4 Ways to Impress Your Interviewer Even Without a Mindblowing CV
If you have a degree from Harvard and were a star performer in your last job, stop reading now and accept our congratulations in advance. However, if you’re one of...
10 September 2015

Is Going to Malaysia to Buy Groceries Worth the Trouble?
When Singaporeans cross the Causeway into Malaysia, they immediately whip out their wallets, because everything is just so much cheaper there. In fact, many Singaporeans who live near the Causeway...
10 September 2015

The Highest Income Tax Rates in the World and Where Singapore Stands
In Singapore, there are three types of taxes: progressive, regressive and the aggressive. Okay, I made up that last one. That’s what I’ve named the GST hikes after the way...
9 September 2015

3 Ways to Save Money on Gadgets in Singapore
“Is there wifi here?” is the favourite phrase of a Singaporean on holiday. Here in Singapore, we love our gadgets. It’s not uncommon to see a woman crossing the road...
9 September 2015

3 of The Best Minimum Wage Schemes in the World Singapore Can Learn From
When I see people slogging away at Subway, I sometimes feel bad that the amount I’m paying for my 6-inch Cold Cut Trio sandwich costs more than their hourly wage....
8 September 2015

4 Ways Young Singaporean Couples Are Keeping Their Wedding Affordable
If there’s one thing you can’t accuse Singaporeans for being cheapskate about, it’s organising weddings. Aunties might storm a supermarket in search of that elusive $1 discount, but when it...
8 September 2015

3 Ways to Earn Cashback Rebates – Without a Credit Card
The few days I actually bother to go grocery shopping, I find myself buying tonnes of chocolates and snacks. I can’t help it. The jumbo packs are ridiculously cheap when bought...
8 September 2015

5 Situations Where Bargaining is Acceptable in Singapore
Singapore is no Bangkok, so try to haggle over the price of that ramlee burger at the pasar malam and you could find yourself with egg on your face. But...
7 September 2015

4 Work-Related Costs in Singapore You Could be Spending Much Less On
Unless you’re Mother Teresa, the main reason you go work every day is to earn money. But spending the day at work can be an expense in itself. If your...
4 September 2015

4 Rules To Live By For Those Who Earn a Variable Income
While the typical Singaporean salaryman goes home each night knowing he’ll be getting $x at the end of the month, those with a variable or fluctuating income know that just...
4 September 2015

2 Important Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying a Car in Singapore
It’s no secret that cars cost a bomb in Singapore. But judging by the amount of traffic congestion on local roads, that hasn’t stopped many people from buying them. In...
3 September 2015

The 4 Mistakes You Absolutely Need to Avoid in Your First Job
A first job is a terrifying affair, right up there with the PSLE. As you take your first tentative steps into the “real world”, you cluelessly grope your way through...
3 September 2015

6 Ways Deal Sites Like Groupon Make You Waste Money Instead of Saving It
Some people check Groupon more often than they read the news or the weather report. The moment they get up, they need to know what the deal of the day...
2 September 2015

4 Tasks Singaporeans Can Outsource Without Hiring Domestic Help
Singaporeans are a busy lot, and after spending a long day at the office most people don’t have the time or energy to attend to the annoyances of daily life....
2 September 2015

What the Two New Transport Bills Mean for the Average Singaporean
Yes, we’ve made fun of his name. Yes, we’ve turned his “catchphrase” into a meme. But with the benefit of hindsight, I’m “extremely concerned” that we’ve actually underestimated one of...
1 September 2015

3 Reasons Why Singaporeans Aren’t Eating at Home More
Cooking at home is one of the most obvious ways to save money, but it’s also something Singaporeans hardly do these days. The number of people who eat out at...
1 September 2015

The 3 Main Money Matters Our Lovely Politicians Will Be Arguing About This General Elections 2015
After the General Elections were held in 2011, the PAP’s popular vote dropped to 60.1%, the lowest since independence. Suddenly, there was hope among the politically inclined. It seemed like...
31 August 2015

Savings Accounts
Here’s Why The UOB One Account Could Be The Easiest Way To Earn Interest In Singapore
Describing the interest you earn from general savings accounts in Singapore as “pitiful” would be perhaps putting it a little mildly. That sad thought coupled with the ever-increasing cost of...
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Here’s How To Handle Being Asked About Job Hopping in an Interview
So you’ve given your boss the shaft one time too many, and now your resume reveals what can only be politely called a “chequered past”. If your last two or...
31 August 2015

How Much are Singaporean Fresh Grads Getting in Terms of Starting Salary This Year?
The class of 2015 is about to go out and make their mark in the world, and according to a recent report, they have high hopes. 1 in 5 local...
28 August 2015

Fitness & Beauty
How to Look After Your Skin Without Spending a Fortune
If the beauty industry one day decided to start selling face creams that claimed to make your facial features morph into those of a Kpop idol, you can bet there...
28 August 2015

Top 10 Money Questions That Singaporeans Are Asking After the National Day Rally
So, after last Sunday’s National Day Rally, I’m sure I’m not the only Singaporean with a few burning questions. Questions like, how often has Kit Chan sung “Home”? How come...
27 August 2015

Home Insurance
7 Things You Probably Don’t Know Your Home Contents Insurance Covers You For
Think about home contents insurance and visions of your block being burnt to the ground flash through your mind. Well guess what, more exotic things could happen—like a meteorite crashing...
26 August 2015

Don’t Make These 4 Mistakes When You Quit Your Job
We’ve all had those jobs we just couldn’t wait to leave. “Good luck, suckers,” we muttered under our breath as we surveyed the poor souls who hadn’t had the luck...
25 August 2015

Which Singaporeans Will Benefit The Most From The New Special Housing Grant Changes?
The way the eligibility for the Special Housing Grant has changed is like the way education in Singapore has changed. In the past, having a diploma or a basic degree...
24 August 2015