
3 Ways Singapore Millennials are Sabotaging Their Financial Future
3 Ways Singapore Millennials are Sabotaging Their Financial Future
If you haven’t already heard the advice of Australian millionaire Tim Gurner to cash-strapped millennials, ...
22 May 2017
6 Ways to Raise Your Quality of Life Without Spending Tons of Money
6 Ways to Raise Your Quality of Life Without Spending Tons of Money
There’s no question that Singaporeans enjoy a high standard of living. When it comes to cleanliness, safety ...
19 May 2017
Can Anything Be Done to Make Tourists Spend More Money in Singapore?
Can Anything Be Done to Make Tourists Spend More Money in Singapore?
Singapore’s most iconic landmarks were created to attract tourists. The Marina Bay Sands integrated resort ...
4 May 2017
3 Things That Might Actually Lure Singaporeans Back to Orchard Road
3 Things That Might Actually Lure Singaporeans Back to Orchard Road
“Orchard Road is ‘kind of boring’”, ran a recent Straits Times headline. And for once, they hit the nail ...
26 April 2017
You Know You’ve Become a Singaporean Adult When These 5 Things Happen to You
You Know You’ve Become a Singaporean Adult When These 5 Things Happen to You
Remember when you were a kid and you thought turning 21 was the only thing you needed to do to become an ...
25 April 2017
4 Lifestyle Choices That Will Raise Your Cost of Living in the Long-Term
4 Lifestyle Choices That Will Raise Your Cost of Living in the Long-Term
Remember that one time you decided to buy that diamond-encrusted watch/life-size blow-up doll/virtual reality ...
19 April 2017
When Does Paying For Quality Not Make Sense?
When Does Paying For Quality Not Make Sense?
Buying a quality product for a higher price versus buying not-so-high quality at a lower price. When it ...
18 April 2017
4 Money Goals to Achieve Before You Graduate
4 Money Goals to Achieve Before You Graduate
Thought the class of 2016 had it bad? Well, the class of 2017 will be graduating at a time when redundancies ...
11 April 2017
4 Super Common Money Wasters in Singapore
4 Super Common Money Wasters in Singapore
Scrutinise the spending habits of any man on the streets and you’re sure to find items that make you snigger. ...
31 March 2017
4 Things Every Singaporean Should Have By Age 35
4 Things Every Singaporean Should Have By Age 35
Singaporeans love milestones. The high point in many people’s lives is the day they receive their degree, ...
29 March 2017
taxi surge pricing
3 Things That are Going to Happen Thanks to Taxi Surge Pricing
Unsettled by the fact that Uber and GrabCar are eating into their business, taxi companies have decided ...
27 March 2017
budget 2017
3 Key Finance Tips for Singaporeans From Budget 2017
It’s no secret that we’ve got a fiscally prudent government. Love ‘em or hate ‘em, this is not a government ...
27 March 2017
3 Dangerous Beliefs the Singapore Education System Instills in Students
3 Dangerous Beliefs the Singapore Education System Instills in Students
The Singapore education system is great at churning out top-scorers, later to become doctors, lawyers, ...
21 March 2017
4 Things You Should be Doing Differently By the Time You Hit Your 30s
4 Things You Should be Doing Differently By the Time You Hit Your 30s
Whoever said thirty is the new twenty did not live in Singapore. Unless you want to live with your parents ...
16 March 2017
3 Reasons So Many More Singaporeans are Taking Taxis, Uber and GrabCar in 2017
3 Reasons So Many More Singaporeans are Taking Taxis, Uber and GrabCar in 2017
Tired of going to work with some guy’s armpit in your face? Well, consider yourself lucky. Believe it or ...
3 March 2017
3 Things That can be Done to Stop Singapore’s Hawker Trade from Dying Out
3 Things That can be Done to Stop Singapore’s Hawker Trade from Dying Out
Ask any Singaporean living overseas what he misses most about Singapore, and there’s a 90% chance he’ll ...
28 February 2017
2 Ways the Government Can Really Help Singaporeans Find Partners Instead of Giving Them Money to Attend SDN Events
2 Ways the Government Can Really Help Singaporeans Find Partners Instead of Giving Them Money to Attend SDN Events
Whenever talk of Singapore’s dismal birth rate pops up, you can always count on the government to give ...
28 February 2017
3 Reasons Online Love Scams Spiked So Much in 2016
3 Reasons Online Love Scams Spiked So Much in 2016
Just in time for Valentines’ Day, the Straits Times published a report about how online love scams are ...
24 February 2017
3 Assumptions About Money Many Singaporeans Make and Later Regret
3 Assumptions About Money Many Singaporeans Make and Later Regret
You have to be careful when you walk into one of those bars where there’s no menu and they create a cocktail ...
24 February 2017
budget 2017 water tariff
Budget 2017’s Water Price Hike – What You’re Not Hearing About the 30% Increase
At the Budget 2017 announcement, there were many important points raised by Finance Minister Heng Swee ...
22 February 2017
4 Ways Money Can Ruin Your Personal Life
4 Ways Money Can Ruin Your Personal Life
For every alpha male who steps out of his Ferrari, waves his wallet and sees a thousand girls fall at his ...
17 February 2017
Is Nissan’s New Hybrid Car Really Going To Get More Singaporeans to Start Driving Electric Cars?
Is Nissan’s New Hybrid Car Really Going To Get More Singaporeans to Start Driving Electric Cars?
Electric cars have failed to change the world, so far at least. When the first mass-market 100% electric ...
16 February 2017
Singapore‘s New Elderly Care Scheme: Here’s Why It Won’t Work
Singapore‘s New Elderly Care Scheme: Here’s Why It Won’t Work
In January this year, the Institute of Policy Studies’ latest proposals addressing Singapore’s ageing population ...
15 February 2017
Has SMRT Found the Solution To Getting More Taxis Back on the Road?
Has SMRT Found the Solution To Getting More Taxis Back on the Road?
Remember the days when you would hop into a taxi whenever you needed to get somewhere in a hurry or missed ...
14 February 2017
3 Ways Our Stressful Lifestyles Make Us Spend More
3 Ways Our Stressful Lifestyles Make Us Spend More
Despite complaining about the high cost of living, middle-income Singaporeans seem to enjoy a fairly high ...
8 February 2017