retirement planning
3 Things You Might Not Have Thought About When Planning for Retirement
Mention retirement in front of a bunch of Singaporeans and everyone instantly starts griping about the rising cost of living, low wages and having to work from the cradle to...
30 November 2014
money matters couples need to discuss
Money Matters Every Couple Needs to Discuss When They’re Dating But Not Married
Most of the money advice targeted at couples is for people who are married or at least cohabiting. But knowing how to handle joint accounts, split the rent and divide...
26 November 2014
last minute travel singapore
5 Travel Strategies to Get Out of Singapore at the Last Minute During Public Holidays
Trying to book a last minute holiday over public holidays in Singapore screams “Titanic” as everyone scrambles to get out before it’s too late. A cheap flight to a place...
26 November 2014
why singaporeans get into debt
The Top 3 Idiotic Reasons Singaporeans Get into Debt
Getting into debt isn’t like transferring $10,000 to your new Nigerian friend who also happens to be a prince. In other words, it’s not stupid 100% of the time. Yes,...
26 November 2014
how to tell if your boss sucks
4 Questions to Ask at an Interview That Can Help You Determine If an Employer Sucks
Being so desperate when you attend an interview that you’re willing to help your new boss tie his shoes might actually get you hired in Singapore. There’s nothing bosses like...
26 November 2014
budget travel london holiday
How to Enjoy a Week-long Holiday in London for Under $1,600
If you’ve ever wondered why older Singaporeans use quaint British expressions like “donkey’s ears”, a trip to London, the capital of Singapore’s former colonial masters, might be in order. To...
24 November 2014
how to deal with conservative bosses
3 Ways to Deal with Conservative Local Bosses in Singapore
Anyone who’s worked for a Singapore company knows the horrors of trying to deal with a Conservative Local Boss. Conventional career advice exhorting employees to speak up whenever they can...
24 November 2014
cheap food alternatives cbd singapore
6 Places in the CBD Where You Can Have Lunch For Less Than $10
If you’re working in the CBD area around Raffles Place and Tanjong Pagar, you’d better hope you’re getting paid a lot. Because it’s not cheap to exist in the land...
24 November 2014
how to make your things last longer and save money
6 Simple Hacks to Save Money by Making Your Stuff Last Longer
No matter how cheap something is at the time you buy it, if it breaks two months later you haven’t really saved that much money, have you? Here are 6...
19 November 2014
how to make the most of your annual leave
How to Stop Getting Shortchanged By Your Employer and Make the Most of Your Annual Leave
I once had a friend who, fresh out of engineering school, got a job with a 6-day work week and only 7 days of annual leave (true story). After two...
19 November 2014
travel to melbourne australia on a budget
How to Go on a Week-Long Holiday to Melbourne, Australia for Less Than $1,400
If there were a definitive list of Singaporeans’ favourite cities, Melbourne would definitely be within the top three. In fact, these days you see more Singaporeans on the streets of...
17 November 2014
why your budget will fail
4 Reasons Why Your Budgeting Plan is Doomed To Failure
You already know how important it is to have a budget if you want to get your finances in order, especially in the oversized shopping mall that is Singapore, but...
14 November 2014
best massage places singapore
3 Ways to Get a Cheap Massage in Singapore For Not More Than $60
When life gets too stressful, as it does 99% of the time in Singapore, some turn to alcohol, and others turn to spas. Unfortunately, like everything else here, both are...
14 November 2014
how to maximise your company benefits
Don’t Waste the Employee Benefits your Company Gives You – Here’s How to Maximise Them
Think about your job. Is there anything good about it besides the pay? If your answer is no, you’re wrong, even if your boss is the devil incarnate and the...
13 November 2014
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Home Loans
Home Loan Calculator – You Should Definitely Read This Before Using One
A home loan calculator is a common tool to help you reduce your stress. Good home loan calculators start by getting you to key in some basic information about the...
12 November 2014
5 jobs for former shisha retailers
5 Jobs That Former Shisha Retailers Can Do After The Ridiculous Ban
Earlier this week Parliament banned the import and sale of shisha tobacco, though they gave licensed retailers until the end of July 2016 before the ban kicks in for them...
11 November 2014
holiday to iceland under $2,000
How to Spend a Week in Reykjavík, Iceland for Under $2,000 Including Flights
There are holiday destinations that everybody has been to and nobody is really impressed by, like Australia and Thailand. And then there are those destinations that most people only dream...
11 November 2014
Lake Life EC Home Loan Singapore
Home Loans
Buying a Lake Life EC Unit? Here Are 3 Things You Should Know Before Choosing Your Home Loan
If you were one of the lucky few that secured a unit at Lake Life over the weekend, you may have really lucked out on a bang for buck property...
10 November 2014
eating healthy on a budget singapore
Think Eating Healthy is Hard in Singapore? Here’s Why It’s Even Harder on a Budget
Although 99% of the people on Singapore streets still look like sticks to me, according to many anxious news reports, Singaporeans are actually getting fatter. And even if you’re all...
10 November 2014
why are gen y singaporeans not saving money
Why Are Gen Y Singaporeans Saving So Little Despite Not Having to Pay Rent?
Sure, a house costs a ton of money in Singapore—but so does a Ferrari. Neither affects you at this point if you’re still living with mum and dad. And that’s...
10 November 2014
tuition teacher singapore 2018
How to Be a Full Time Tuition Teacher in Singapore
Forget about investment banking or going to law school. Of all my secondary school classmates, the first one to be able to afford her own car was a full time...
5 November 2014
high paying jobs singapore
3 Well-paid Jobs You Can Get Even With a Useless Degree
Just do what you love, they said. That’s why you went and got a degree in Tahitian Studies or Ancient History of Agriculture. And now employers are staring at your...
5 November 2014
retirement jobs that will help you retire comfortably
4 Retirement Jobs That Can Help You Retire Much More Comfortably Than Just Relying on CPF
When most people think of retirement, they imagine old folks wearing Hawaiian shirts and slippers with socks sipping cocktails on some island in the tropics. Unfortunately, if that tropical island is...
4 November 2014
travel to italy for under $1,600
How to Go on a Week-Long Holiday to Rome, Italy for Less Than $1,600
So the university holidays have started, or perhaps you’re thinking of finally taking that block leave before you lose it. But you’re sick and tired of “affordable” destinations like Malaysia...
3 November 2014
is medishield sufficient health insurance singapore
Health Insurance
Here’s Why MediShield is Not Sufficient Enough For You To Ignore Additional Health Insurance Coverage
Medical and hospitalisation expenses are costly. Even worse, these expenses become even more costly every year due to healthcare inflation. That’s bad considering healthcare inflation rises at an even faster...
3 November 2014