for the sole purpose of getting an MC is something every Singaporean has done at some ...
17 May 2017
4 Hard Truths About Your Career You Must Accept if You Want to Get Ahead
4 Hard Truths About Your Career You Must Accept if You Want to Get Ahead
Every day, you show up at work, keep quiet and do your job, and then leave. Each month, like clockwork, ...
16 May 2017
3 Important Lessons You Can Learn From Crappy Part-Time Student Jobs
3 Important Lessons You Can Learn From Crappy Part-Time Student Jobs
The first part-time job I ever had paid $5 an hour. I was waiting tables at a small restaurant in a neighbourhood ...
9 May 2017
Refuse to Spend Long Hours at the Office? Here are 3 Tricks That Will Stop You From Being Penalised by Your Boss
Refuse to Spend Long Hours at the Office? Here are 3 Tricks That Will Stop You From Being Penalised by Your Boss
Have you ever had the sneaking suspicion that your colleague stays back so in the office till late at night ...
5 May 2017
As a Freelancer, Here are 3 Headaches the People In Your Life Give You
As a Freelancer, Here are 3 Headaches the People In Your Life Give You
The number of freelancers in Singapore is steadily rising, and guess what, they’re not all Grab/Uber drivers. ...
26 April 2017
4 Roadblocks Singaporean Women Face at Work
4 Roadblocks Singaporean Women Face at Work
Women’s rights are a sensitive issue in Singapore. Any argument that women face sexism, whether at work ...
20 April 2017
Planning to Work For as Long as You Can? Here are 3 Tips
Planning to Work For as Long as You Can? Here are 3 Tips
When former MP Lim Boon Heng urged Singaporeans to “work for as long as you can,” his comment was met with ...
17 April 2017
4 Things Employers Do That Make Their Employees Less Productive
4 Things Employers Do That Make Their Employees Less Productive
Productivity is a dirty word in Singapore. Employees here already work the longest hours in the world, ...
13 April 2017
5 Things That Would Really Help Retrenched PMETs
5 Things That Would Really Help Retrenched PMETs
It’s a good thing that the unemployment rate has been so low for so many years. (Even right now, when redundancies ...
11 April 2017
4 Networking Mistakes Singaporeans Tend to Make
4 Networking Mistakes Singaporeans Tend to Make
Networking events are just as awkward and unappealing as Chinese New Year visits to disliked relatives. ...
6 April 2017
4 Ways to Protect Yourself From Retrenchment in Singapore
4 Ways to Protect Yourself From Retrenchment in Singapore
Recently, a friend of mine who’s been working at a bank for more than 10 years told me she’s been thinking ...
3 April 2017
Don’t Quit Your Job to Chase Your Dreams Until You’ve Considered These 4 Things
Don’t Quit Your Job to Chase Your Dreams Until You’ve Considered These 4 Things
Feel like a corporate drone? Fit the profile of what they call a “millennial”? Then you must have at some ...
31 March 2017
4 High-Paying Jobs That Don’t Require Degrees
4 High-Paying Jobs That Don’t Require Degrees
There’s a reason Singaporean kids wear such thick glasses and are more likely to be seen labouring over ...
30 March 2017
4 Phrases To Use At Work That Don’t Sound Like Excuses
4 Phrases To Use At Work That Don’t Sound Like Excuses
Dealing with everyone at the office pining for your attention takes up the bulk of your waking life, and ...
24 March 2017