5 Things to Do In Your Free Time That Can Help You in Your Career
Doing well in your career isn’t exactly the same as doing good work. While you will get nowhere if your work just flat-out sucks (unless you are really good at...
2 June 2017

3 Tips for 20-somethings on the Cusp of a Promising Career
Just before starting at my first full-time job, and having heard horror stories of friends who were subjected to 16-hour work days, I naïvely told myself that so long as I...
1 June 2017

3 Ways Your Romantic Relationship Can Get Expensive
Love comes with a price tag. Unless you’re a sugar baby, spending time with a new love interest most definitely costs more than sitting in your room honing your DOTA...
31 May 2017

4 Common Travel Planning Mistakes That Cost Singaporeans Dearly
Ask a Singaporean what his or her favourite hobby is, and you’re likely to get the answer, “travelling”, or, worse, “wanderlusting”.
30 May 2017

4 Pieces of Money Advice That Will Help You to “Adult” Correctly
Remember all the advice your parents gave you when you were a kid? Do your homework, don’t get into a relationship, and score those As. Not always easy to follow,...
23 May 2017

5 Ways to Help Yourself Feel Less Stressed at Work
Stress and work go hand in hand. The only job in the world with zero stress is that of a tai tai, and even then, there must be some hand-wringing...
23 May 2017

3 Ways Singapore Millennials are Sabotaging Their Financial Future
If you haven’t already heard the advice of Australian millionaire Tim Gurner to cash-strapped millennials, it’s this: the reason you can’t afford a home is because you’re spending all your...
22 May 2017

6 Ways to Raise Your Quality of Life Without Spending Tons of Money
There’s no question that Singaporeans enjoy a high standard of living. When it comes to cleanliness, safety and sanitation, we’re #1.
19 May 2017

7 Times Social Media Can Jeopardise Your Job
They say you can tell a lot about someone’s personality through their social media profiles. What their interests are, what they like, issues they’re passionate about, what they do and...
18 May 2017

6 Types of Products You Can Sell on Etsy to Make Some Cash
Most people who spend lots of time on the Internet know about Etsy. It’s an online marketplace that enables people to sell crafts and handmade stuff.
17 May 2017

Freelance Work: From Side Income to Full Time Job. How Do You Get Started?
Many people these days think of freelance work as a great way to make side income while others use it to earn a living full-time. But freelancing isn’t just a...
17 May 2017

5 Reasons Singapore Companies Should Adopt an Honour Sick Leave System
Going to the doctor for the sole purpose of getting an MC is something every Singaporean has done at some point in time. When the time comes to buy your...
17 May 2017

4 Hard Truths About Your Career You Must Accept if You Want to Get Ahead
Every day, you show up at work, keep quiet and do your job, and then leave. Each month, like clockwork, your salary gets credited to your account. This is how...
16 May 2017

How Early Should You Be Planning Your Honeymoon and What Should You Consider?
Many couples either plan their honeymoon together with their wedding, or put it off till a later date when they have more breathing space. But how late is too late?...
12 May 2017

4 Rules That Make It Less Expensive When You Go Out
When you reach the age where most of your friends aren’t broke anymore, the simple text message “Let’s meet up” can be a loaded one.
12 May 2017

5 Money Issues to Discuss Before You’re Ready to Have Kids
So, you’ve decided that it’s time to fill up the spare rooms in that five-room flat you and your spouse bought and expand the family.
12 May 2017

Checklist of Financial Discussions All Couples Must Have Before Getting Married
So you’ve fallen in love. Maybe you’ve even done the unspeakable and balloted for an HDB flat. Well, before you fork out that downpayment for your first home and show...
11 May 2017

3 Important Lessons You Can Learn From Crappy Part-Time Student Jobs
The first part-time job I ever had paid $5 an hour. I was waiting tables at a small restaurant in a neighbourhood mall, and each shift was 4-hours long, earning...
9 May 2017

Refuse to Spend Long Hours at the Office? Here are 3 Tricks That Will Stop You From Being Penalised by Your Boss
Have you ever had the sneaking suspicion that your colleague stays back so in the office till late at night every day just so he’ll look better than all you...
5 May 2017

Can Anything Be Done to Make Tourists Spend More Money in Singapore?
Singapore’s most iconic landmarks were created to attract tourists. The Marina Bay Sands integrated resort and Gardens by the Bay were built with the goal of drawing tourists to the...
4 May 2017

4 Ways to Make Sure Your Old HDB Flat is a Decent Retirement Asset
There’s been a lot of talk lately about how older HDB flats are an unwise purchasing decision.
2 May 2017

Here’s How Grab Can Help You Rent a Car in Singapore Without Paying a Single Cent
By now, you’ve probably heard how one driver earned $6,000 a month on average thanks to Grab. Good for her! I don’t think anyone should be questioning how much a...
27 April 2017

3 Things That Might Actually Lure Singaporeans Back to Orchard Road
“Orchard Road is ‘kind of boring’”, ran a recent Straits Times headline. And for once, they hit the nail on the head sans sugar coating.
26 April 2017

As a Freelancer, Here are 3 Headaches the People In Your Life Give You
The number of freelancers in Singapore is steadily rising, and guess what, they’re not all Grab/Uber drivers.
26 April 2017

You Know You’ve Become a Singaporean Adult When These 5 Things Happen to You
Remember when you were a kid and you thought turning 21 was the only thing you needed to do to become an adult? Ah, those were good times. “Adulting” is...
25 April 2017