Home Loans
DBS Home Loan – Which of Their Home Loan Packages Should You Choose?
Mention DBS bank to any Singaporean and they’ll automatically think of the convenience withdrawing cash, the long queues at ATMs, and their acquisition of POSB. It’s common knowledge that DBS...
18 October 2022

6 Personal Finance Myths Singaporeans Need To Stop Believing
When it comes to finance issues, we get wisdom from our parents, friends, lecturers, siblings, and our own experiences… But are they always accurate and trustworthy? It’s tough enough having...
5 April 2022

Health Insurance
Prenatal or Maternity Insurance Plans in Singapore: Are They Worth Buying?
As new parents, having your first child is like taking a bungee jump. You’re excited to experience this whole new stage of life, yet you’re tremendously afraid something might go...
4 March 2022

Last Minute Hacks to Plan Your Perfect Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s day is coming up in a week’s time and you’re still swamped at work with little time left to plan a romantic night out. That’s okay. We get that...
7 February 2022

Life Insurance
Term Life Insurance – Why You Should Start Here When Figuring Out What Coverage You Need
If you’re reading this article, you’re probably already in the midst of deciding on an insurance policy. With so many types of term life insurance in the market, it can...
8 October 2020

Female Readers List Their Favourite Online Shopping Sites and Why They Think It’s Cheaper
As a Singaporean female (or just any ordinary common folk), I’m always on the lookout for cheap and quality buys online. As the Hokkien saying goes, “ai pee, ai chee,...
27 December 2017

Travel Agents vs Direct Purchase: Which is More Cost Effective?
I’ll never forget my last trip to China when my dad booked a tour package and we got scammed into buying $100 tea leaves. At one of the stops, a Chinese guy...
22 November 2017

Here‘s Why You Shouldn’t Rely Solely On Reviews Before Buying Something
Whether you’re hunting for a good facial cream, a drone, make-up, a watch or what not, the choices online are ENDLESS. And the variety doesn’t help indecisive people like me...
2 November 2017

6 Times Taking A Budget Airline Flight Will End Up Costing You More Money
I vaguely remember my last holiday to Taiwan with my parents. We’d camped out on all the budget airline sites like Scoot, Jetstar, AirAsia and just picked the dates and...
1 November 2017

Home Loans
Fixed Deposit Linked Home Loans – Are the Interest Rates Really More Stable?
Fixed deposit linked home loans! It’s the latest innovation the banks have come up with in the mortgage sector and it looks like it’s here to stay. For a while....
24 October 2017

4 Surprising Ways Good Parenting Can Lead to Bad Money Values
When I was in my teenage years, I used to argue with my parents whenever they opposed my plans of getting that (admittedly shitty) temp job, choosing an internship, backpacking...
13 October 2017

5 Shocking Lessons You’ll Learn During Your First 2 Years of Work
It’s been almost 3 years since I graduated as a marketing major. Not counting my internships and the miscellaneous job hopping, I’ve been working for almost 2 years now. To...
25 September 2017

HDB 3Gen Flats – 5 Things You Need To Know Before Buying One
In a world where land space is precious and houses are becoming increasingly smaller, we Singaporeans are always struggling to find ways to afford bigger housing. With executive apartments an almost...
12 September 2017

Here’s Why Location Won’t Matter As Much in The Future When Buying a Home in Singapore
Location, location, location. It’s no secret that Singaporeans prioritise convenience, especially when choosing the location of our home. I remember how I’d used to stare at HDB’s sales launch site for...
4 September 2017

Korean Makeup – Is I’M STARTICE the best place to get your K-beauty fix in Singapore?
So social media has been exploding recently with the opening of mega Korean marketplace at Big Box, “I’M STARTICE”, selling all kinds of stuff from the land of SHINee and BTS. But...
28 August 2017

Home Loans
Home Loans: All the Crazy Jargon Bankers Like to Use, Explained in Simple English
Sometimes adulting can be really difficult. Especially when we’re trying to get a home in Singapore and we know zilch about the terms used in home loans. All these home...
23 August 2017

Savings Accounts
Getting Married? Here’s Something To Consider When Planning Your Finances
You’ve already found THE ONE and you’re planning to start a life together. But alas! You and your beloved discuss how to divide the household expenses and it’s just a...
16 August 2017

5 Ways to Save On A Resale Flat Renovation
Social media these days are awash with beautiful pictures of people, homes and what not. It’s no wonder then, that Singaporeans have increasing expectations when it comes to interior designs. Can’t blame...
15 August 2017

Amazon in Singapore: Why Is It Such a Big Deal
Amazon‘s Prime Now service launched a few weeks ago in Singapore, and they had a rough start. Their delivery services were falling behind, and initially excited Singaporeans were now furious at what seemed...
15 August 2017

Want to Fly Business Class to Osaka or New York? This Promotion Could Help You Do Just That
Singaporeans reportedly work the longest hours in the world. But we also travel so often that Bangkok is now introducing passport scanners for us. Can’t blame us right? With all that hard work, everyone...
10 August 2017

10 Amazing Places in Singapore To Enjoy 1-for-1 Drinks (or Bottles!) With the Cheers App
As everyone already knows, liquor in Singapore does not come cheap. Unless you consider the Chinese Shaoxing cooking wine an alcoholic beverage. But hey, nothing’s going to stop our love...
27 July 2017

PA Insurance
Here’s Why You’d Be Silly to Not Get Personal Accident Insurance in Singapore
Contrary to popular belief, personal accident insurance coverage isn’t just for risky jobs. In fact, if you haven’t already read what you need to know about personal accident (PA) plans, they’re...
25 July 2017

5 Key Money Issues You Should Discuss For Your Actual Wedding
Ah. Weddings. The romantic celebration of two people tying each other down. They are undoubtedly one of life’s biggest milestones, but with all the expensive costs and people involved…It could...
6 July 2017

Wedding Gatecrashes: How Much Do You REALLY Need to Spend?
It’s not uncommon knowledge that banquets and weddings in Singapore costs a bomb. You’d think with all our issues with ageing populations and a decreasing birthrate, someone would care enough...
13 June 2017

Singapore Wedding Banquet Price List 2017
Since I’ve hit my 20’s, marriage invitations have become an increasing obligation I can’t say no to, no matter how broke I am. You know the feeling: You really want...
5 June 2017