
Articles by Peter Lin

I am the poster boy for reinventing one's self. I've been a broadcast journalist, technical writer, banking customer service officer and a Catholic friar. My life experiences have made me the most cynical idealist you'll ever meet, which is why I'm also the co-founder of a local pop culture website. I believe ignorance is not bliss, and that money is the root of all evil only if you allow it to be.

Here’s the Real Reason Why 1 in 3 Singapore Investors are in Debt
Here’s the Real Reason Why 1 in 3 Singapore Investors are in Debt
So there are two kinds of people in this world, right? The people who know about money and financial products and the people who don’t. Nothing wrong with being in...
15 February 2016
interest free instalment plans
Credit Cards
How Much is Your Overseas Shopping Spree Really Costing You?
Singaporeans love to shop, and with our world becoming more and more connected, a lot of that shopping is done overseas or online. Now, this is great when you have...
5 February 2016
Here’s Why Escaping the Country During Chinese New Year 2016 Might Not Be As Expensive As You Think
Here’s Why Escaping the Country During Chinese New Year 2016 Might Not Be As Expensive As You Think
There are two main reasons why you’ll want to get out of Singapore during Chinese New Year – either you want to avoid the awkward interactions with extended family members...
4 February 2016
How Much Would a Child’s Allowance Need to be in Singapore?
How Much Would a Child’s Allowance Need to be in Singapore?
I love my parents very, very much. However, one of the things I wish they taught me was the true value of money. Growing up, we were not very well...
3 February 2016
car cost 2016 singapore
Here’s How Much It’ll Cost You To Buy A Car in 2016, Now That COE Prices Have Dropped
We Singaporeans are a unique group of people – you tell us to do something and we do the exact opposite. Last week we suggested waiting for COE prices to...
21 January 2016
3 Ways to Reduce Your Car Insurance Premiums You Might Not Have Heard Of
Car Insurance
3 Ways to Reduce Your Car Insurance Premiums You Might Not Have Heard Of
With COE prices looking to drop further in 2016, the idea of you driving in the upcoming Year of the Monkey isn’t going to be limited to playing as Donkey...
20 January 2016
electricity costs singapore
Accidentally Left Your Lights On? Here’s How Much Electricity Will Cost Singaporeans in 2016
The free falling price of oil is fast becoming a concern for countries like Venezuela, where they’ve declared a state of emergency over their skyrocketing inflation, but for the lucky...
19 January 2016
Should Singaporean Car Buyers Really Wait for COE Prices to Drop Further?
Should Singaporean Car Buyers Really Wait for COE Prices to Drop Further?
While I may have dabbled with Tarot cards and even joined a religious order in my crazy past, I’m definitely not a fortune teller or a prophet. So when I...
13 January 2016
Wedding Banquet 2016
Singapore Wedding Banquet Price List 2016
The ultimate test of friendship is when you get invited to a wedding. If you’re not invited, or invited and not interested in going, then congratulations, you’ve been downgraded to “acquaintance”....
12 January 2016
What Do Singaporean Home Buyers Need to Know in 2016?
What Do Singaporean Home Buyers Need to Know in 2016?
Last year may have been the year of #SG50 but this year is definitely starting to be the year of #SGRugi. Assuming you don’t speak Bahasa Melayu, “rugi” means to...
11 January 2016
Now That Fixed Deposit-Linked Mortgage Rates Have Gone Up, Should Singaporeans Panic?
Home Loans
Now That Fixed Deposit-Linked Mortgage Rates Have Gone Up, Should Singaporeans Panic?
Have you heard of the Butterfly Effect? No, I’m not talking about the terrible Ashton Kutcher film from 2004, but the chaos theory concept it’s based on. Put simply, it...
7 January 2016
4 Money Myths Singaporeans Should Be Getting Rid of in 2016
4 Money Myths Singaporeans Should Be Getting Rid of in 2016
How did everyone’s New Year begin? Mine began with bumming around at home with my girlfriend. It was the best date of the year, and the fact that it didn’t...
6 January 2016
5 Industries in Singapore That May Be Facing a Tougher 2016
5 Industries in Singapore That May Be Facing a Tougher 2016
It may have been the year of #SimiSaiAlsoSG50, but it was also not all fun and games. In the midst of a global recession that saw the China stock market...
