3 Ways Singaporeans Can be Encouraged to Make Fewer Medical Insurance Claims
Health Insurance
3 Ways Singaporeans Can be Encouraged to Make Fewer Medical Insurance Claims
Let’s say you get into an accident and end up getting rushed to the hospital for surgery. After the initial relief that everything’s gone well and that all four of...
27 October 2016
The 3 Biggest Things Singaporeans Should Focus on to Save Money on Their Wedding
The 3 Biggest Things Singaporeans Should Focus on to Save Money on Their Wedding
Weddings in Singapore have a bad reputation for being exorbitant. The average wedding costs between $30,000 and $80,000, and horror stories abound of couples who land in six figures of...
26 October 2016
3 Places Freelancers Can Work Other Than Home in Singapore
3 Places Freelancers Can Work Other Than Home in Singapore
Whenever I tell people I work from home, they never fail to remind me how lucky I am. But what they really mean is that I’m lucky not to have...
26 October 2016
3 Big Things on Singaporeans’ Minds About Retiring and Growing Old
3 Big Things on Singaporeans’ Minds About Retiring and Growing Old
One of the most striking sights to first-time visitors in Singapore is the number of elderly people working in menial jobs.
25 October 2016
3 things to do in university that will make you rich
2 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Enrolling in a Private Degree Course
It seemed like just yesterday when you were congratulating yourself on having passed the PSLE and not screwing up your O levels, but now you’ve been slapped with the biggest...
25 October 2016
4 Reasons Singaporeans are Constantly Going on Overseas Holidays
4 Reasons Singaporeans are Constantly Going on Overseas Holidays
We all have that friend who’s never around when you call them on weekends because they’re constantly on overseas getaways. These people don’t even need to take leave—a 2-day holiday...
24 October 2016
Promoted Without a Pay Increase? Here’s What You Should Be Doing
Promoted Without a Pay Increase? Here’s What You Should Be Doing
Everything thinks a promotion is something to be happy about. But guess what—a promotion could mean you end up doing extra work for the same pay. A recent news report...
24 October 2016
Graduating With a General Degree? Here’s Why Young Singaporeans Shouldn’t Panic
Graduating With a General Degree? Here’s Why Young Singaporeans Shouldn’t Panic
There’s been a lot of talk about how hard it’s been for recent graduates to find jobs. But let’s be clear—there’s a big difference between the type of anxiety a...
21 October 2016
5 Non-Touristy Holiday Destinations Where Singaporeans are Less Likely to Get Ripped Off
5 Non-Touristy Holiday Destinations Where Singaporeans are Less Likely to Get Ripped Off
So you saved up for a year to pay for that much-dreamed-about holiday in Paris, and you’re finally face to face with the Eiffel Tower. Wow. You lean in with...
21 October 2016
tuition singapore
6 Tuition Centres in Singapore That Offer More Than Just Tuition
Back in secondary school, I had friends who used to get their parents to sign them up at certain tuition centres because there were lots of pretty girls enrolled in...
20 October 2016
3 Real Reasons Singaporeans Want to Get a Flat Before Having a Kid
So if you’ve been following the local news or at least have a Facebook account, you’d have read about Josephine Teo’s biggest gaffe—her comment that couples “don’t need a lot...
19 October 2016
3 Ways to Sneakily Save Money Without Even Realising It
3 Ways to Sneakily Save Money Without Even Realising It
Saving money in Singapore can be quite a torture. Imagine yourself, sitting at that overpriced bar at Marina Bay, sipping on your glass of tap water as all your friends clink...
19 October 2016
If You Are Renovating Your Home, This One Small Addition Could Save You Quite a Lot of Money
If You Are Renovating Your Home, This One Small Addition Could Save You Quite a Lot of Money
These days, renovating your house in Singapore isn’t as cheap and simple as just doing some painting and electrical works. Contractors and interior designers are known to recommend adding a...
