Singapore Public Holidays 2023: How to Get 49 days of Vacation Using 17 days of Annual Leave

Singapore Public Holidays 2023: How to Get 49 days of Vacation Using 17 days of Annual Leave
Image: Giphy

No matter what your favourite feng shui master says about 2023, I’m declaring it a pretty damn auspicious year for the simple fact that we’ve got a whopping six long weekends. 

But short getaways are so pre-pandemic. It’s 2023 and borders are finally open, so it’s time to make up for lost travel time with some proper overseas trips.

Based on the average/standard annual leave allowance of 14 to 18 days, here are some suggestions on how you can strategically plan your leave to turn 10 public holidays into 49 glorious days of vacation.

Our guide to getting 49 days of vacation using 17 days of annual leave


Image: MoneySmart

In the table above, you’ll find a summary of our suggested leave-taking strategy for 2023. You don’t have to follow it to a tee, but the following principles will ensure you squeeze the maximum juice out of your annual leave.

ALSO READ: How much more expensive will travelling be post-COVID-19?

Enjoy one block holiday every quarter

Long weekends are nice, but if you really want to maximise your leave days, take block leave between two weekends, using public holidays to reduce the number of leave days you need to spend.

Thanks to the favourable public holiday dates in 2023, you’ll be able to do this at least once every quarter.

Image: Giphy

In January, the 23rd and 24th (Mon and Tue) will be public holidays thanks to Chinese New Year. By taking just three days of leave from the 25th to the 27th (Wed to Fri), you’ll be able to enjoy a holiday of up to 9 days, from 21st to 29th January. As an added bonus, you’ll also get a vacation from your relatives’ annual inappropriate questions.

In April, you can take four days of leave from the 3rd to 6th (Mon to Thu) to capitalise on the Good Friday public holiday on the 7th (Fri) and go on a trip of up to 9 days from 1st to 9th April.

In the next quarter, you can take four days of leave around the National Day holiday on 9 Aug (Wed). So, you’d take leave on the 7-8 Aug (Mon and Tue) and the 10-11 Aug (Thu and Fri) in order to travel for 9 days from 5 to 13 Aug.

In December, you might find yourself running out of annual leave. Since Christmas (25 Dec) falls on a Monday, you might want to take two days off on 22 Dec (Fri) and 26 Dec (Tue) to enjoy an extended 5-day weekend.

Avoid major school holidays

Unless you have school-age kids yourself or work in a job where you can only take time off when the school term is not in session, there is actually no reason to travel during the major school holidays in March, June and September.

Prices surge during that period, flights get packed and you have a much higher chance of getting stuck sitting next to someone else’s hyperactive kid on the plane.

Image: Giphy

One exception is December. Although it costs more to travel during that period, for some it might also be the last chance to clear leave. It’s also when offices wind down and everyone else goes on leave, so it might be one of the few times you can take time off without worrying about your boss harassing you while you’re on holiday.

Maximise public holidays which fall in the middle of the week

Everybody and their dog knows how to maximise long weekends when public holidays fall on a Friday or Monday.

But don’t forget to maximise public holidays which fall in the middle of the week too, especially when it’s not peak travel season. As an added bonus, you won’t have to compete with the hordes of Singaporeans rushing out of the country, which will happen on long weekends.

The National Day holiday on 9th Aug (Wed) is one prime example. Take two days of leave before and two days after, and you get a 9-day holiday for the price of four days of leave.

ALSO READ: Everything you need to know before jetting off for your year end trip

How else can you maximise your annual leave?

You might have been a pro leave-taker and holiday-planner before, but after the Covid pandemic many of us are now out of practice. Here are a few other tips to help you save your hard-earned money and precious days of leave.

Book early to avoid price surges

Save money by booking air tickets, accommodation and tours in advance. This is especially the case if you’re planning to travel over a long weekend or around public holidays, as you can be sure there’ll be competition from other people trying to get out of Singapore.

Travel free and easy

Packaged tours might be okay for aunties and uncles who are happy to spend a grand total of 120 seconds at each tourist site and eat at bad Chinese restaurants in every city they visit. But if that’s not your thing, travelling free and easy offers you better value for your money.

As an independent traveller, don’t forget to buy travel insurance! MoneySmart now has its very own travel insurance portal offering plans at extremely affordable prices. Download the Bubblegum app and protect yourself on the go.

ALSO READ: Introducing Bubblegum: 5 Things to Know About Our New Insurance Brand

Be creative with your travel dates

This article is just a guide, so feel free to get creative and change the dates depending on your leave allowance and what’s important to you. We’re not here to tell you how to run your life! For instance, if you want to spend more quality time with your family over the Christmas season, you are free to plan a longer vacation getaway in December.

Image: Giphy 

In 2023, go for quality over quantity

The pandemic has been detrimental to many people’s mental health. After more than two years of toiling away without holidays, give yourself a break from the hamster wheel and use block holidays as an opportunity to disconnect and rejuvenate your life.

Don’t miss our 2023 travel giveaway! 

From 1-28 Feb 2023, purchase travel insurance with MoneySmart’s participating providers and stand a chance to win $888 cash each week. All winners will be announced by 5 May 2023.

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