Hate Your Job But Like Your Work? Try These 3 Career Moves Instead of Quitting
Those days when people’s main criteria for their career were stability and decent pay are long gone. These days, millennials are searching for fulfilment, self-actualisation, peace and love, rainbows and...
31 March 2016
The MoneySmart Guide to Singapore Movie Discounts 2016
The cheapest way to watch a movie is *cough* illegal. Since we would never dream of doing that, ahem, we prefer to catch all our movies in the cinema, of...
30 March 2016
3 Lessons Young Singaporeans Can Learn From the Retrenchment of Middle Aged PMETs
Once upon a time, getting a cushy PMET job and rising to senior management was the Singaporean dream. Claw your way to the top of the corporate ladder and you’d...
30 March 2016
3 Ways University Students Can Productively Spend Their School Holidays Abroad
Once upon a time, the glorious 3 month holidays enjoyed by uni students were a time of fun, travel and discovery. These days, uni students seem to all be rushing...
29 March 2016
Dear Singaporean PMETs, Here’s What Budget 2016 is Trying to Tell You
Budget 2016 has come and gone, and while some people might be upset that it was still considered premature for the property cooling measures to be relaxed, the truth is,...
29 March 2016
4 of Singaporeans’ Biggest Gripes About Public Transport and What You Can Do About Them
Despite the changes over the past year (more buses, Downtown line, et al), ask anyone who has to take public transport to work in the CBD how their commute went,...
28 March 2016
3 Money Saving Tips For Freelancers in Singapore
Freelancers and the self-employed pay a heavy price for their freedom and flexibility. Other than the lack of employer’s CPF contributions or benefits and an income that can fluctuate wildly...
28 March 2016
3 Minefields Singaporeans Must Learn to Navigate at Work
When you’re still at the office at 8pm and you spot colleagues surfing the internet waiting for the boss to leave, you know you’re in Singapore.
28 March 2016
3 Valuable Ways Singapore Students Can Spend Their Gap Year
Despite the fact that a gap year is still thought of as a big waste of time during which one is not economically productive (the shame!) in Singapore, more and...
24 March 2016
Singaporeans Who Are Tempted to Change Jobs This Year Should Ask Themselves This First
Unless you’ve spent the past year glued to Korean dramas or DOTA, you probably know that the economy isn’t looking so hot this year, with more people getting retrenched and...
24 March 2016
4 Important Things Singaporeans Should Bear in Mind Before the Budget 2016 Announcement
Can I just say, that in leading up to the Budget announcement tomorrow, I’ve been reminded again and again by the mainstream media how fortunate I am to still be...
23 March 2016
Going Shopping? Here’s The Secret to Buying Stuff That Will Actually Make You Happier
Anyone who’s been reading MoneySmart for any amount of time knows how we feel about Chanel handbags. But well, we do understand that living in Singapore, most people have no...
22 March 2016
3 Things Singaporeans Parents Should Spend Money On Instead of Tuition
If you thought you car or your flat were expensive, wait till you calculate the cost of bringing up your kids. Part of the reason Singaporean parents pay so much...
22 March 2016
Credit Cards
10 Rewards You Never Knew You Could Earn With a Credit Card
I am a firm believer of retail therapy. Although I can’t really explain it, I believe there is definitely some kind of intangible positive influence on my life when I make a...
21 March 2016
6 Ways to Get to the MRT Station That are Faster Than Feeder Bus
There’s been a lot of talk of turning Singapore into a car-lite city. Now, you would think that means people should be getting excited about a better and faster public...
21 March 2016
6 Little Hacks That Can Save Perpetually Busy Singaporeans Both Time and Money
Anybody who was born and bred in Singapore knows that Singaporeans waste a lot of money (we’re probably the nation with the highest per-capita number of Chanel bags).
21 March 2016
Too Busy at Work to Find Love? Here are 2 Things Overworked Singaporeans Should Do
Let’s forget about the birth rate and the baby bonus for a minute and enjoy a minute of silence for Love, as it seems it’s fast becoming extinct in Singapore.
18 March 2016
3 Social Experiences Singaporeans Will Inevitably Regret Spending Money On
Years ago, scientists discovered that spending on experiences instead of material goods makes you happier. Instead of cutting back their spending on designer handbags, Singaporeans have used their advice to...
18 March 2016
6 Items You Can Invest in to Make Money-Saving Weekends at Home More Fun
When I was a kid, I was never at home. My teenage years in Singapore were filled with nights that melted into mornings walking from Orchard Road to the Esplanade,...
17 March 2016
3 Places Where Tired Office Workers Can Take a Power Nap in the Singapore CBD
If you ask me how I feel at work most of the time, my answer would be: sleepy. And judging by the exhausted faces on the MRT on any given...
17 March 2016
Why Isn’t LTA Making It Easier to Drive an Electric Car in Singapore?
2016 is SG51, and this year on National Day, we celebrate the first year of Singapore’s second 50 years of independence. Since last year, we’ve been touting ourselves as a...
15 March 2016
3 Huge Reasons Young Singaporeans Need to Start Investing ASAP
Your parents always wished you were a child prodigy, but all those violin/abacus/ballet classes were wasted on you, and here you are, an adult who’s as ordinary as any other....
15 March 2016
3 Reasons Why Singapore May NOT Be the Most Liveable City For Asian Expats
Singapore has long been thought of as a paradise for monied expats. Paying almost zero income tax, partying in a playground for the rich and jetting off to Bali or...
14 March 2016
4 Things You Should Do If Your Workplace Offers Staggered Hours
If your boss had a choice, you would be sitting at your desk every morning at 9 sharp. But the public transport system, which is bursting at the seams during...
14 March 2016
5 Excuses Singaporeans Make For Not Planning For Retirement Early
It’s Singapore’s dirty little secret, but anyone who spends more than a few weeks here notices it: The number of old, wizened people who continue to toil away in menial...
11 March 2016