18 October 2016
Here are 4 Things You Can Do in October to Minimise the Damage From Impending Holiday Spending
Here are 4 Things You Can Do in October to Minimise the Damage From Impending Holiday Spending
It’s only October, but before you know it, the Orchard Road Christmas lights are going to be up (and they’d better put on a good show, given the number of...
18 October 2016
To Use a Housing Agent Or Not? 5 Ways Singaporeans Can Decide
To Use a Housing Agent Or Not? 5 Ways Singaporeans Can Decide
Anyone who thinks Singaporeans are lazy because they get maids to do all their housework is mistaken. We pay others to do our crap for us only if it’s cheap.
17 October 2016
Here’s Why Having Sufficient Post-Hospitalisation Coverage Is Important
Health Insurance
Here’s Why Having Sufficient Post-Hospitalisation Coverage Is Important
No one wants to get sick. No matter how much the hospitalisation fees and charges are subsidised, no matter how much you’re covered by MediShield Life, it’s the sheer inconvenience...
17 October 2016
Should You Recontract With Your Telco if You Want to Upgrade Your Smartphone to the New iPhone 7?
Should You Recontract With Your Telco if You Want to Upgrade Your Smartphone to the New iPhone 7?
So, the iPhone 7 is out, and predictably enough, Singaporeans have gone nuts, screaming bloody murder when delivery of the handsets was delayed. As usual, many people are rushing to...
14 October 2016
Are Singaporeans More Protected with the New Amendments to the Consumer Protection Act?
Are Singaporeans More Protected with the New Amendments to the Consumer Protection Act?
If you were one of those who bought a Samsung Galaxy Note7 earlier this year, congratulations! It was recently announced that you could get a full refund. The unprecedented move...
13 October 2016
4 Inexpensive Items Budget Travellers Should Always Pack With Them
4 Inexpensive Items Budget Travellers Should Always Pack With Them
Think back to your last vacation. Did your itinerary include hunting for Michelin star restaurants and shopping for designer goods? Then you’re most definitely not a budget traveller. Now go...
13 October 2016
home protection scheme
Here’s Why Singaporeans Are No Longer Using Housing Agents
I think I speak for all Singaporeans when I say that we’re sick and tired of reading about the latest property agent who just became a millionaire. We all know...
12 October 2016
3 Reasons You Might be Unhappy With Your Job That Have Nothing to Do With the Job Itself
3 Reasons You Might be Unhappy With Your Job That Have Nothing to Do With the Job Itself
The last time I saw someone smile at Raffles Place was, uh, never. It’s no secret that Singaporeans are some of the region’s unhappiest workers, and this was confirmed once...
12 October 2016
Here’s Why Singaporeans Should Rejoice About the Scoot-Tigerair Integration
Is the end of Brangelina still a thing? It’s been almost a month since we received news that Angelina Jolie was filing for divorce from Brad Pitt, ending a 12-year...
11 October 2016
How to Go on a Week-Long Holiday to Amsterdam For Less Than $1,700
How to Go on a Week-Long Holiday to Amsterdam For Less Than $1,700
Amsterdam is everything Singapore is not—environmentally friendly, laid back and liberal. Which could be why more and more young Singaporeans are opting to spending their holidays there. Whether you’re into...
11 October 2016
3 Money Saving Tricks That are Totally Not Worth the Time and Effort
3 Money Saving Tricks That are Totally Not Worth the Time and Effort
I’ve actually considered giving up shampoo because I read on the Internet that you could wash your hair with baking soda, which costs practically nothing, despite the obvious yucks factor. I...
10 October 2016
3 Random Lifestyle Purchases That Singaporeans Think Make Them Cooler, But Actually Cost a Ton of Money in the Long Run
3 Random Lifestyle Purchases That Singaporeans Think Make Them Cooler, But Actually Cost a Ton of Money in the Long Run
Despite our world-class education system, some Singaporeans seem prone to doing things without thinking. Whether it’s those parents putting their kids through thousands of dollars of tuition sessions without even...
7 October 2016