
Articles by Mark Cheng

I rant and rave a lot, but when I'm not busy doing that, I'm managing the content for MoneySmart. I love Singapore, but I also believe in helping it to improve bit by bit, and that's where MoneySmart comes in. Have some thoughts? Drop me an email at [email protected].

best credit cards for dining in Singapore
Credit Cards
These Dining Privileges Will Change The Way You Dine, and You Don’t Even Have to Pay For Them
In a city like Singapore, you’re never too far away from good food. No, let me rephrase that – It’s almost impossible to escape from good food even if you...
28 September 2016
3 Critical Things That Investing Beginners Should Figure Out Before They Even Put Their Money In
3 Critical Things That Investing Beginners Should Figure Out Before They Even Put Their Money In
This post was written in collaboration with IG. While we are financially compensated by them, we nonetheless strive to maintain our editorial integrity and review products with the same objective...
23 September 2016
Here’s Why The Digitization of the Insurance Industry is Going To Have a Huge Impact For Singaporeans
Here’s Why The Digitization of the Insurance Industry is Going To Have a Huge Impact For Singaporeans
When some Singaporeans think of insurance, they still get nightmares of their army or university friends whom they haven’t spoken to for ages suddenly giving them a ring to “meet...
13 September 2016
The Unseen Perils of Living Paycheck to Paycheck that Singaporeans Don’t Realise Until It’s Too Late
The Unseen Perils of Living Paycheck to Paycheck that Singaporeans Don’t Realise Until It’s Too Late
Many Singaporeans assume that people who have trouble saving on a monthly basis are low-income earners without any room to buffer their expenditures. Unfortunately, that is rather far from the...
29 August 2016
what is an index fund
Want to Make The Most of Short Term Market Movements But Worried About the Risk? Here’s a Simple Product You Can Consider
This post was written in collaboration with IG. While we are financially compensated by them, we nonetheless strive to maintain our editorial integrity and review products with the same objective...
29 July 2016
algorithmic trading IG
Think That Investing is Like Gambling? This System of Trading Might Change the Game For Investors Forever
This post was written in collaboration with IG. While we are financially compensated by them, we nonetheless strive to maintain our editorial integrity and review products with the same objective...
12 July 2016
These Hidden Costs of Retirement Could Derail Your Retirement Planning
These Hidden Costs of Retirement Could Derail Your Retirement Planning
When it comes to planning for retirement, it’s not just about plucking a magical number out of thin air, and hoping that you will be able to achieve it.
24 June 2016
Here’s How Dividend-Yielding Funds Can Help To Bolster Your Investment Portfolio
Here’s How Dividend-Yielding Funds Can Help To Bolster Your Investment Portfolio
As a kid, my decision on which snacks to eat more often than not depended on what toy was included in the package. That might be rather similar to the...
30 May 2016
4 Travel Essentials That Will Help You To Save Money When Travelling
4 Travel Essentials That Will Help You To Save Money When Travelling
If you were to do a random poll of Singaporeans, you’d probably find that 60-70% of them have travelling on their perpetual life wishlist. Why the wanderlust? Well, there could...
19 November 2015
unit trust singapore
What on Earth is a Unit Trust Anyway?
Perhaps you can’t really blame Singaporeans for not being more proactive in investing. Just reading through a list of investment products is enough to make anyone’s head spin. This could,...
1 October 2015
cpf big r chat retirement
The 5 Conversations About Retirement That Singaporeans Are Not Having
The past year or so has seen some rather lengthy arguments revolving around different facets of retirement in Singapore, ranging from discussions on the role of CPF, to the debate...
17 August 2015
Here’s How You Can Save Hundreds of Dollars Buying Second Hand Baby and Kids’ Products
You’d think that all you needed to raise a kid were a few stacks of drawing paper and coloured pencils and a pacifier, right? Well, guess what, according to those...
2 July 2015
After a Customer Service Incident Like This, Is It Still Worth Flying With Scoot?
