5 Hacks That Make Layovers at Airports Less Torturous
There are some very seedy airports in the world, and you only realise this when you’re forced to sleep on the cold, hard floor of one of them, praying the...
11 November 2015

4 Ways to Stop Earning Lousy Entry Level Pay in Singapore
In an ideal world, anyone with the will to work hard in any full-time job would earn enough money to maintain a decent standard of living.
11 November 2015

How Much Does It Cost to Visit Lonely Planet’s Top Travel Destinations of 2016?
As much as I know they’re just clickbait, I’m a sucker for those lists of “Top Travel Destinations” or “X Places You Must Visit Before You Die”… especially those featuring...
9 November 2015

5 Things That Probably Aren’t On Your Resume, But Should Be
Writing a resume can feel like penning a fairytale or a dating agency profile in which you need to turn your painfully average Boon Peh into Brad Pitt.
9 November 2015

Personal Loans
#iamMoneySmart Personal Loans Contest 2015
Statistically speaking, the biggest reason why people tend to take out a personal loan is actually to pay off other outstanding debt. This makes obvious sense as you end up...
5 November 2015

3 Ways to Spend Less on Public Transport in Singapore
If only SMRT’s bus services could be as frequent as their MRT breakdowns. The only thing that seems to be improving year on year is SMRT’s profits. If you’re the...
5 November 2015

Life Insurance
Here’s Why You Still Need to Buy Insurance Instead of Just Relying on MediShield Life
Ever since MediShield Life took effect on November 1st, every Singaporean Citizen and PR (whether you even live in the country or not) is now covered by it. But just...
4 November 2015

3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Taking on a Side Job
Don’t believe that every one of your colleagues is relying solely on that job for their entire income. At my last job, several of my coworkers were earning a bit...
4 November 2015

13 Bizarre Items You Can Buy at Cash Converters
Cash Converters is the sort of place that makes you feel like sneezing even before you step in. The second hand consignment shop is like a pawn shop without the...
4 November 2015

Here’s the One Big Disaster That Can Happen When Singaporeans Buy Second Hand Cars
Halloween may be over, but there’s still a lot for Singaporeans to be afraid of. Take transport, for example. Surprisingly, it’s not the usual suspects making you lose control of...
3 November 2015

4 Strategies that Make Bringing Your Own Lunch to Work Less of a Chore
I used to bring my own lunch to work back in my office days, and boy did it make me a bit of a freak. People always raised their eyebrows...
2 November 2015

How to Save Money When You Attend a Wedding in Singapore
Singaporean couples complain incessantly about how expensive it is to hold a wedding banquet here, but they conveniently leave out the fact that many are secretly hoping their wedding guests...
30 October 2015

6 Budget Flights That Maximise Your Weekend Vacation
If you’ve ever sneakily taken an MC on Thursday night to secure yourself a long weekend, you know how precious annual leave is. A weekend trip from Friday to Sunday...
30 October 2015

3 Steps to Take Today That Will Lower Your Healthcare Costs When You Retire
Retirement is a sensitive topic in Singapore. Lots of people, disheartened by the sight of wizened people working in menial jobs, assume that this is a country where people just...
29 October 2015

Karhoo – Will this New Third-Party App Level the Playing Field for Taxi Companies?
No matter which country you’re from, you’ve definitely got a word to describe someone who sticks his nose where it’s not wanted. In the Philippines, they call it “epal”. In...
28 October 2015

5 Super Cheap Halloween Costumes to Try This Year
It’s that time of year again—no, not haze season, but Halloween, that day when bars, clubs and theme parks urge their patrons to dress up in their most bizarre costumes,...
28 October 2015

4 Tips for Saving on Healthcare in Singapore
It’s better to be sick and rich than sick and poor, especially in Singapore. With the very real possibility of having to use all my retirement money on healthcare someday,...
27 October 2015

4 Reasons to Make a Will Even if You’re Under 40
So you’re still in your 20s and 30s, and like many people your age, you don’t have very much in the way of cash savings. In fact, you might be...
27 October 2015

4 Ways to Save Money in Singapore Without Wasting Lots of Precious Time
How much money you can save really depends on the amount of time at your disposal. If I didn’t have to work or have a life, I would be able...
26 October 2015

How Not to Lose Money at Your Own Wedding Banquet
It might sound unromantic, but wedding banquets in Singapore are often run like businesses. Aside from those couples whose main objective is to throw the most lavish banquet possible, many...
23 October 2015

3 Resume Writing Tips for Fresh Grads
So you’ve graduated from university. Now what? After the celebrations, grad trips and soul searching are over, it’s time to join the The Workforce. Whether you’re raring to secure your...
23 October 2015

Is Love in Singapore Really All About the Money?
Recently, I found myself seated next to two Singaporean guys on a flight from Thailand to Singapore. They were having a very loud two hour-long conversation, and after trying in...
22 October 2015

4 Ways Singaporeans Can Make Their Work Day More Enjoyable
Most of us aren’t idealistic enough to expect to be able to do what we love for a living—doing what we like most of the time is good enough. But...
22 October 2015

Here’s What You Need to Do to Become an Uber Driver in Singapore
In the real world, just because you have the right tools and the knowledge to use them does not necessarily mean you can turn professional overnight. As one Liverpool fan...
21 October 2015

Don’t Leave the House Without These 4 Things That Can Save You Money
The good old days when a night out on the town could cost less than $20 have gone the way of the dodo. Popping out to buy a small item...
21 October 2015