Home Loans

SIBOR, SORA and SOR Rates Explained — All You Need To Know And How They Affect Your Home Loans
SIBOR, SORA and SOR Rates Explained — How They Affect Your Home Loans
One of the biggest decisions you have to make when buying a home is… no, not what colour you want the walls ...
13 July 2021
refinancing home loan singapore
How to Refinance Your Home Loan in Singapore & Save Money on Your Mortgage
If your home loan is currently charging you more than 2.4% interest, you might be paying more than you ...
26 March 2021
HSBC SmartMortgage interest offset home loan to save money
Feeling Festive, Feeling Thrifty! 5 Smarter Ways to Save Money Now
This post was written in collaboration with HSBC. While we are financially compensated by them, we nonetheless ...
#RecessionReady (2/4) with POSB — How To Lower Your HDB Housing Loan Payments
#RecessionReady (2/4) — How To Lower Your HDB Housing Loan Payments
In the 2nd instalment of our #RecessionReady series, we look at how to reduce costs, especially at a time ...
DBS In-Principle Approval for Home Loan
Buying A Home? Here’s How to Make Your Purchase With Ease & Confidence
This post was written in collaboration with DBS. While we are financially compensated by them, we nonetheless ...
mortgage singapore floating rates
U.S. Fed Rates Slashed, SIBOR Plunges: What Does That Mean For 2020 Mortgage Rates in Singapore?
2019 was the year of SIBOR’s recovery, but the recent emergency fed rate cut has officially tipped the ...
2 June 2020
HSBC home loan review singapore
HSBC Home Loan Review Singapore 2019 – Which Mortgage to Choose from HSBC
HSBC isn’t one of the big boys like DBS or OCBC, so many people overlook them when searching for a home ...
8 October 2019
maybank home loan 2018 singapore
Maybank Home Loan Singapore Review 2019 – Which Mortgage to Choose from Maybank
Maybank home loan packages are the only ones in the market which are all pegged to an internal board rate ...
8 October 2019
BOC Home Loan Singapore Review 2019 – Which Mortgage to Choose from BOC
BOC Home Loan Singapore Review 2019 – Which Mortgage to Choose from BOC
When looking for a home loan, BOC isn’t the most obvious choice. They’re still very much a niche home loan ...
8 October 2019
Citibank Home Loan Singapore Review 2019 – Which Mortgage to Choose from Citibank
Citibank Home Loan Singapore Review 2019 – Which Mortgage to Choose from Citibank
Buying a home is a momentous occasion. It could mean a ceremonious upgrading to your dream home, finally ...
7 October 2019
home loans mortgage hdb resale flat price
A Couple’s Resale Flat Journey — 5 Tips for Your First Home and Mortgage  
After the wedding, the next big milestone that’ll empty out your savings is your first home and mortgage. ...
2 August 2019
refinancing home loan singapore
5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Refinancing Home Loans in Singapore
Are you loyal to your bank? If the answer is yes, then I have bad news: Loyalty doesn’t pay, at least when ...
22 July 2019
housing loan singapore
How To Choose Your Home Loan Singapore: 5 Important Factors To Consider Before Deciding
Choosing a home loan can be confusing. There are so many options to think about: fixed or floating interest ...
12 July 2019
keep house loan singapore
3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Pay Off Your Home Loan ASAP But Refinance Instead
For many people, being chained to a property loan is like being in prison. Forget about quitting your job ...
8 July 2019
refinancing repricing
Refinancing vs Repricing: What are the Differences?
Most people confuse repricing and refinancing as they both essentially point to switching up your home ...
3 June 2019
Housing Loans On The Rise – Should You Pick Fixed Or Floating Interest Rates?
Housing Loans On The Rise – Should You Pick Fixed Or Floating Interest Rates?
Buying a new home is easily many average Singaporeans’ biggest, most “heart pain” purchase. I mean, most ...
11 December 2018
bank home loan rates singapore
What Are Bank Home Loan Rates Based On And How Do You Decide What Is Best?
This post was written in collaboration with DBS. While we are financially compensated by them, we nonetheless ...
home equity loan
Home Equity Loan or Term Loan in Singapore – What Is It For And How Do You Get One
If you’re looking to borrow a large sum of money and have a property on hand, you may be able to “cash ...
16 October 2018
Home Loans in Singapore – The Complete Guide to Property Loans
Home Loans in Singapore – The Complete Guide to Property Loans
Buying a home in Singapore is a huge financial commitment that almost everyone goes through at some point ...
13 March 2018
SIBOR Forecast 2018 – Here’s Why So Many Singaporeans Should Be Refinancing Now
SIBOR Forecast 2018 – Here’s Why So Many Singaporeans Should Be Refinancing Now
If you are currently on a SIBOR-based home loan package, you need to take action now. The Singapore Interbank ...
17 January 2018
How to get your CPF Withdrawal Account Statement
How to get your CPF Withdrawal Account Statement
All home loan refinancing applicants in Singapore are required (regardless of whether their CPF was used ...
3 January 2018
fixed deposit linked home loans singapore en bloc
Fixed Deposit Linked Home Loans – Are the Interest Rates Really More Stable?
Fixed deposit linked home loans! It’s the latest innovation the banks have come up with in the mortgage ...
24 October 2017
Engaged and Waiting For Your Flat to Be Built? What You Need to Know About Your Home Loan
Engaged and Waiting For Your Flat to Be Built? What You Need to Know About Your Home Loan
So everything’s going to plan. One of you successfully pulled off a tearjerking engagement, and you’ve ...
29 August 2017
home loans loan jargon infographic
Home Loans: All the Crazy Jargon Bankers Like to Use, Explained in Simple English
Sometimes adulting can be really difficult. Especially when we’re trying to get a home in Singapore and ...
23 August 2017
fixed deposit pegged home loan singapore
What Exactly Are Fixed Deposit-Pegged Home Loans and How Do You Choose One?
When you think innovators, you think of Apple and the late Steve Jobs and how one iGadget after another ...
20 April 2017