
marriage singapore
3 Huge Financial Reasons to Delay Marriage and Kids No Matter How Much You Love Each Other
When it comes to marriage and kids, everyone has a different take on when’s the right time. The typical ...
9 April 2015
money mistakes singapore
3 Big Money Mistakes Singaporeans in Their 30s are Making
When you’re in your twenties, if you aren’t lucky enough to have a trust fund or a business to inherit, ...
8 April 2015
working mom singapore
Should Singapore Companies Do More to Accommodate New Mothers in Singapore?
For most mothers in Singapore, the birth of a baby does not herald hours of snuggling with the little one ...
24 March 2015
Singaporeans Need to Stop Wasting Money by Doing These 3 Mindless Things
Singaporeans Need to Stop Wasting Money by Doing These 3 Mindless Things
In spite of our “world class education system”, Singaporeans aren’t always that good at using their brains. ...
23 March 2015
comparing money singapore
How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others When it Comes to Money
You might have been satisfied with your $2,000 bonus, but then your colleague sidles up to you and says ...
3 March 2015
money mistakes
3 Big Money Mistakes People Make in Times of Stress
While I wouldn’t go so far as to say that you attract whatever you think of, as new age yuppies being fed ...
20 February 2015
4 Pieces of Stupid Financial Advice We’ve All Heard Before
4 Pieces of Stupid Financial Advice We’ve All Heard Before
There isn’t one single person in Singapore who doesn’t care about money. The poor are concerned about making ...
6 February 2015
Public Transport Fare Hike: What You Should Really Be Concerned About
Public Transport Fare Hike: What You Should Really Be Concerned About
Oh look, the annual public transport fare hike is here again. Although it’s something generally expected, ...
23 January 2015
money regrets singaporeans have
3 Money Regrets Only Singaporeans Have
We all have a few regrets we’d rather forget about. Some are pretty much universal, like not spending enough ...
22 January 2015
slow wage growth singapore
Slow Wage Growth in Singapore – What Must We Do to Survive?
In case you haven’t heard the bad news, slow wage growth in Singapore is expected to continue. In a city ...
12 January 2015
top money regrets singapore women
Singaporean Women Share Their Top 3 Money Regrets
I like to think men and women really aren’t that different, but sometimes you’ve got to admit that there ...
7 January 2015
singapore men top money regrets
Singaporean Men Share Their Top 3 Money Regrets
A Singaporean without money woes is like Paris Hilton without makeup. While there are many money issues ...
6 January 2015
Discussing Money in Singapore: What’s Acceptable and What’s Not?
Discussing Money in Singapore: What’s Acceptable and What’s Not?
In Singapore, we crucify people from other nationalities for what we perceive as being poor manners. But ...
19 December 2014
cpf minimum sum increase singapore
CPF Minimum Sum Goes Up Again: Should You Really Care Anymore?
What’s your first reaction when you hear that the CPF Minimum Sum has gone up again? It’s probably similar ...
18 December 2014
salary budgeting singapore
If You Don’t Budget Your Salary Now, You’ll Hate Yourself
Congratulations! You’ve got your first month’s salary. No more cup noodles for lunch. You now take a cab ...
11 December 2014
early retirement Singapore
Singaporeans, Say Goodbye to Early Retirement!
A bunch of data that was released earlier this month regarding employment in Singapore. Naturally, our ...
10 December 2014
sg50 jubilee baby gift
SG50 Baby Jubilee Gift: We Consult You Before We Spend Your Money So You Can’t Complain
I bet you parents of babies born this month are really feeling pek chek. If your baby had just waited a ...
9 December 2014
3 Things Adults in Singapore Pay For Due to Peer Pressure
3 Things Adults in Singapore Pay For Due to Peer Pressure
When most people think of peer pressure, scenes of teenagers surreptitiously passing cigarettes around ...
3 December 2014
5 jobs for former shisha retailers
5 Jobs That Former Shisha Retailers Can Do After The Ridiculous Ban
Earlier this week Parliament banned the import and sale of shisha tobacco, though they gave licensed retailers ...
11 November 2014
why are gen y singaporeans not saving money
Why Are Gen Y Singaporeans Saving So Little Despite Not Having to Pay Rent?
Sure, a house costs a ton of money in Singapore—but so does a Ferrari. Neither affects you at this point ...
10 November 2014
stupid money saving habits
Singaporeans Need to Stop Making These 5 Stupid Mistakes in the Name of Saving Money
No Singaporean can be accused of not thinking about money—or at least fantasising about what money can ...
28 October 2014
biggest retirement regrets singapore
Singapore Retirees Share Their 3 Biggest Retirement Regrets
Most Singaporeans wearily envision their lives as a never ending period of working, working, working from ...
27 October 2014
6 things singaporeans need to know about money
6 Critical Things About Your Money Every Singaporean Needs to Understand Right Now
Needless to say, money is damn important in Singapore. From the day you’re born until the day you die, ...
14 October 2014
stupid money beliefs
5 Stupid Beliefs About Money Even Smart People Cling To
Some people are clever enough to cure rare diseases, solve a Rubik’s Cube in 3 seconds or invent thousands ...
17 September 2014
Sum up of National Day Rally 2014 Announcements
National Day Rally 2014: 3 Things You Need To Know About The New Announcements
This year’s National Day Rally provided some interesting insights into how the Government is restructuring ...
19 August 2014