
Fresh Graduate Jobs in Singapore: How to Write Your Resume & Other Tips
Nobody teaches you how to “adult”, least of all your teachers at school. Whether you scored As or Ds, you’ll ...
28 June 2024
Highest-Paying Jobs in Singapore 2023—Which Industries Pay Six-Figure Salaries?
Highest-Paying Jobs in Singapore 2023—Which Industries Pay Six-Figure Salaries?
I firmly believe that comparing ourselves to others is a pointless endeavour. Only tiger parents engage ...
22 May 2023
5 Industries That Have Been Opening Up To Women In Singapore
US$20 billion—that’s how much GDP McKinsey & Company estimated Singapore could gain each year if we advanced ...
8 March 2023
CNY part time jobs fairs singapore
7 CNY 2022 Part-Time Jobs: Where To Earn Money If You Are Too Free
So, you’ve got a bit of time on your hands over the Chinese New Year break. You’d like to make a bit of ...
19 January 2022
My Career Future WSG jobs unique Singapore
8 Interesting Jobs You Probably Never Knew Existed & How to Find Them
This post was written in collaboration with Workforce Singapore (WSG). While we are financially compensated ...
WSG My Career Future Sg Fresh Grad Jobs 5k and above
Can A Fresh Grad Earn $5,000/month? Some Jobs That Offer A High Starting Pay & Other Considerations
Really??? At a time like this? I know we might sound crazy, given that Singapore’s overall unemployment ...
WSG Workforce Singapore LifeSG app - career retrenchment jobseekers
These 5 Features in the LifeSG App Can Help Jobseekers, Especially Singaporeans Who Got Retrenched
Errands, even if done digitally from the comfort of your bed or sofa, can still be a hassle. Picture this: ...
Covid 19 WSG Singapore career matching events jobs
Covid-19 Crisis: Retrenchment, $10k Hospital Bills & the Passing of A Loved One — Here’s How This Jobseeker Pulled Through
While our shopping malls, eateries, public transport and places of interest are now back to being crowded, ...
WSG - Unemployed or Retrenched? Here’s Some Help on Managing Finances & Restarting Your Career
Unemployed or Retrenched? Here’s Some Help on Managing Finances & Restarting Your Career
Recently, I just got news from an ex-colleague that half of her department was retrenched due to Covid-19’s ...
MOF Fortitude Budget and how these measures benefit Singapore workers after Circuit Breaker
Fortitude Budget 2020: How These New Measures Further Support Singapore Workers After Circuit Breaker
It’s been two months since Singapore has emerged from the Circuit Breaker and we are now well into Phase ...
28 July 2020
Jobs in Singapore 2020 - sectors hiring include healthcare, education, and finance
Jobs in Singapore 2020: 10 industries still hiring amidst pandemic include healthcare, education, and finance
It seems like just yesterday when the Singapore economy was humming along happily, and people were confident ...
23 June 2020
covid-19 part time job singapore
5 Part-Time Jobs You Can Do During This Covid-19 Period
Covid-19 is a medical emergency, but its impact goes far beyond the healthcare industry. It has accelerated ...
1 April 2020