Education Loans
The MoneySmart Guide to Education Loans
So you’re in a dead-end job and you’re looking to “upgrade” yourself and make yourself more relevant for the workforce. Instead of whining about your pathetic work life to your...
29 January 2015
4 Ways to Earn Money Online, Singapore-style
You might not exactly dream of becoming the next Xiaxue, but I bet earning money online doesn’t sound like such a bad thing. If you’re not a nubile young thing...
29 January 2015
Can You Survive Working for a Non-Profit Organisation?
If your day job comes across as a little… well… soul-sucking, you’ve probably thought of doing something actually worth caring about. Like, oh, rescuing starving children or saving the environment.
28 January 2015
Are SMEs Shooting Themselves in the Foot by Paying Their Employees Lousy Salaries?
“If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys,” goes the old saying. And many SMEs are indeed getting the short end of the stick due to the low salaries they offer...
26 January 2015
Public Transport Fare Hike: What You Should Really Be Concerned About
Oh look, the annual public transport fare hike is here again. Although it’s something generally expected, people still have the same reactions to it as finding a rat in a...
23 January 2015
Here’s Why Taking Short Courses May Not Increase Your Salary
Not earning enough? Time to upgrade yourself, exhorts the government! But before you run to the nearest Workforce Development Agency-approved centre to sign up for a course, we’ve got bad...
22 January 2015
3 Money Regrets Only Singaporeans Have
We all have a few regrets we’d rather forget about. Some are pretty much universal, like not spending enough time with loved ones or thinking you were cool enough for...
22 January 2015
Thinking of Taking Up a Job Offer? Here’s 10 Factors You Should Keep In Mind Before Accepting
Singaporeans tend to be better at answering questions than asking them. If you break out into a cold sweat at the end of an interview when you’re asked if you...
21 January 2015
Credit Cards
3 Best Credit Cards for Students In Singapore
In my day, students had allowances of $8. And those were the rich kids. Our mobile phones was two soup cans connected by string. When we broke bones, we set...
20 January 2015
Is Extreme Couponing Possible in Singapore?
If you’re an expert on trashy shows on cable TV, you’ve probably heard of Extreme Couponing. For those without a TV or a cable subscription, extreme couponing happens when people...
19 January 2015
What to Buy at the Supermarket When You’re Broke
Cheap food, while not as cheap as before, is still available in Singapore. But eat all three meals at a hawker centre and you’re setting yourself up for diabetes or...
19 January 2015
The 5 Best Things to Get 2nd Hand in Singapore
Used and abused isn’t always a bad thing, at least when it comes to shopping. It doesn’t take a genius to know that buying something second hand should get you...
16 January 2015
Parents Are Now Going For Tuition—Is This a Good Idea?
The life of a kiasu parent is tough. From doing community service to get their kids into their primary school of choice to spending their retirement money on tuition classes...
15 January 2015
What You Need to Know Before Quitting Your Job for Further Studies
So you’ve finally decided to pursue your masters in Greek mythology or get a PhD in zoology. Good for you. But before you quit your job, you’ve got quite a...
14 January 2015
Credit Cards
Do You Have the Right Credit Card, or Some Piece of Plastic Junk?
When I got my first credit card, I was pretty pleased with myself. I had picked the best of the best, I told myself. This credit card had everything! It...
14 January 2015
Organic Food in Singapore – How You Can Stay Healthy and Not Go Broke
If health is wealth, does that mean that spending a little more to eat healthily will actually make us richer? Well, maybe, considering the cost of healthcare in Singapore.
14 January 2015
Credit Cards
American Express Credit Cards in Singapore – MoneySmart’s Recommended Top 3 Cards
American Express may be one of the world’s oldest card companies, but they’ve only just recently started to aggressively improve on their credit card offerings. Despite being a little late to...
13 January 2015
About to Buy Something Expensive? Ask Yourself These Questions First
My go-to bag is a $2 cloth tote from Queen Victoria Market in Melbourne. Every now and then, someone will ask me why I don’t “invest” in a better bag...
13 January 2015
Slow Wage Growth in Singapore – What Must We Do to Survive?
In case you haven’t heard the bad news, slow wage growth in Singapore is expected to continue. In a city where prices shoot up higher than the blood pressure level...
12 January 2015
5 Ways Singaporean Job Hunters Make Themselves Look Bad on their Resumes
As a working adult, you know the whole drill—when you decide you’ve had it with your abusive boss, you update your resume, type up a gushing, fulsome cover letter and...
8 January 2015
Singaporean Women Share Their Top 3 Money Regrets
I like to think men and women really aren’t that different, but sometimes you’ve got to admit that there are distinct differences between their typical approaches to money. Ask around...
7 January 2015
Singaporean Men Share Their Top 3 Money Regrets
A Singaporean without money woes is like Paris Hilton without makeup. While there are many money issues both men and women love to gripe about, I’ve noticed that there are...
6 January 2015
5 Ways You’re a Victim of Price Discrimination in Singapore
How would you feel if you bought a pair of shoes at a shop for $200, only to discover that the salesperson sold the exact same shoes to your friend...
5 January 2015
5 Things Degree Holders Need To Do To Survive in Singapore’s Job Economy
Congratulations on graduating! You’re now one a few hundred thousand graduates in the job market, many of whom will quickly realise that securing a job isn’t as easy as it may seem....
3 January 2015
Credit Cards
The Top 5 Credit Cards in Singapore You’ll Never Own
I know what it’s like to have people fall at my feet, make way for me wherever I go and scream whenever they see me coming. Yes, I’m still looking...
2 January 2015