To put it lightly, Scoot’s not had a great month. Sure, we’ve heard of flights being cancelled or delayed before, but Scoot took it to a totally different level. You...
1 July 2015
3 Important Tips To Make Sure You Maximize Your Money During the Great Singapore Sale
3 Important Tips To Make Sure You Maximize Your Money During the Great Singapore Sale
For all you shopaholics out there, the Great Singapore Sale (GSS) might be the one time of the year you’ve been waiting for. With retail spend starting to look like...
27 June 2015
airasia asean pass
Travelling Around the Region? This One Pass Could Help You Save Hundreds of Dollars
By and large, Singapore has always been a popular travel destination. But it’s not just because of the lovely view of our CBD and hundreds of people slogging away late...
10 June 2015
5% Unlimited Cash Rebate? Yes, There Is Such a Thing And Here’s How It Works
Credit Cards
5% Unlimited Cash Rebate? Yes, There Is Such a Thing And Here’s How It Works
The rise in popularity of cash rebate for credit card expenditure is something you might not have expected 5-10 years ago. Back in the days of credit card rewards points,...
27 April 2015
4 Great Benefits You Didn’t Know You Could Get With Airline Loyalty Programs
4 Great Benefits You Didn’t Know You Could Get With Airline Loyalty Programs
Ask any Singaporean on the street what some of their dreams are, and you are bound to run into more than a few people who mention “travel” in their answers....
23 April 2015
flexible work arrangements singapore
If You’re Still Skeptical About Achieving Work-Life Harmony, Let Some Organisations Show You How With Flexible Work Arrangements
In the perpetually busy state that Singaporeans are in, it’s tough to juggle the multiple responsibilities that keep increasing as we move through the various life stages. We previously looked...
12 December 2014
Lake Life EC Home Loan Singapore
Home Loans
Buying a Lake Life EC Unit? Here Are 3 Things You Should Know Before Choosing Your Home Loan
If you were one of the lucky few that secured a unit at Lake Life over the weekend, you may have really lucked out on a bang for buck property...
10 November 2014
new sgx trading rules
Why Investors Should be Rejoicing Over SGX’s New Trading Rules
We thought the day would never come, but SGX has finally decided to do something about some of their most archaic trading rules. The beauty of the new direction with...
4 September 2014
Think the Rich Have Retirement Covered? DBS Survey Reveals A Different Story
Think the Rich Have Retirement Covered? DBS Survey Reveals A Different Story
You wouldn’t be faulted for completely ignoring any plight regarding retirement when it comes to the affluent in Singapore. They’ve got it all sorted out right? No money issues to...
15 July 2014
Is This The Most Sensible Thing The Government Has Said Regarding CPF So Far?
Is This The Most Sensible Thing The Government Has Said Regarding CPF So Far?
There’s been a lot of opinions and statements (I’m trying to be polite here) regarding CPF floating around over the past few weeks. From Singapore’s latest blog martyr, Roy Ngerng, to...
11 July 2014
Guess What? Lui Tuck Yew Says Fares NEED To Increase To Keep New Bus Model Sustainable
Guess What? Lui Tuck Yew Says Fares NEED To Increase To Keep New Bus Model Sustainable
This is just brilliant. I almost choked on my morning coffee when I read the recent news article regarding Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew’s response to a Parliamentary debate on the...
8 July 2014
What Lim Swee Say Was Really Trying To Say Regarding CPF
What Lim Swee Say Was Really Trying To Say Regarding CPF
It’s tough to be a politician nowadays. Say something well meaning and it gets torn apart in seconds. On the bright side, it does lend itself to some shining examples...
24 June 2014
SingTel Wants To Charge You For WhatsApp? Screw That. Here Are 3 Alternatives
SingTel Wants To Charge You For WhatsApp? Screw That. Here Are 3 Alternatives
It would appear that Mark Zuckerberg may have gotten more than he bargained for when he bought WhatsApp for $16b billion. After a series of unfortunate incidents, there’s a new...
27 February 2014