Which Singaporeans Will Benefit The Most From The New Special Housing Grant Changes?
The way the eligibility for the Special Housing Grant has changed is like the way education in Singapore has changed. In the past, having a diploma or a basic degree...
24 August 2015

Life Insurance
3 Terms and Conditions That Will Void Your Life Insurance Claims
We know that making an insurance claim can sometimes be a tricky business. You’ve got to provide enough evidence to substantiate your claim, and sometimes your claim can be voided...
21 August 2015

Does the Price of Oil Really Affect the Cost of Petrol in Singapore?
Singaporeans have been talking about how dismal it’s become over the past few months. In fact, we’ve not seen values this low since 2009. No, we’re not talking about the...
14 August 2015

The Singapore COE – From Cheaper Than Chicken Rice to More Expensive Than the Car Itself
If there’s one thing we can be proud of in Singapore over the past 50 years of independence, it’s how the COE has made life better for everyone… said no...
13 August 2015

Furthering Your Studies and Need Cash? Here Are 4 Singapore Bursaries That Can Help
Poverty in Singapore is like a mole on your face. You can pretend it’s not there all you want, you’re your denial won’t stop other people from noticing it. Just...
11 August 2015

4 Reasons Why Retirement in Singapore is Like That Big Exam You Didn’t Study For
You would think in Singapore that, by our mid-20s and early 30s, most of us would’ve forgotten about how stressful it was to take the PSLE or the O-Levels. At...
11 August 2015

4 Ways That Public Transport in Singapore Just Got More Affordable
While we discussed the deeper problems behind the public transport fare hike earlier this year, even we were surprised by the catastrophic train breakdowns of the North-South and East-West lines last...
5 August 2015

Here’s Why the Foodfare Price Caps Only Stand to Benefit NTUC
It’s almost like a national conspiracy – although we pay hundreds of dollars for gym memberships, it only takes a small $5 bowl of Katong Laksa to undo all that...
3 August 2015

5 Telltale Signs You Are About to Get Scammed or Ripped Off
Our favourite Sim Lim Square criminal made headlines again when it was revealed that he now had a total of 28 charges against him, including a new charge of cheating. It’s...
31 July 2015

Home Loans
Will Banks Force You to Top Up Your Home Loan if the Property Market Crashes?
You know how you never actually get around to reading the Terms and Conditions before you click “I Accept” or sign on the dotted line? And as a result, you...
21 July 2015

Life Insurance
3 Big Myths Some Singaporeans Still Believe About Insurance
As Singaporeans, we’ve heard of the myths and legends surrounding our little country. Like how the legendary Sang Nila Utama was supposed to have seen a lion when he stepped...
18 July 2015

3 Reasons Why the Singapore Dream Doesn’t Come Cheap
What would you consider your Singapore Dream? Living in a condo, at least, or some multi-storey landed property. A powerful “continental” car with all the prestige that comes with it....
15 July 2015

8 Bad Habits That Financially Secure Singaporeans Have Gotten Rid Of
As a country, we’ve gotten complacent about how rich we really are. A little too satisfied with the amount we earn, perhaps. Although as a country we’re earning a median...
9 July 2015

Why Singaporean Car Buyers Might Be Punching Themselves for Ignoring the New Hybrid Car Rebates
There’s probably going to be a special place in hell for the person who thought of a thousand and one methods to control car usage in Singapore. COE, road tax,...
6 July 2015

The Ultimate MoneySmart Singapore Taxi Fare Guide 2015
Taking a taxi in Singapore is so convenient. Except when you really need one, of course. Then they’re generally nowhere to be found. When one does show up? You start...
3 July 2015

4 Reasons Why Topping-Up Your Loved Ones’ CPF Account Is Better Than Just Giving Them Cash
I didn’t need Moral Education lessons in school to know that giving allowance to my parents once I started earning was the right thing to do. The 好公民 (literally, “Good...
30 June 2015

Do Singaporeans Actually Know What You Can Use Medisave For?
About 440,000 members of Singapore’s “Pioneer Generation” will receive Medisave top-ups of between $200 to $800 in July this year. This is the second year that the Medisave top-ups have been given...
29 June 2015

3 Reasons Why HDB Needs to Step In to Help DBSS Owners
I bet there are people who are currently using DBSS as a swear word, with phrases like “You’re such a DBSS”, “Kiss my DBSS” and “What a DBSShole”. On the...
25 June 2015

Thinking Of Quitting Your Job to Become a Chef? – Here’s Where and How to Get It Done
Singaporeans love food. There’s usually as many photos of food on people’s Facebook and Instagram feeds as photos of human beings. After all, these days, anyone with tastebuds and a...
23 June 2015

How to Buy a Kindle Paperwhite For the Lowest Price in Singapore
On my daily commute, most people I see glued to their smartphones or tablets are usually watching Running Man. Sometimes, I catch a glimpse of Vicki Zhao in Tiger Mom....
18 June 2015

Why Are Singaporeans Still Choosing a Condo Over an HDB Flat?
In a world before Wi-Fi and 3G, the Singapore Dream used to involve the 5 ‘C’s. These days, however, that Dream is all over the place. On the one hand,...
18 June 2015

Personal Loans
The Best Personal Loan in Singapore 2015
Truthfully, I don’t need to tell you where to get the best personal loans in Singapore. The answer is always family and friends. Borrow money from them and there’s usually...
16 June 2015

How to get the Modern Singapore Dining Room for under $1000
Whether you’re hosting a holiday dinner party or gathering around the table for a weeknight meal, the dining room is where people come together. In celebration of good food and art, we’ve come up with some decorating tips and inspiring pictures of dining rooms outfitted with modern artworks and trinkets. In order to keep the […]
14 June 2015

CPF Housing Grant: What You Need To Know To Get The Most Out Of It
Ah, Singapore. Probably the only country in the world where you can get up to $50,000 from the SG50 Celebration Fund just to celebrate our 50th anniversary of independence. Do...
9 June 2015

Travel Insurance
5 Ways to Travel with Peace of Mind Without Getting Travel Insurance
What’s your reason for not buying travel insurance?
2 June 2015