Think Your Singapore Citizenship is Sacred? Guess Again – It Can Be Bought, Like Many Others
Think Your Singapore Citizenship is Sacred? Guess Again – It Can Be Bought, Like Many Others
Can you really put a price on citizenship? A few years ago, I would have laughed at such a question. Maybe that’s because I view citizenship as one of the...
7 February 2014
Who Would Have Thought Buying a Watch Could Be an Inflation-Beating Investment?
Who Would Have Thought Buying a Watch Could Be an Inflation-Beating Investment?
You’ve probably heard the saying “time is money” at least a hundred times right? Maybe your boss has used it as a verbal “whip” to get you slaving working harder....
5 February 2014
Is Singapore’s Healthcare System Better Than Other Countries?
Is Singapore’s Healthcare System Better Than Other Countries?
Whether you believe it or not, Singapore’s healthcare system is not only one of the best in the world statistically, but it’s also envied worldwide for its efficiency and low cost....
4 February 2014
3 Most Surprisingly Fuel Efficient (and Inefficient) Cars in Singapore
3 Most Surprisingly Fuel Efficient (and Inefficient) Cars in Singapore
If you want to commute in Singapore without feeling like you’re desperately trying to hop onto the last lifeboat leaving the Titanic every morning (ah, nothing like rush hour on...
3 February 2014
Renovate Your Home, Not Your Wallet: 5 Essential Tips!
Renovate Your Home, Not Your Wallet: 5 Essential Tips!
I’ve seen what happens to old houses and flats. It’s like that documentary, Life After People, with the added misfortune that you’re around to see it. Take my buddy Aaron for...
10 January 2014
The Three Types of Life Insurance Every Singaporean Should Understand
Life Insurance
The Three Types of Life Insurance Every Singaporean Should Understand
Last week my insurance agent sent me the most intense word game ever. It kept me occupied for three hours; then I realised it was the terms and conditions. Let’s...
2 September 2013
The Beginner’s Guide to Investment Products (Part 3: REITs & CPF Investments)
The Beginner’s Guide to Investment Products (Part 3: REITs & CPF Investments)
In our previous article, we delved into the world of Unit Funds and ETFs. In the final part of our 3-part guide to investment products, we look at REITs, which...
29 July 2013
The Beginner’s Guide to Investment Products (Part 2: Unit Funds and ETFs)
The Beginner’s Guide to Investment Products (Part 2: Unit Funds and ETFs)
In the first part of our beginner’s guide, we explored the two fundamental investment products everyone should know about: Bonds and Shares. Now that we know the basics, let’s move...
15 July 2013
The Beginner’s Guide to Investment Products (Part 1: Bonds and Shares)
The Beginner’s Guide to Investment Products (Part 1: Bonds and Shares)
Finance experts have a lot of special talents. Key among these are re-inventing words, and using them in a way that approximately zero English speakers will understand. You might be...
10 July 2013
The Expat’s Guide to Singapore’s Internet Service Providers
The Expat’s Guide to Singapore’s Internet Service Providers
Singapore has a wide range of Internet Service Providers. Assuming your definition of “wide” is “barely not a monopoly”. The scene is dominated by three big companies (M1, Starhub, Singtel),...
29 November 2012