4 Unexpected Things Cat Owners End Up Having to Spend Money On
You’ve been to your favourite cat cafe so many times the staff are starting to give you weird looks. Your Facebook feed is full of cat videos and memes. Maybe...
6 July 2017

Now that the Minimum Rental Period is 3 Months, Will Airbnb Soon Be Legal in Singapore?
Short-term rentals in Singapore are officially illegal. But on the bright side, “short-term” just got shorter.
5 July 2017

Is Doing an Overseas Foundation Studies Course Instead of the A Levels a Good Idea?
Every so often, you meet a Singaporean girl who’s already a degree holder at the ripe old age of twenty.
5 July 2017

4 Ways Singapore Schools Can Teach Students to Manage Money
There are some countries where all you need to do is work hard at your job, and the state will take care of the rest, at least in terms of...
4 July 2017

Moonlighting as a Tuition Teacher? Here are 4 Pitfalls to Avoid
Most Singaporeans have participated in the billion dollar tuition industry in some way or another—whether by attending tuition classes as a kid, sending their own children for tuition, or moonlighting...
29 June 2017

GST Vouchers Are in This July: How Much Will You Get?
The GST vouchers (and other associated bonuses) are back. I love the government. I already bought a Maserati. “I think you’re overestimating the amount.” Nonsense, says here the government’s giving...
28 June 2017

Is This New Service the Easiest Way to Qualify for Bonus Air Miles?
Timing is important. And I’m not just talking about knowing when to fold in poker. Whether it’s investing in the stock market, or buying flight tickets, timing can make all...
27 June 2017

4 Ways to Feel Like You’re on Holiday For Less Than $50
Every time you log onto Facebook, you’re forced to look at pictures of yet another friend’s trip to Iceland / Paris / New York / Tokyo. Singaporeans took an average...
27 June 2017

Home Hospice Care in Singapore: How Much Does it Cost and What Are You Paying For?
Singapore’s population is aging at an alarming rate, which means in time to come the number of elderly people in need of care will surge dramatically ahead of the number...
22 June 2017

5 Fine Dining Restaurants Where You Can Have Dinner For Less Than $100
Everyone loves a piping hot plate of char kuay teow. But at times you want to spoil yourself or a loved one with something nicer. And by nicer, we’re thinking...
22 June 2017

How Much Will It Actually Cost You if a Minimum Wage is Implemented in Singapore?
Despite the government’s repeated rejection of the possibility of implementing a minimum wage in Singapore, one look at that wizened old grandpa wiping off your table at the food court,...
21 June 2017

When Are Coworking Spaces Worth the Money in Singapore?
These days, it can seem like everyone and their mother works in a coworking space. These workspaces for entrepreneurs and freelancers have mushroomed all over Singapore to cater to the...
19 June 2017

5 Things Singaporeans Would Actually Like to See on Orchard Road
I spent most of my teenage years being a mall rat on Orchard Road, playing arcade games at E-Zone and the Orchard Plaza arcade, buying Auntie Anne’s pretzels at Ngee...
15 June 2017

Savings Accounts
Your Savings Account Sucks, Here Are Some That Don’t – 2017 Edition
It’s 2017, and there are still people who have keypads on their mobile phones. But you know what? Maybe they have good reasons for it – like they don’t want...
14 June 2017

Wedding Gatecrashes: How Much Do You REALLY Need to Spend?
It’s not uncommon knowledge that banquets and weddings in Singapore costs a bomb. You’d think with all our issues with ageing populations and a decreasing birthrate, someone would care enough...
13 June 2017

4 Things You Shouldn’t Do, Even if it Saves You Money
Some of the things I’ve done to save money have included cutting my own hair using YouTube tutorials as a guide, carrying beer cans around in my bag and buying...
13 June 2017

4 Mistakes Parents Should Avoid Making When Giving Their Kids Allowance
It seems like just yesterday when your kid’s main preoccupations in life was Peppa Pig. But now your little tyke has grown into a slightly larger but still little person...
9 June 2017

7 Money Mistakes Singaporeans Make Out of Laziness
Nobody can fault Singaporeans for being lazy. After all, we work longer hours than almost any other nation in the world, and students are just as industrious, spending the third...
8 June 2017

4 Tips That Can Help Tourists Save Money On a Trip to Singapore
There are two types of tourists in Singapore. The first are loaded and typically seen burning through rolls of cash as they buy Chanel handbags and luxury condos while in...
8 June 2017

Credit Cards
The Top 3 Air Miles Credit Card Sign Up Promotions Right Now
With travel season just round the corner, banks are starting to aggressively step up their drive to get more sign ups for air miles credit cards. Sign up bonuses were a...
7 June 2017

4 Areas of Your Life That are Well Worth Investing In
Have you ever had one of those mornings where you woke up, grabbed your wallet only to realise it was empty, and then realised you had completely forgotten what happened...
7 June 2017

5 Habits That are Not Just Good For Your Wallet, But For the Environment, Too
Remember Captain Green, the Clean and Green frog, who’s since joined Singa the Courtesy Lion in the graveyard of forgotten mascots? If you said yes to that trick question, you’re...
6 June 2017

How Social Media Can Cost You Money in 2017
Each time I scroll through my Facebook timeline, I no longer get accosted by party photos or pictures of people’s kids.
6 June 2017

Singapore Wedding Banquet Price List 2017
Since I’ve hit my 20’s, marriage invitations have become an increasing obligation I can’t say no to, no matter how broke I am. You know the feeling: You really want...
5 June 2017

4 Worst Pieces of Financial Advice in Singapore
The last time someone gave me financial advice, we were standing in the queue at Singapore Pools and he was trying to educate me on the finer points of how...
5 June 2017