CPF Basic, Full & Enhanced Retirement Sum: Updates & Policy Changes That You Should Know About in 2024
CPF Basic, Full & Enhanced Retirement Sum: Updates & Policy Changes That You Should Know About in 2024
With inflation still on the rise at 3.6% this year, it’s good to err on the safe side and save for rainy ...
21 June 2024
Here’s Everything You Should Know About the Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) Account
In Singapore, retirement is always something we crave. While not all of us will be FIRE fanatics, we do ...
14 June 2024
HDB Grants Guide 2024—Which Are The Best HDB Grants You Can Get For Your HDB BTO/Resale?
Thinking about buying an HDB flat in Singapore in this economy? It’s no secret that this can put a significant ...
29 May 2024
Going Freelance? Here’s How You Should Plan Your CPF & Finances For 2024
Back when I started freelancing full-time in 2014, the only friends who were free to meet up with me at ...
24 May 2024
CPF LIFE: The Complete Guide to Payouts, Plans & Minimum Sums in 2024
Did you know Singapore is a “blue zone“? The term was coined by Dan Buettner, an American National Geographic ...
6 May 2024
basic healthcare sum
Understanding Your MediSave Account in 2024 & How to Make the Most of It
No one ever wants to get sick. Apart from the horrid feeling and inconvenience, general treatments can ...
24 April 2024
CPF MediShield Life in Singapore
Guide to MediShield Life in Singapore 2024—An Updated Look at Premiums, Coverage, Deductibles and Claims
When in Singapore, healthcare can be quite costly. This is also why many working adults invest in medical ...
16 April 2024
CPF Investment Scheme (CPFIS) – Everything You Need to Know About Investing with CPF
As someone who regularly invests, I’m not exactly a fan of CPF. My money ends up sitting in my Ordinary ...
2 April 2024
Income Tax Singapore
10 Ways to Reduce Your Personal Income Tax in Singapore for YA 2025
You know when you get the dreaded SMS from IRAS that it’s time to pay your dues. Yup, the tax man has come ...
22 March 2024
CPF Guide Singapore: CPF Contribution Rates, Ceilings, Retirement Sum and More (2024)
Higher CPF retirement sum ceiling, Special Account to close for those aged 55 and above, Retirement Savings ...
27 February 2024
home loan calculator hdb maximum loan financial calculator flat interest rate cpf
Using Your CPF to Purchase Property? 3 Important Facts to Know (2022)
You don’t have to wait till you’re old and wizened to use the money in your CPF account. The first time ...
20 April 2022
cpf basic retirement sum
Here’s Why the Basic Retirement Sum Isn’t Something Singaporeans Should Be Worrying About
Depending on who you believe, you may think our CPF savings are like Russia. You know it’s there, I know ...
28 February 2022
CPF Enhanced Nomination Scheme (2022): What happens to my CPF after I die?
CPF Enhanced Nomination Scheme (2022): What happens to my CPF after I die?
We’ve come a long way from the GiveMeBackMyCPF days. Now that Covid-19 has thrown the stock market into ...
25 February 2022
cpf retirement sum
CPF Retirement Sum – How Does It Work and How Much Do You Need?
Already counting down the days to retirement… when you’re only 25 years old? Late nights at the office ...
10 January 2022
CPF Top-Ups Hit All-Time High of S$4 Billion in 2021: Should You Top Up Your CPF Too?
CPF Top-Ups Hit All-Time High of S$4 Billion in 2021: Should You Top Up Your CPF Too?
There was a time when #givemebackmycpf was a thing. These days, people are voluntarily giving their money ...
27 December 2021
DBS Multiplier Account - new changes October 2021 - achieve financial goals quicker
4 Ways Multiplier Account Rewards You As You Work Towards Your Financial Goals
This post was written in collaboration with DBS. While we are financially compensated by them, we nonetheless ...
[UPDATED] Budget 2020 Highlights — 10 Key Announcements To Note
[UPDATED] Budget 2020 Highlights — 10 Key Announcements To Note
I have to admit — I’m quite impressed by the Budget 2020 announcement by Deputy Prime Minister and Finance ...
26 March 2020
cpf education loan singapore
CPF Education Scheme: Using Your Parents’ OA to Pay For Your University or Polytechnic Fees
University and polytechnic fees in Singapore are not cheap. The good news is that if your parents are unable ...
17 February 2020
cpf contribution retirement age
CPF Contribution & Retirement Age Changes: 7 Facts Singaporeans Should Know
I am seriously wondering if I’ve recently been abducted by aliens and implanted in an alternate universe, ...
20 August 2019
national day rally 2019
National Day Rally 2019 — On Retirement, CPF, Education & More
Shortly after Singapore’s 54th birthday, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong made his National Day Rally 2019 ...
19 August 2019