
sahm financial security singapore
5 Ways Stay-at-Home Mums Can Boost Their Financial Security in Singapore
Deciding to become a stay-at-home parent can be a big decision. If quitting your job doesn’t make you jump ...
31 May 2018
lawyer singapore law
What it’s Really Like Being a Lawyer in Singapore
Tell a Singaporean parent that their kid will become a lawyer when they grow up if they attend tuition ...
27 April 2018
Just Graduated and Having No Luck in Your Job Search? 8 Tips to Help You Find That First Job
Just Graduated and Having No Luck in Your Job Search? 8 Tips to Help You Find That First Job
After slogging (or partying) your way through years of school, you’re finally ready to stop being a student ...
2 April 2018
insurance policies for freelancers
Insurance Policies For Freelancers – What Should Be In It?
Freelancing isn’t about sitting at hipster cafes, thoughtfully sipping on your flat white as you type occasionally ...
5 March 2018
tired morning worker coffee
5 Survival Tips for Non-Morning People Who Have to Be Up Early for Work
There are morning people, and then there’s everyone else. If you feel like stabbing your eyes out each ...
11 January 2018
career support programme
Managing Hiring Costs – Here’s One Scheme Singapore Business Owners Shouldn’t Ignore
Talented staff can propel your business to new heights, and as we already know, Singaporeans are definitely ...
bad work habits 2018
4 Bad Work Habits to Break in 2018
Most of us are no angels at work. Even the most wayang goody-two-shoes has some dark secrets he wouldn’t ...
5 January 2018
skillsfuture credits
Want to Finally Use Your SkillsFuture Credits? Bear These 3 Things in Mind Before Signing Up for a Course
Those of you who haven’t used your SkillsFuture credits yet might want to do so soon. Your $500 credit ...
3 January 2018
career new year 2018
3 Career Moves Every Singaporean Should Make at the Beginning of the Year
At this time of year, you’ve either just received your annual bonus and increment, or you’re waiting for ...
3 January 2018
december holiday singapore teenager
4 Ways Singaporean Teenagers Can Earn Some Money During the School Holidays
You’ve been begging your parents for a Nintendo Switch for six months already, but given your less-than-stellar ...
13 December 2017
employee engagement singapore
3 Ways Employers can Boost Employee Engagement and Stop Their Workers From Turning into Zombies
Do you have colleagues whose default facial expression at work is “sian”? Who try to get by doing the bare ...
12 December 2017
changing job industry singapore
Here’s Why Singaporeans Shouldn’t Be Worried About Changing Job Industry Anymore
Gone are the days when you can expect to stay in the same company or industry to build your career. With ...
11 December 2017
work-life balance
3 Principles Singaporeans Should Live By to Achieve a Good Work-Life Balance
Sometimes, achieving work-life balance can seem as hard as finding a cure for cancer. Long working hours ...
1 December 2017
5 Ways to Make Some Extra Money During the Festive Season
5 Ways to Make Some Extra Money During the Festive Season
Christmas means different things to different people. For kids, it’s the perfect opportunity to beg your ...
29 November 2017
network networking
6 Ways to Actually Benefit from the People in Your Network
Networking is something everybody knows they should be doing, but many don’t for fear of coming off as ...
23 November 2017
Experts Say These 5 Industries are Great For Singaporean Careers in 2018
Experts Say These 5 Industries are Great For Singaporean Careers in 2018
We’re getting to that time of year when bonuses are doled out to employees. That means it’s time to evaluate ...
21 November 2017
young singaporeans working meeting cafe
5 Tips for Young Singaporeans Who Have No Idea What They Want Out of Their Career
The face-off between baby boomers and millennials rages on at the workplace. The former continue to be ...
1 November 2017
5 Things Singaporean Workers Can Anticipate in the Future
5 Things Singaporean Workers Can Anticipate in the Future
The options facing young workers in Singapore today are vastly different from what their parents had to ...
23 October 2017
older pmets singapore
3 Things That Could Push Companies to Hire Older PMETs and Not Just Fresh Grads or Foreigners
Singapore’s dog-eat-dog work environment brings to mind young office workers on the brink of burn-out, ...
19 October 2017
flexi-work from home singapore
5 Ways Singapore Companies Should Embrace Flexi-Work
As you stuff yourself into an overcrowded MRT carriage at 8:15am, bursting at the seams with people all ...
17 October 2017
graduating from polytechnic ITE singapore
Graduating from Polytechnic or ITE? Here’s How You Can Kickstart Your Career
Ask young Singaporeans about their career aspirations and you might come across this answer pretty often: ...
6 October 2017
negotiating your salary
Negotiating Your Salary – 6 Mistakes Singaporeans Should Avoid
The biggest mistake you can make is to avoid negotiating your salary at all. Yes, I know we’ve been raised ...
5 October 2017
5 Shocking Lessons You’ll Learn During Your First 2 Years of Work
5 Shocking Lessons You’ll Learn During Your First 2 Years of Work
It’s been almost 3 years since I graduated as a marketing major. Not counting my internships and the miscellaneous ...
25 September 2017
resume job interview
5 Ways to Instantly Make Your Resume Look More Impressive
Sending out your resume and begging someone to hire you is a bit like entering the Miss Singapore competition. ...
20 September 2017
freelancer earns singapore
Why It’s Meaningless to Ask How Much a Freelancer Earns
Every so often, somebody asks me how much I earn each month as a freelancer. Other than the fact that that ...
11 September 2017