money mistakes
3 Big Money Mistakes People Make in Times of Stress
While I wouldn’t go so far as to say that you attract whatever you think of, as new age yuppies being fed a diet of The Secret and hot yoga...
20 February 2015
instalment payment broke singapore
Personal Loans
What to Do If You Have to Pay a Loan Instalment but are Broke and Desperate
If you thought you hated getting calls from telemarketers trying to convince you to sign up for bank loans, trust me, it’s 58 times worse than the bank is calling...
19 February 2015
property investment singapore absd
This Small Policy Change Could Help You Decide On Property Investments In 2015
Everyone’s got that uncle or auntie they meet once in a while at a family dinner, who goes on and on about how investing in Singapore property is your way...
17 February 2015
wasting money petrol singapore
5 Silly Ways That Singaporeans Are Wasting Money on Petrol
When it comes to cars in Singapore, buying one is already so expensive that some people think it’s pointless trying to save on the peripheral costs of actually running it....
17 February 2015
singapore wedding banquet price list 2015
Singapore Wedding Banquet Price List 2015
Some days I wonder if wedding banquets in Singapore, especially the traditional Chinese sit-down dinner is for the married couple or for the married couple’s parents. You know what I...
16 February 2015
Here’s How You Can Beautify Your Home and Earn Some Money at the Same Time
Here’s How You Can Beautify Your Home and Earn Some Money at the Same Time
Mention the words “art investing” to most people, and the image that gets conjured up in their minds is probably going to either be one of snooty art auctions that...
16 February 2015
hobbies drain money singapore
3 Ways Your Hobbies Are Draining You of Cash, and What You Can Do About It
Take away your job and your home and you might still survive, but if someone tries to pry that Gundam model from your fingers or cancels your MMA gym membership,...
13 February 2015
zouk singapore
How to Get Into Singapore’s Most Popular Clubs for Free
50% of the most important decade of my life was spent in neverending queues for club toilets, or sitting by the side of the road waiting for a cab (or...
13 February 2015
bak kwa singapore
The Singapore Bak Kwa Price Index 2015
Just as stock market speculators lose their heads when stock prices start to rise, aunties preparing for Chinese New Year have to keep a close watch on bak kwa prices,...
13 February 2015
chinese new year holiday CNY singapore
5 Places You Can Go on a Last Minute Trip over CNY Without Spending a Bomb
If you intend to run screaming from Singapore over the Chinese New Year weekend, you’re not alone—the rest of Singapore is trying to get out of here like it’s a...
12 February 2015
DBS iBanking Singapore
3 Ways To Manage Your Finances With the New DBS iBanking Platform
If you haven’t already discovered just how much easier Internet Banking, or iBanking as it’s more commonly known, can make your life, we need to have a serious heart-to-heart talk....
9 February 2015
4 Pieces of Stupid Financial Advice We’ve All Heard Before
4 Pieces of Stupid Financial Advice We’ve All Heard Before
There isn’t one single person in Singapore who doesn’t care about money. The poor are concerned about making more of it, while the rich work hard to keep their wealth....
6 February 2015
4 Reasons Why the Degree is the New Diploma
4 Reasons Why the Degree is the New Diploma
I’m happy to see that in meritocratic Singapore, we’re finally changing attitudes that ITE stands for “It’s The End” and that you only go to polytechnic if you can’t make...
5 February 2015
travel insurance claim singapore
Travel Insurance
5 Mistakes That Can Destroy Your Chances of Making a Travel Insurance Claim
So you’ve bought travel insurance. Now it’s time to go skydiving and swimming with the sharks. Right? Not so fast. Travel insurance isn’t a “get out of jail free” card...
5 February 2015
How Much Should You Charge as a Freelancer?
How Much Should You Charge as a Freelancer?
Whether you’re doing a bit of freelance work on the side as you complete your studies or are fully self-employed, knowing how to price your services can be a headache.
4 February 2015
singapore library
5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do at Singapore Libraries
Anyone who actually reads for leisure knows that the library is a goldmine and can save you a ton of money while satisfying your rapacious appetite for the written word....
4 February 2015
chinese new year singapore
5 Financial Reasons Why People Run Away During Chinese New Year
All Singaporeans look forward to Chinese New Year for one main reason: the long weekend holiday. For many, the holiday is also a wonderful opportunity to meet friends and family,...
2 February 2015
How to Take a Break From Work Without Destroying Your Career
How to Take a Break From Work Without Destroying Your Career
Long working hours in Singapore are taking their toll, and for young workers these days, taking a break from the rat race is becoming quite common. In fact, in the...
2 February 2015
How Can You Save on Grocery Spending in Singapore? Grow Some of It!
How Can You Save on Grocery Spending in Singapore? Grow Some of It!
Don’t believe that the “organic” food at the supermarket is really that clean? Sick of being part of the big capitalist machine and want to start living off the land?...
30 January 2015
education loan singapore
Education Loans
The MoneySmart Guide to Education Loans
So you’re in a dead-end job and you’re looking to “upgrade” yourself and make yourself more relevant for the workforce. Instead of whining about your pathetic work life to your...
29 January 2015
making money online
4 Ways to Earn Money Online, Singapore-style
You might not exactly dream of becoming the next Xiaxue, but I bet earning money online doesn’t sound like such a bad thing. If you’re not a nubile young thing...
29 January 2015
non-profit organisation singapore
Can You Survive Working for a Non-Profit Organisation?
If your day job comes across as a little… well… soul-sucking, you’ve probably thought of doing something actually worth caring about. Like, oh, rescuing starving children or saving the environment.
28 January 2015
Are SMEs Shooting Themselves in the Foot by Paying Their Employees Lousy Salaries?
Are SMEs Shooting Themselves in the Foot by Paying Their Employees Lousy Salaries?
“If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys,” goes the old saying. And many SMEs are indeed getting the short end of the stick due to the low salaries they offer...
26 January 2015
Public Transport Fare Hike: What You Should Really Be Concerned About
Public Transport Fare Hike: What You Should Really Be Concerned About
Oh look, the annual public transport fare hike is here again. Although it’s something generally expected, people still have the same reactions to it as finding a rat in a...
23 January 2015
short course career singapore
Here’s Why Taking Short Courses May Not Increase Your Salary
Not earning enough? Time to upgrade yourself, exhorts the government! But before you run to the nearest Workforce Development Agency-approved centre to sign up for a course, we’ve got bad...
22 January 2015