Why are Singaporeans Who Are Heavily in Debt Refusing to Seek Help?
Beneath Singapore’s glittery facade, many citizens secretly struggle with debt. Household debt levels are rising to the point where the authorities are sitting up and taking notice. MAS has rolled...
3 June 2015
4 Hidden Costs of Going to University in Singapore
Getting a university education in Singapore is no longer as cheap as it used to be, with Singaporean undergraduates matriculating in 2015 expecting to pay at least $25,000 for a...
2 June 2015
3 Big Questions Singaporean Students Need to Ask Themselves Before Picking a Degree Course
Singaporean students are notoriously pragmatic when it comes to choosing a course of tertiary study. Basically, there is only one rule: enrol in the “best” course your grades will let...
1 June 2015
5 Personality Traits That are Costing Singaporeans Money
A formidable money saver and investor is not born without some very desirable personality traits, such as an ability to think outside the box and not be a gullible lemming....
1 June 2015
3 Retirement Fears Plaguing Singaporeans and What You Should Be Doing About Them
A news report published last year revealed that Singaporeans’ retirement fears revolve around basic necessities rather than being able to play golf every day or have assets to pass on...
29 May 2015
5 Unique Places to Enjoy a Singapore Staycation During the June Holidays
So the June holidays are coming, but you’re not about to cart the entire family off to some foreign land because it’s expensive and you don’t have the energy to...
29 May 2015
Fitness & Beauty
4 Affordable Ways Singaporeans Can Make Their Work Day Healthier
There should be no reason work would make you an unhealthier person. After all, few people view the physical effects of work as tantamount to smoking a carton of cigarettes...
26 May 2015
Too Many Smart Singaporeans are Making These 3 Simple Money Mistakes
So, you think you’re smart. You don’t gamble, you save and invest a large portion of your salary, and you didn’t spend your last bonus on a car. By most...
26 May 2015
Why Are More and More Singaporeans Complaining About Their DBSS Flats?
As you open the door to your brand new DBSS flat, the scent of fresh flowers hits you. You look through the window and see a dazzling meteor shower rain...
26 May 2015
4 Things You Need to Think About Before Accepting a Job in Singapore
In my second week at one of my last jobs, a secretary came up to me and remarked that none of the previous hires in my new position had lasted...
24 May 2015
What You Need to Know if You’re Thinking of Moving Out and Renting
Now that the Singapore property market isn’t looking like the goldmine it once was, more and more young people are turning to renting. Sure, those Singaporeans whose sole reason for...
21 May 2015
4 Inconsiderate Ways Singaporeans Pressure Their Friends to Spend Money
One of the biggest reasons people end up wasting money is other people. You don’t see too many Singaporeans having a solitary beer at the bar or getting dressed up...
21 May 2015
4 Things Singaporeans Think are Essential But are Really Not
Life is an ongoing struggle to distribute your resources so that you fulfil all of you needs, and enough of your wants to not make you miserable. From the looks...
19 May 2015
3 Surprising Reasons Singaporeans Might Want to Choose Renting Rather Than Buying a Home
Conventional wisdom says that you should always buy a home rather than rent. Singaporeans tend to believe that renting keeps you in the poorhouse for the rest of your life,...
19 May 2015
Other Than a Good Education, Here are 3 Factors People Don’t Realise That Affect Financial Success
There’s been a lot of talk lately about whether the government’s exhortation that a degree isn’t a prerequisite for success is a lot of hot air. To be precise, there’s...
19 May 2015
3 Things That You Haven’t Realised Are Screwing You Over Financially
Sure, poring over your credit card and bank statements can help you to cut your spending, but what if there are other things in your life that are affecting you...
17 May 2015
6 Authentic Japanese Restaurants in Singapore That are Also Affordable
Ask Singaporeans what their favourite type of cuisine is and half will tell you it’s Japanese. And unlike lacklustre offerings from local restaurants of other types of cuisines (I’m looking...
15 May 2015
3 Inexpensive Experiences in Singapore That Will Make You Feel Like You’re on an Overseas Holiday
When you only have x vacation days a year, not using them to go on holiday can make life seem, well, not worth living. What’s the point in all those...
15 May 2015
How to Lend Money to Friends and Get it Back Without Ruining the Friendship
Never lend money to friends unless you can handle never seeing it again, says just about everyone. But let’s face it, if you were that rich you would just give...
14 May 2015
How Poor Work-Life Balance and Lack of Free Time Makes Life in Singapore More Expensive
In Singapore, it’s pretty much understood that if you want money you’re going to have to sacrifice time—lots and lots of time, judging by the fact that Singaporeans work the...
14 May 2015
Planning a Romantic Trip to Paris? Here are Some Tips for Lowering Your Budget
An estimated 10% of all Singaporeans have the Eiffel Tower on their Facebook cover page. Another 20% have photos of themselves beaming in front of a Parisian skyline. Of these...
13 May 2015
5 Weird but Totally Legal Ways to Earn Spare Cash in Singapore
I get offended by people who insist that if you’re not earning enough, it means you’re not working hard enough. Because who says you need to get a traditional job...
11 May 2015
4 Huge Reasons Why Electric Cars Are Still Not The Solution To Expensive Petrol Cars in Singapore
We pay so much in petrol each month that entire credit cards have been dedicated to making these monthly extractions less painful. So the idea of buying an electric car...
8 May 2015
How Much Does it Cost to Realign Your Teeth and Have a Great Smile in Singapore?
Remember when you were in school and used to laugh at those kids with braces, calling them metal mouths? Well guess what, now the tables have turned, and after all...
8 May 2015
Fuji Rock Festival – Here’s How You Can Enjoy This Amazing Festival on a Budget
So you think Laneway is for wimps. You want to go to a real music festival, one with mud, tents and portaloos. Fuji Rock Festival, which is happening from 24...
7 May 2015