3 Ways the Singapore Government Can Truly Encourage Car-Liteness
It’s pretty ironic that the Baby Bonus isn’t making Singaporeans want to have more kids, while in spite of the COE so many Singaporeans still feel that cars make their...
3 May 2016

How to Go on a Week-long Holiday to Hong Kong For Less than $1,000
Singapore might be a paradise for shopping and eating, but if there’s one city in the world that beats us hands down, it’s Hong Kong. This city is even more...
29 April 2016

3 Biggest Reasons Singaporean Interns Fail to Get Job Offers
Remember the first day of your first internship? Getting off the bus or MRT, gazing wide-eyed at the office buildings towering overhead, and feeling like an imposter in the office...
29 April 2016

Credit Cards
Here’s How You Can Maximise Your Credit Card Usage with MoneySmart’s New App
They say there are four important steps to the perfect relationship. It is important to find someone who can cook and clean; it is important to find someone who can...
28 April 2016

18 SkillsFuture Courses That Could Help You Keep Your Job in 2016
Previously on MoneySmart, we talked about some of the skills Singaporeans who actually care about their employability should probably look into building in 2016.
27 April 2016

Here’s How to Help a Loved One Who’s Been Retrenched Get Back on Their Feet
Losing your job when you’re young sucks, but not as much as it does when you’re middle aged, have a mortgage to pay off, a family to support or kids...
27 April 2016

Here’s How Much Renting a 3 Bedroom Apartment Costs in Major Cities Around the World
A lot has been said about how expensive property is in Singapore, blah blah blah, but the fact is that most Singaporeans will never ever have to worry about how...
26 April 2016

Give Yourself an Annual Financial Checkup By Doing These 4 Things
Despite the fact that Singaporeans fret so much about money issues, so many people do absolutely nothing about their finances other than show up at work each day.
21 April 2016

Credit Cards
3 Security Aspects About Your Credit Card’s Design You Should Consider
Credit cards and comic books have a couple of things in common when it comes to my finances. They both tempt me to spend lots of money, and design is...
21 April 2016

3 Things Married Couples in Singapore Should Do When Planning Their Finances
So you’ve collected the keys to your HDB flat, and you have a deadline looming over your head—to register your marriage. Congratulations!
20 April 2016

3 Little Ways to Challenge Yourself to Boost Your Savings
Everyone “wishes” they could save more money. But if you’re not willing to give anything up to reach your savings goals, that’s yet another goal that’s going to join your...
18 April 2016

Car Insurance
Insist On Driving to Drink? Here’s What You Should Know About Hiring a Valet to Drive You Home
Unlike a certain actress, I just don’t get drunk. That’s not because I have a liver of steel or the alcohol tolerance of a giant. I just can’t afford to...
14 April 2016

3 Ways Being Flexible With Your Travel Plans Can Save You a Lot of Money
Singapore is such a small island it really isn’t that hard, or that expensive, to get out of it. You can take a bus out of the country from almost...
14 April 2016

How to Dress Fashionably in Singapore Without Going Broke
Gone are the days when the Singaporean uniform of choice was shorts and flip flops. These days, more and more fashionistas ply our streets, with 80% of those under the...
13 April 2016

7 Overseas Natural Attractions Singaporeans Can Visit Cheaply
The typical caricature of a Singaporean tourist is that guy stuffing his face at hotel buffets, googling for restaurants to visit and coming home with a suitcase full of shopping....
13 April 2016

How to Go on a Week-Long Holiday to Tokyo for Less Than $1,200
Japan is one of those destinations that nobody can say a single bad thing about. It’s impeccably clean, the service is insanely attentive, and it’s rich with culture, entertainment and...
12 April 2016

Staycations Vs Overseas Trips – Which Would You Rather Choose?
If travel means adventure and the great outdoors to you, you need to get out of Singapore to get that vacation feeling.
11 April 2016

5 Work Benefits Singaporeans Would Love to Receive
When you sign that employment contract, you could be selling your soul to a company that’s going to use and abuse you. So you’d better make sure you’re getting not...
11 April 2016

4 Reasons Why Buying a Smart Home Not Only Gives You a New Level of Convenience but Saves You Money Too
The year is 2016. That means we’re now further than where Marty McFly was in Back to the Future. So why aren’t most of us living like we belong in...
9 April 2016

3 Big Challenges Every Freelancer or Self-Employed Person Faces and How to Deal
If you’ve ever wished your boss would just cease to exist, you’re not alone—in a 2014 report, difficult bosses were cited as a big reason Singaporean employees wanted to quit...
8 April 2016

4 Affordable Kid-Friendly Overseas Vacation Spots for Singaporean Families
If an exciting vacation spot sounds to you like somewhere you can bungee jump, smoke weed legally or watch transexuals pole dance, you probably don’t have kids yet.
7 April 2016

If You Run an SME, Here Are the Most Important Elements of Budget 2016
Did you know I have something in common with Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat and his predecessor Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam? We all wear glasses. And while the three...
7 April 2016

Fitness & Beauty
4 Ways Your Gym Membership Could be Costing You Even More Money Than You Think
Tarzan had abs without the use of a gym, but as Singaporeans who spend most of our time sitting in front of computers rather than swinging from tree to tree,...
7 April 2016

4 Ways to Feel Like a Tourist Without Leaving Singapore
It’s not news that Singaporeans try to flee the country each time they have the chance. We all have that colleague who’s constantly going on weekend trips, even if it...
6 April 2016

4 Awesome Countries Where Singaporean Freelancers Who Want to Live Abroad Can Get a Long Stay Visa
Sick of working with bosses who insist on face-time above all else and throw hissy fits whenever they try to apply for more than two days of leave in a...
6 April 2016