
3 Reasons You Should Be Excited About Singapore Becoming Car-Lite
3 Reasons You Should Be Excited About Singapore Becoming Car-Lite
For the longest time, all that talk about turning Singapore car-lite sounded like a lot of hot air. Yeah ...
7 February 2017
Singaporeans Who are Planning to Work Past Retirement Age Should Do These 5 Things
Singaporeans Who are Planning to Work Past Retirement Age Should Do These 5 Things
There will come a time when we realise the true cost of those designer bags and the hipster coffees we’ve ...
7 February 2017
Bloomberg Says You Can Find a Job in 8 Weeks in Singapore – Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Feel Too Happy
Bloomberg Says You Can Find a Job in 8 Weeks in Singapore – Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Feel Too Happy
Recently, Bloomberg published this report with a very utopian-sounding headline–“It takes just 8 weeks ...
3 February 2017
Are Singaporeans Really Not Brand Conscious Anymore When it Comes to Luxury Goods?
Are Singaporeans Really Not Brand Conscious Anymore When it Comes to Luxury Goods?
Singapore is the land of designer handbags. Everywhere you turn, whether you’re trying to keep your balance ...
26 January 2017
How Can Cyclists and Personal Mobility Device Riders Co-exist Safely with Motorists in Singapore?
How Can Cyclists and Personal Mobility Device Riders Co-exist Safely with Motorists in Singapore?
The government’s drive to promote cycling as a viable form of transport has led to folding bicycles and ...
26 January 2017
dynamic pricing taxi companies singapore comfortdelgro
Four Things Taxi Companies in Singapore Need to Change To Keep Their Drivers
I haven’t taken a taxi in Singapore for over two years. Whenever I need to get somewhere after midnight, ...
23 January 2017
3 Silly Ways Many Singaporeans Try to Save Money
3 Silly Ways Many Singaporeans Try to Save Money
I’ve done some dumb things to save money, from walking 4km home from the nearest MRT station after missing ...
18 January 2017
3 Reasons Why Singapore Might Finally Stand a Chance of Becoming Car-Lite
3 Reasons Why Singapore Might Finally Stand a Chance of Becoming Car-Lite
For a moment there, all the government’s exhortations to turn Singapore into a car-lite city seemed to ...
12 January 2017
3 Tips Singaporeans Should Heed to Live Comfortably Without a Huge Salary
3 Tips Singaporeans Should Heed to Live Comfortably Without a Huge Salary
Many people will tell you that Singapore’s great for the rich, but not so great if you’re not making tons ...
11 January 2017
Comparison Sites Obviously Benefit Consumers – Here Are Three Industries in Singapore That Need Them the Most
Comparison Sites Obviously Benefit Consumers – Here Are Three Industries in Singapore That Need Them the Most
2016 was a year defined by choices, and more accurately, choices that were often made without having all ...
6 January 2017
3 Huge Retirement Mistakes Singaporeans Need to Avoid Making
3 Huge Retirement Mistakes Singaporeans Need to Avoid Making
Forget about buying that big house or fancy car. In Singapore, you’ve reached the pinnacle of financial ...
3 January 2017
3 Money Moves 30-something Singaporeans Should Make Before it’s Too Late
3 Money Moves 30-something Singaporeans Should Make Before it’s Too Late
So you’ve finally bade your twenties a tearful farewell. What’s the first thing you must do? If you said ...
20 December 2016
Will Amazon Go Eventually Destroy Millions of Jobs Worldwide?
Will Amazon Go Eventually Destroy Millions of Jobs Worldwide?
Even if you don’t shop on Amazon, here’s why you might want to shop at Amazon Go (no relation to Pokémon ...
20 December 2016
4 Financial Concerns That Hit Hard When You’re in Your Thirties
4 Financial Concerns That Hit Hard When You’re in Your Thirties
For many, being a twenty-something in Singapore is about spending all your cash on hipster cafes and craft ...
14 December 2016
Here’s How Top-Earning Millennials in Singapore Feel About Work and Money
Here’s How Top-Earning Millennials in Singapore Feel About Work and Money
A lot has been said about millennials in Singapore, mostly in the form of snide remarks from the older ...
13 December 2016
3 Things All Kiasee Singaporeans Should Do to Protect Themselves in the Economic Slowdown
3 Things All Kiasee Singaporeans Should Do to Protect Themselves in the Economic Slowdown
We all have that super kiasu friend or colleague who always, always chooses to err on the side of caution ...
13 December 2016
6 Clichéd Christmas Gifts Singaporeans are Sick of Receiving
6 Clichéd Christmas Gifts Singaporeans are Sick of Receiving
For many people (mostly those under the age of 12), Christmas is when all your dreams come true, especially ...
12 December 2016
If Singapore’s Average Wealth Per Adult is So High, Why Don’t Most Singaporeans Feel Rich?
If Singapore’s Average Wealth Per Adult is So High, Why Don’t Most Singaporeans Feel Rich?
So, apparently Singaporeans are some of the world’s wealthiest people. If this recent report is to be believed, ...
7 December 2016
Is the Slowing Economy Really Going to Be That Bad for Singaporeans?
Is the Slowing Economy Really Going to Be That Bad for Singaporeans?
Ask any Singaporean about the economy, and he’s likely to turn to you with a black face. Everybody knows ...
7 December 2016
Do Singaporean Millennials Really Have a Reason to Be Gloomy?
Do Singaporean Millennials Really Have a Reason to Be Gloomy?
There are many good things to be said about Singaporeans—hard-working, unaggressive and rule-abiding. But ...
5 December 2016
3 Ways Singaporeans Should Deal With 2017’s Slower Income Growth
3 Ways Singaporeans Should Deal With 2017’s Slower Income Growth
The end of the financial year ranks right up there with Christmas on the scale of most-hotly-anticipated ...
5 December 2016
3 Reasons There are So Many Singaporean Victims of Internet Love Scams These Days
3 Reasons There are So Many Singaporean Victims of Internet Love Scams These Days
The City of Love Singapore is not. We’re not people who wear our hearts on our sleeves. In fact, a Singaporean ...
29 November 2016
singapore F1
Here’s How Singapore Will Be Affected Without the F1 Night Race
Back in 2014, Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin popularised the phrase “conscious uncoupling” to describe ...
28 November 2016
investment scams singapore
4 Scams That Singaporeans Are Still Falling For and What You Should Know
Singaporeans are very proud of the fact that theirs is one of the safest cities in the world, often citing ...
21 November 2016
3 Reasons Why Toys “R” Us is The One Retailer in Singapore That Will Never Shut Down
3 Reasons Why Toys “R” Us is The One Retailer in Singapore That Will Never Shut Down
Retail businesses have had it bad in Singapore. Once-bustling malls now look like Lim Chu Kang on a Saturday ...
14 November 2016