
4 Ways to Take Money Saving to the Extreme in Singapore
4 Ways to Take Money Saving to the Extreme in Singapore
Just as I thought I was already being very thrifty, I met a guy who claimed he could get away with spending ...
4 June 2015
4 Things Singaporeans Think are Essential But are Really Not
4 Things Singaporeans Think are Essential But are Really Not
Life is an ongoing struggle to distribute your resources so that you fulfil all of you needs, and enough ...
19 May 2015
couples save money singapore
7 Simple Ways Couples Can Save More Money in Singapore
You may have recently heard that divorces and separations are on the rise in Singapore. I’m betting $50 ...
13 May 2015
modern home office
How to get the Modern Singapore Home Office for under $1000
Whether you have a full time stay-at-home job or are cramming in after-hour duties, a home office is nice ...
13 May 2015
retirement models singapore
3 Alternative Retirement Models Singaporeans Should Consider
Think “retiree” and you get images of some old guy in a Hawaiian shirt, pina colada in hand, lounging in ...
5 May 2015
5 Things Young Singaporeans Waste Lots of Money On Without Realising It
5 Things Young Singaporeans Waste Lots of Money On Without Realising It
We’re young and we’re hot and we just wanna have fun… goes just about every Ke$ha song. Every morning, ...
30 April 2015
5 Daily Habits You Should Quit if You Want to Instantly Save Hundreds of Dollars a Year
5 Daily Habits You Should Quit if You Want to Instantly Save Hundreds of Dollars a Year
Losing money can be like a nuclear-scale catastrophe—a sudden serious illness, a stock market crash or ...
27 April 2015
Here’s How To Save Money With the Singapore Dollar Weakening Against the US Dollar
Here’s How To Save Money With the Singapore Dollar Weakening Against the US Dollar
If you went to the Woodbury factory outlets or Disneyland Orlando recently, be glad you had the chance ...
14 April 2015
money saving gamify
4 Ways to Gamify Money-Saving and Make it Fun
Nobody says “Woo! I love skydiving, playing the guitar and saving money.” In fact, for many people, especially ...
25 March 2015
bedroom decoration singapore
How to get the Modern Singapore Bedroom for under $1000
Great interiors shouldn’t be limited by a tight budget. Not everyone enjoys doing math, but we definitely ...
24 March 2015
hippie save money singapore
How Living Like a True Hippie Can Help You Save Money in Singapore
Back in the 60s and 70s, hippies were a persecuted bunch in Singapore. Long hair on men was banned (the ...
17 March 2015
falling sick singapore
Cheaper to Die Than Get Sick in Singapore? Here are Some Ways to Ease the Burden
Other than the odd visit to the GP to get an MC excusing you from work, there are times when you just have ...
5 March 2015
artloft decorate living room singapore
How To Get The Modern Singapore Living Room for Under $1,000
Great interiors shouldn’t be limited by a tight budget. Interior decorating should be the most exciting ...
1 March 2015
bak kwa singapore
The Singapore Bak Kwa Price Index 2015
Just as stock market speculators lose their heads when stock prices start to rise, aunties preparing for ...
13 February 2015
DBS iBanking Singapore
3 Ways To Manage Your Finances With the New DBS iBanking Platform
If you haven’t already discovered just how much easier Internet Banking, or iBanking as it’s more commonly ...
9 February 2015
chinese new year singapore
5 Financial Reasons Why People Run Away During Chinese New Year
All Singaporeans look forward to Chinese New Year for one main reason: the long weekend holiday. For many, ...
2 February 2015
coupon buying singapore
Is Extreme Couponing Possible in Singapore?
If you’re an expert on trashy shows on cable TV, you’ve probably heard of Extreme Couponing. For those ...
19 January 2015
frugal people singapore
5 Personal Qualities That Save Frugal People From Dying of Boredom
A lot of people think being frugal is boring. But to be brutally honest, people who lack imagination and ...
31 December 2014
retirement planning
3 Things You Might Not Have Thought About When Planning for Retirement
Mention retirement in front of a bunch of Singaporeans and everyone instantly starts griping about the ...
30 November 2014
why singaporeans get into debt
The Top 3 Idiotic Reasons Singaporeans Get into Debt
Getting into debt isn’t like transferring $10,000 to your new Nigerian friend who also happens to be a ...
26 November 2014
how to make your things last longer and save money
6 Simple Hacks to Save Money by Making Your Stuff Last Longer
No matter how cheap something is at the time you buy it, if it breaks two months later you haven’t really ...
19 November 2014
why your budget will fail
4 Reasons Why Your Budgeting Plan is Doomed To Failure
You already know how important it is to have a budget if you want to get your finances in order, especially ...
14 November 2014
eating healthy on a budget singapore
Think Eating Healthy is Hard in Singapore? Here’s Why It’s Even Harder on a Budget
Although 99% of the people on Singapore streets still look like sticks to me, according to many anxious ...
10 November 2014
single people planning finances singapore
4 Things Single People Cannot Afford To Ignore When Planning Their Finances
When you were a kid, you probably vaguely imagined yourself at your current age, married and with a brood ...
28 October 2014
can you survive on $20 a day in singapore
Can You Actually Survive on a $20-a-Day Budget in Singapore?
When you were in secondary school, JC or poly, your parents, part-time job or tuition kids might have given ...
15 October 2014