
Articles by Lynnette Goh

Spoilt kid turned free-spirit, I’ve struggled finding and funding myself taking a road less travelled. These days, I enjoy writing lifestyle topics that bring value to life and its future, injecting humour to otherwise boring topics. Who said personal finance can’t be fun? In my free time, you can find me chasing American dramas, and having the occasional glass of wine over conversations with friends.

7 Times Social Media Can Jeopardise Your Job
7 Times Social Media Can Jeopardise Your Job
They say you can tell a lot about someone’s personality through their social media profiles. What their interests are, what they like, issues they’re passionate about, what they do and...
18 May 2017
Freelance Work: From Side Income to Full Time Job. How Do You Get Started?
Freelance Work: From Side Income to Full Time Job. How Do You Get Started?
Many people these days think of freelance work as a great way to make side income while others use it to earn a living full-time. But freelancing isn’t just a...
17 May 2017
How Early Should You Be Planning Your Honeymoon and What Should You Consider?
How Early Should You Be Planning Your Honeymoon and What Should You Consider?
Many couples either plan their honeymoon together with their wedding, or put it off till a later date when they have more breathing space. But how late is too late?...
12 May 2017
When Does Paying For Quality Not Make Sense?
When Does Paying For Quality Not Make Sense?
Buying a quality product for a higher price versus buying not-so-high quality at a lower price. When it comes to purchasing stuff, our mindset on what is worth our money...
18 April 2017
A Singaporean’s Guide to Getting a Home Loan in 2017
Home Loans
A Singaporean’s Guide to Getting a Home Loan in 2017
So we’ve written many articles before on important things to note during your home purchases. But every year, things change and we have different things to note when it comes...
30 March 2017
home renovation budget
4 Ways Singaporeans Kill Their Renovation Budget
All those fancy pictures we’ve been seeing lately on Facebook and pinterest boards have gotten us aspiring to those dream homes. “Mr and Mrs Ling got an industrial haven for...
23 February 2017
Budget 2017’s CPF Housing Grant for Resale Flats Increase: What it Means for Singaporeans
Budget 2017’s CPF Housing Grant for Resale Flats Increase: What it Means for Singaporeans
So our Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat announced in his Budget statement on Monday that the CPF Housing Grant for first-timer couples purchasing flats from the resale market has been...
22 February 2017
Singapore‘s New Elderly Care Scheme: Here’s Why It Won’t Work
Singapore‘s New Elderly Care Scheme: Here’s Why It Won’t Work
In January this year, the Institute of Policy Studies’ latest proposals addressing Singapore’s ageing population were revealed. The most original of all the ideas was a time-banking system, “Eldersave”, to...
15 February 2017