Credit Cards
4 Ways to Use Credit Cards to Win at Life
There’s nothing quite like getting your credit card statement and realising you got $50 free thanks to your card’s generous cashback policy. #Winning
14 August 2017

3 Big Reasons Dating is So Expensive in Singapore and What You Can Do About It
I have some friends who pay for Tinder premium memberships. They fork out a monthly fee so they can dish out an unlimited number of “likes”. No wonder people say...
11 August 2017

Credit Cards
5 Tips To Maximize Your Cashback Card Benefits
So you’ve heard cashback cards offer the best savings, and you want to switch. Or maybe you already have a cashback card, and you’re wondering why the only thing you’re...
11 August 2017

Want to Fly Business Class to Osaka or New York? This Promotion Could Help You Do Just That
Singaporeans reportedly work the longest hours in the world. But we also travel so often that Bangkok is now introducing passport scanners for us. Can’t blame us right? With all that hard work, everyone...
10 August 2017

Credit Cards
Is It Better to Pay by Credit Card or Debit Card?
Most Singaporeans’ first experience with online shopping happens with the help of a debit card. This has nothing to do with the wonderfulness of debit cards, but rather the fact...
10 August 2017

What We Can Expect From Scoot’s 5 New Holiday Destinations
We’ve come along way from the first budget flights in 2004 (anyone remember Valuair?), which went to Bangkok and Hong Kong. Fast forward to 2017 and we’ve got a budget...
8 August 2017

Savings Accounts
4 Types of Savings Accounts Singaporeans Should Consider Opening
When it comes to savings accounts, we’ve all had this experience at least once in our lives—you’re stuck in the interminable queue at the POSB/DBS ATM machine. Meanwhile, your friend...
4 August 2017

4 Tiny Tips to Make Working as a Freelancer Work For You
As they say, you choose your battles in life. What we do for a living and how we do it is no different.
4 August 2017

3 Grave Mistakes Singaporeans Make That Result in Financial Hardship
We’ve been brought up to believe that screwing up in that one PSLE exam is going to doom us for life.
3 August 2017

5 Things Singaporeans Can Automate to Make Their Lives Easier
If there’s one thing a Singaporean loves, it’s convenience. Cook your own meals, clean your own home, help your own kids with their homework? Pfft, why do it yourself when...
1 August 2017

Here’s Why You Might Never Have to Overpay for an Engagement Ring in Singapore Again
Weddings in modern Singapore often involve many wedding traditions, like engagement rings, wedding photoshoots and gatecrashes. Young Singaporean couples are getting more adventurous, creative and resourceful.
31 July 2017

6 Reasons The Taxi Population Has Fallen that Aren’t Grab or Uber
The taxi industry is in trouble. According to a recent report, the taxi population is the lowest it’s been in eight years. In fact, the taxi population has fallen every...
28 July 2017

The 2 Biggest Things the Government Can Do If They’re Serious About Helping Single Singaporeans Find Partners
The government is getting its panties in a twist over the recent survey results which showed that 60% of single Singaporeans aged 21 to 45 are not dating seriously—dating seriously...
27 July 2017

10 Amazing Places in Singapore To Enjoy 1-for-1 Drinks (or Bottles!) With the Cheers App
As everyone already knows, liquor in Singapore does not come cheap. Unless you consider the Chinese Shaoxing cooking wine an alcoholic beverage. But hey, nothing’s going to stop our love...
27 July 2017

3 Important Things Every Singaporean Must Do Before Buying That First Home
Congratulations, you’ve decided you’re ready to buy your first home. So what’s the first thing you should do? If you said book your ROM date, you’re wrong. Before you even...
26 July 2017

5 Reasons You Haven’t Quit That Job That’s Not Right For You
You’ve known for some time that you should leave your job. You’re being underpaid, your boss is a douchebag, or maybe you’ve been wanting to make a career change for...
26 July 2017

PA Insurance
Here’s Why You’d Be Silly to Not Get Personal Accident Insurance in Singapore
Contrary to popular belief, personal accident insurance coverage isn’t just for risky jobs. In fact, if you haven’t already read what you need to know about personal accident (PA) plans, they’re...
25 July 2017

5 Inexpensive Family-Friendly Activities in Singapore Kids 12 And Under Will Love
Singapore’s national sports of shopping and eating are great for when you’re an adult just chilling with your homies. But when you’ve got kids who are demanding that you entertain...
21 July 2017

6 Unexpected Expenses That Hit You When You Have Kids
SIt’s safe to say that hardly any Singaporean decides to have kids without being cognisant of the costs. Everyone already knows having children is expensive, and most are already aware...
20 July 2017

4 Ways to Get a Date That are Cheaper and More Effective Than Tinder
There are a surprising number of Singaporeans who claim that they’re staying single because it’s cheaper. And well, you can’t really blame them. Going out for drinks at a nice...
19 July 2017

4 Things Freelancers Can Do to Be Happier People
So you’re a freelancer who’s happily self-employed, earning a decent income while enjoying the flexibility of being able to set your own hours? Great.
19 July 2017

4 Gifts Your Friends Would Definitely Not Like to Receive
So it’s your best friend Ah Kow’s birthday, and you want to get him something that will make his life better, not worse.
14 July 2017

6 Suggestions for Making Public Transport More Family Friendly
A recent announcement that an advisory panel has been set up and is looking for recommendations on making the public transport system more family friendly was met with cynicism by...
13 July 2017

6 People Fresh Grads Can Use as Professional References
It’s bad enough that companies only want to employ people with prior experience, even for entry-level jobs.
10 July 2017

5 Key Money Issues You Should Discuss For Your Actual Wedding
Ah. Weddings. The romantic celebration of two people tying each other down. They are undoubtedly one of life’s biggest milestones, but with all the expensive costs and people involved…It could...
6 July 2017