Home Loans
If You Don’t Refinance Your Housing Loan Soon, You Might Be Kicking Yourself Later
Sometimes working life in Singapore can feel like a long, dark road, like a tunnel. You walk and you walk and you walk and the darkness of the tunnel just...
2 June 2015

$500 Shopping Spree: Men’s Work Clothes Edition
If you want to make money, you’ve got to look like you’re making money. Unless you’re Mark Zuckerberg, in which case, you wear pretty much the same grey t-shirt everyday....
24 May 2015

7 Simple Ways Couples Can Save More Money in Singapore
You may have recently heard that divorces and separations are on the rise in Singapore. I’m betting $50 that a good number of the marriages soured due to money matters. I’m...
13 May 2015

How to get the Modern Singapore Home Office for under $1000
Whether you have a full time stay-at-home job or are cramming in after-hour duties, a home office is nice to have – a space where the focus should be on relaxation and comfort. A well-decorated workspace has the power to inspire and rejuvenate, turning the most mundane of tasks into bearable and (dare we say) […]
13 May 2015

5 Quick Ways to Make Money in Singapore If You Need Cash Fast
Did you know you could make up to $250 an hour doing homework in Singapore? A recent MyPaper article revealed just how much parents were willing to spend in order...
12 May 2015

Credit Cards
5 Things to Watch Out For Before You Splurge Online in Foreign Currencies
Shopping online has made it so easy to spend your hard earned money. Because you don’t actually see any cash changing hands, or see what effect the weight of your...
12 May 2015

Car Insurance
Car Insurance No-Claim Discount Protector – Is It Worth The Money?
When it comes to driving on the road in Singapore, I’m extra kiasu. I signal a whole 5 seconds before I change lanes, even when there are no cars behind...
8 May 2015

Credit Cards
Cashback Credit Cards – How They Actually Work and What You Need To Know
As Singaporeans, we’re an interesting species. When it comes to looking for good food or places to make out, we look online. But when it comes to our personal finances,...
7 May 2015

Savings Accounts
The OCBC 360 Account Is Now Better Than Ever – Or Is It?
It must be quite the emotional rollercoaster to be a fan of Iron Man in the Marvel movies. One movie Tony Stark destroys all his Iron Man armours in order...
30 April 2015

How Much Are Singaporeans Spending on Renovating Their Homes?
Last month, local company Absolook Interior Design received international attention when they released photos of their project inspired by Marvel’s The Avengers movie franchise. The renovation was done for a...
28 April 2015

MyRepublic’s 1,000 Free SIM Cards With Unlimited Data – What’s The Catch?
When MyRepublic said that they wanted to be Singapore’s fourth telco and offer unlimited mobile data, they weren’t kidding around. Earlier today, it was reported that MyRepublic will be giving...
27 April 2015

Savings Accounts
Is It Really Time To Ditch the OCBC 360 Account?
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you would have heard by now that as of 1 May 2015, the bonus interest rates for the OCBC 360 Account are going...
7 April 2015

The 7 Dumbest Ways Singaporeans Get In Trouble on Holiday
Singaporeans love travelling. When it was announced that the 7th of August this year was a public holiday, it wasn’t surprising how quickly air tickets sold out for that 4-day...
6 April 2015

How to get the Modern Singapore Bedroom for under $1000
Great interiors shouldn’t be limited by a tight budget. Not everyone enjoys doing math, but we definitely had some fun putting together a bedroom under $1000. Working around Joanne Pang’s “Drink Some Clouds #3″, we brought together some affordable pieces of furniture and with some DIY, came up with a rather modest and Scandinavian look, […]
24 March 2015

5 March Holiday Activities to Do With Your Kids for Under $50
The March school holidays are around the corner. If you’re a tiger parent from hell, feel free to keep them locked in that cage you call their room and make...
16 March 2015

Credit Cards
Hate Calling Credit Card Companies? Here’s How To Deal With Credit Card Call Centres
In another life, long before I got this awesome gig with MoneySmart.sg, I was a customer service officer with a bank’s credit card department. It was an eye-opener. Not only...
12 March 2015

Travel Smart Rewards: How You Could Actually Make Money Just By Taking the MRT
Good things must share! This Uniquely Singaporean saying is especially true when money is involved. Yet the biggest kept secret is Travel Smart Rewards. It’s a rewards scheme that actually...
9 March 2015

How To Get The Modern Singapore Living Room for Under $1,000
Great interiors shouldn’t be limited by a tight budget. Interior decorating should be the most exciting part of moving into a new home. Embrace it as an opportunity to create a space that screams “Me” or “We”, where one gets to showcase and express their creativity. Of course, we all have limitations and budget constraints, […]
1 March 2015

Budget 2015: Dear SME Owners, Are You Getting Screwed?
It takes a lot of guts to be an entrepreneur. You have a great idea and think it’ll make you money. You put your life savings on the line, enter...
26 February 2015

5 Ways in Which You Can Make the Most of the Smaller SGX Lot Sizes
For once, trashy magazines are correct. Size does matter. Anyone who tells you otherwise is probably trying too hard to make you feel better about yourself. But the good news...
23 February 2015

Home Loans
Interview with SingCapital CEO – Should You Still Get a SIBOR-based Home Loan?
Think of the last good dream you had. You know, like the one where you paid only $2 COE on your new car, or you were Left Shark in the...
23 February 2015

Singapore Wedding Banquet Price List 2015
Some days I wonder if wedding banquets in Singapore, especially the traditional Chinese sit-down dinner is for the married couple or for the married couple’s parents. You know what I...
16 February 2015

4 Reasons Why the Degree is the New Diploma
I’m happy to see that in meritocratic Singapore, we’re finally changing attitudes that ITE stands for “It’s The End” and that you only go to polytechnic if you can’t make...
5 February 2015

5 Financial Reasons Why People Run Away During Chinese New Year
All Singaporeans look forward to Chinese New Year for one main reason: the long weekend holiday. For many, the holiday is also a wonderful opportunity to meet friends and family,...
2 February 2015

Education Loans
The MoneySmart Guide to Education Loans
So you’re in a dead-end job and you’re looking to “upgrade” yourself and make yourself more relevant for the workforce. Instead of whining about your pathetic work life to your...
29 January 2015