18 December 2015
DBS vs UOB vs OCBC: Who Has The Best Lifestyle Mobile App in Singapore?
DBS vs UOB vs OCBC: Who Has The Best Lifestyle Mobile App in Singapore?
There’s an app for everything these days. Dating apps, taxi booking apps, and a dozen and one ways to add filters to your photos. Mobile banking has quickly become common,...
14 December 2015
Here’s Why You’d Be Really Silly to Not Get an Integrated Shield Plan in Singapore
Health Insurance
Here’s Why You’d Be Really Silly to Not Get an Integrated Shield Plan in Singapore
If there’s one thing the classic Morgan Spurlock documentary “Super Size Me” taught me, it’s this: It doesn’t make sense to spend more to upsize your fast food meal. Your...
11 December 2015
Here’s What You Should and Should Not Be Paying Your Property Agent in Singapore
Here’s What You Should and Should Not Be Paying Your Property Agent in Singapore
No one likes to be told that their job can be done by anyone. Whenever a Catholic priest counsels people about married life or raising children, the common criticism they...
9 December 2015
5 Things to Do This Year End That Will Help Get Your Finances in Order for 2016
5 Things to Do This Year End That Will Help Get Your Finances in Order for 2016
Wake me up, when Septemb…. OH COME ON, it’s almost 2016 already?! Well, if you haven’t got around to having an SG50 baby, I have bad news for you. It’s...
3 December 2015
What Does It Take To Become the Best Place to Work in Singapore?
What Does It Take To Become the Best Place to Work in Singapore?
I think my company is the best place to work. And I’m not just saying that because it’s the end of the year and my year-end bonus is imminent. Assuming...
1 December 2015
Poiz Residences: Here’s What Buyers Must Know Before Taking a Home Loan
Home Loans
Poiz Residences: Here’s What Buyers Must Know Before Taking a Home Loan
Maybe it’s the fact that Potong Pasir is firmly out of opposition hands, but come 2019, it’s going to start looking exactly like any other PAP stronghold. Not only has...
1 December 2015
Visiting Rome, Cologne and London in a Single Trip? Here Are 5 Ways to Choose the Best Travel Insurance
Travel Insurance
Visiting Rome, Cologne and London in a Single Trip? Here Are 5 Ways to Choose the Best Travel Insurance
If you’ve been to several McDonald’s outlets recently, you may have noticed their new self-ordering touchscreen kiosks. I love the idea, it allows me to order at my leisure without...
25 November 2015
Here’s Why Using GrabHitch is a No-Brainer for Both Passengers and Drivers in Singapore
Here’s Why Using GrabHitch is a No-Brainer for Both Passengers and Drivers in Singapore
I’m probably going to show my age here, but I’m old enough to remember the days when we had to carpool to get into the CBD for free. Back in...
24 November 2015
Exactly How Much Do You Save When You Get a Polyclinic Subsidy?
Exactly How Much Do You Save When You Get a Polyclinic Subsidy?
It’s close to the end of the year and you know what that means – flu season. Yep, in Singapore, flu season is typically from December to February and from...
23 November 2015
If You Can Afford the Downpayment on a New Car, Uber May Help You Pay For the Rest
If You Can Afford the Downpayment on a New Car, Uber May Help You Pay For the Rest
The COE prices have gone up again, defying all logical explanation. Just like a certain Indonesian Vice-President. Singaporeans have gotten used to paying thousands of dollars just to own a...
19 November 2015
OCBC Has Got a New Home Loan Package – Here’s Why the DBS FHR Should Be Worried
Home Loans
OCBC Has Got a New Home Loan Package – Here’s Why the DBS FHR Should Be Worried
They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. After all, your product must be pretty impressive if it’s going to get copied. We’ve heard of “brands” like “Johnnie...
17 November 2015
Will This New Player in the Public Transport Industry in Singapore Spoil the Market?
Will This New Player in the Public Transport Industry in Singapore Spoil the Market?
For those of you old enough to remember when Singtel was the only telecommunication company in Singapore, do you remember how you felt when M1 came into the picture? And...
16 November 2015