
tuition extra services singapore
6 Perks and Extra Services You Can Get From Tuition Centres in Singapore
Tuition is such big business in Singapore that it’s not enough for tutors and tuition centres to promise ...
9 October 2017
3 Ways Singaporean Parents Can Save Money on Their Kids’ Education
3 Ways Singaporean Parents Can Save Money on Their Kids’ Education
Raising a kid in Singapore is expensive, but Singaporeans make it even more expensive than it has to be ...
20 September 2017
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5 Reasons Why Being a MindChamps Education Advisor Is Perfect If You’re Looking To Boost Your Income
With everything in Singapore getting more expensive even as we speak, the pressure to supplement one’s ...
15 September 2017
Is Doing an Overseas Foundation Studies Course Instead of the A Levels a Good Idea?
Is Doing an Overseas Foundation Studies Course Instead of the A Levels a Good Idea?
Every so often, you meet a Singaporean girl who’s already a degree holder at the ripe old age of twenty. ...
5 July 2017
4 Ways Singapore Schools Can Teach Students to Manage Money
There are some countries where all you need to do is work hard at your job, and the state will take care ...
4 July 2017
5 Reasons Good Grades Don’t Necessarily Mean Your Child Will Succeed in Life
5 Reasons Good Grades Don’t Necessarily Mean Your Child Will Succeed in Life
Ah Boy has an army of tutors towering over him every day after school, making sure he scores those As. ...
28 March 2017
4 Edutech Startups Singaporean Students and Parents Should Look Out For
4 Edutech Startups Singaporean Students and Parents Should Look Out For
The amount of resources that get poured into making sure the kids of Singapore pass their exams is nothing ...
6 March 2017
3 Ways the Singapore Education System Needs to Change to Prepare Kids for the Future Economy
3 Ways the Singapore Education System Needs to Change to Prepare Kids for the Future Economy
Our local students might have come out tops in the Pisa tests, but that’s actually bad news. It confirms ...
21 February 2017
3 Tips for Freelance Tutors Who Don’t Want to Get Ripped Off by Agencies and Clients
3 Tips for Freelance Tutors Who Don’t Want to Get Ripped Off by Agencies and Clients
We’ve all heard of those superstar tutors who earn over a million bucks a month. But not all tutors are ...
13 January 2017
The MOE System Has Churned Out PISA Top Scorers, But Is It Really Heading in the Right Direction?
The MOE System Has Churned Out PISA Top Scorers, But Is It Really Heading in the Right Direction?
Looks like all those tuition hours paid off when Singaporean topped the PISA test in all three categories—reading, ...
22 December 2016
university students new year resolution
Can’t Figure Out What to Study at Tertiary Level? Here are 3 Tips to Help You Decide
When I was at school, local JCs and secondary schools were notoriously bad at providing career guidance. ...
15 November 2016
3 things to do in university that will make you rich
2 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Enrolling in a Private Degree Course
It seemed like just yesterday when you were congratulating yourself on having passed the PSLE and not screwing ...
25 October 2016
tuition singapore
6 Tuition Centres in Singapore That Offer More Than Just Tuition
Back in secondary school, I had friends who used to get their parents to sign them up at certain tuition ...
20 October 2016
tuition singapore
Tuition inflation in Singapore: Where Should Your Child Go for Classes?
Junior comes home from school one day with a less-than-satisfactory grade on his primary 1 math paper, ...
15 September 2016
education loan singapore
A Master’s Degree is Only Worth Your Money if it Satisfies These 3 Criteria
Despite the rigorous education system Singaporeans are put through, it’s fairly rare for people here to ...
6 September 2016
overseas degree
Should Singaporean Uni Students Fork Out the Money to Live on Campus?
Reading the Singapore news is a constant reminder that life just keeps getting more expensive. Just last ...
29 July 2016
Can’t Afford to Go to University? Here are 9 Options for Getting Those Fees Paid
Can’t Afford to Go to University? Here are 9 Options for Getting Those Fees Paid
Remember when you were in primary school and you prayed fervently for the day when you could be all grown ...
26 July 2016
3 Hidden Costs Singaporean Parents Often Forget About When Sending the Kids Overseas for School
3 Hidden Costs Singaporean Parents Often Forget About When Sending the Kids Overseas for School
When I was a kid, there were only two reasons you went overseas to study. Either you were a high-flyer ...
21 June 2016
3 things to do in university that will make you rich
5 Degrees Singaporeans Can Get in Australia That are Now Recognised Here
Australia used to be thought of as that country you sent your kids to if they didn’t make it into NUS. ...
17 May 2016
3 Ways University Students Can Productively Spend Their School Holidays Abroad
3 Ways University Students Can Productively Spend Their School Holidays Abroad
Once upon a time, the glorious 3 month holidays enjoyed by uni students were a time of fun, travel and ...
29 March 2016
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3 Valuable Ways Singapore Students Can Spend Their Gap Year
Despite the fact that a gap year is still thought of as a big waste of time during which one is not economically ...
24 March 2016
5 Common Part-time Jobs for Students in Singapore to Earn Some Money
5 Common Part-time Jobs for Students in Singapore to Earn Some Money
When I was at school, “social media manager” was not a part-time job that existed… because Facebook didn’t ...
29 February 2016
3 Pieces of Advice For Students Beginning Their Tertiary Studies in 2016
3 Pieces of Advice For Students Beginning Their Tertiary Studies in 2016
So you’ve made it through MOE’s education system alive, and this year you will finally be embarking on ...
18 February 2016
best credit cards students singapore
Is Getting a Private University Education Worth It in Singapore?
While it’s true that Singapore students have lots more tertiary education options now than they did ten ...
23 December 2015
2 Big Questions Students Must Ask Themselves Before Picking a University Course
2 Big Questions Students Must Ask Themselves Before Picking a University Course
The school holidays are upon us, and hordes of 17 to 20-year-olds graduating from secondary schools, JCs ...
3 December 2015