4 Good Habits That Are Critical to Form When You’re in Your First Job
Few people can say their first job is their dream job. When you’re paid peanuts and your duties could be performed by a trained monkey, it’s easy to act like...
14 July 2015

4 Lies About Money You Should Recognise by the Time You’re 30
Mistakes, I’ve made a few. And so have many others in Singapore, I’ll bet, if the number of people in credit card debt from gambling and overspending or the legions...
13 July 2015

5 Personal Finance Milestones Singaporeans Should Celebrate
Many people think of graduation, weddings and promotions as personal milestones. Unfortunately, it’s totally possible to live through all those milestones with your finances still in a mess. Perhaps you...
13 July 2015

3 Alternatives to Investing in Residential Property in Singapore
No matter what the government says, Singaporeans think of any residential property they purchase not just as a home but also as an investment, fuelled by success stories of the...
10 July 2015

8 Bad Habits That Financially Secure Singaporeans Have Gotten Rid Of
As a country, we’ve gotten complacent about how rich we really are. A little too satisfied with the amount we earn, perhaps. Although as a country we’re earning a median...
9 July 2015

3 Things You Must Know If You Work From Home
Every time I tell people that I work from home I get envious looks and coos of “oh you’re so lucky!” But seriously, working from home can be hellish at...
9 July 2015

If You Have Been Making Your Travel Bookings Online Without This Card, You Are Losing Out
Air miles can be a frequent traveller’s best friend, but can also be a tricky thing to handle. On one hand, the idea of being able to redeem a FREE...
8 July 2015

If You Were a Singaporean Student in the 90s, These 4 Things Were Way Cheaper
If you can remember simpler times when a bowl of noodles in the school canteen could cost only 50 cents and an entire days’ outing at Orchard Road would set...
7 July 2015

4 Reasons Singaporeans Might be Wasting Money on Tuition For Their Kids
You know you’re in Singapore when the newspapers publish a special report on private tuition. The Straits Times’ recent report on tuition contained some very disturbing figures. 7 out of...
6 July 2015

How Singaporean Employers Can Raise Productivity in Their Companies
Every day in the newspapers, a journalist quotes some minister or academic who fortells doom and gloom if Singapore does not manage to raise its productivity in the coming years....
6 July 2015

4 Part-Time Jobs You Can Do in Singapore That are Actually Fun
A part-time job might conjure up visions of running along the beach Baywatch-style in your weekend lifeguard gig, or scooping ice cream with cute-as-a-button co-workers. Unfortunately, in reality, to earn...
6 July 2015

Why Singaporean Car Buyers Might Be Punching Themselves for Ignoring the New Hybrid Car Rebates
There’s probably going to be a special place in hell for the person who thought of a thousand and one methods to control car usage in Singapore. COE, road tax,...
6 July 2015

The Ultimate MoneySmart Singapore Taxi Fare Guide 2015
Taking a taxi in Singapore is so convenient. Except when you really need one, of course. Then they’re generally nowhere to be found. When one does show up? You start...
3 July 2015

3 Things Broke Uni Students Should Do to Stay Afloat Financially
As a broke uni student, you’re already used to thinking of instant noodles as a major food group, and a lavish meal consists of upsizing your meal at McDonald’s. You...
3 July 2015

3 Terrible Reasons Why Singaporeans Spend on Impulse and Then Cry Later
Deep in his heart of hearts, every Singaporean knows how important it is to save money. The state doesn’t take care of you, so if you don’t save up now,...
3 July 2015

5 Ways to Make Money Without Leaving Your Neighbourhood
Shenton Way is not the only place where there’s money to be made. In fact, if you’re smart about it, you can make a significant amount of money without travelling...
2 July 2015

Here’s How You Can Save Hundreds of Dollars Buying Second Hand Baby and Kids’ Products
You’d think that all you needed to raise a kid were a few stacks of drawing paper and coloured pencils and a pacifier, right? Well, guess what, according to those...
2 July 2015

How Singaporeans’ Pursuit of Money May be Affecting their Wellbeing
Yet again, a news report has revealed something we already knew deep down inside—according to a recent poll, Singaporeans performed fairly well in terms of financial wellbeing compared to other...
2 July 2015

After a Customer Service Incident Like This, Is It Still Worth Flying With Scoot?
To put it lightly, Scoot’s not had a great month. Sure, we’ve heard of flights being cancelled or delayed before, but Scoot took it to a totally different level. You...
1 July 2015

3 Risks You Take When Buying Uncompleted Property in Singapore
Every three seconds, a new condo development sprouts up in Singapore. Or at least it feels like it, if the rapidly disappearing tracts of green space are anything to go...
1 July 2015

3 Things That Could be Sabotaging Your Singapore Career
Returning overseas Singaporeans often find to their dismay that working in Singapore is a different kettle of fish altogether. While being efficient at work and speaking up when something is...
1 July 2015

4 Reasons Why Topping-Up Your Loved Ones’ CPF Account Is Better Than Just Giving Them Cash
I didn’t need Moral Education lessons in school to know that giving allowance to my parents once I started earning was the right thing to do. The 好公民 (literally, “Good...
30 June 2015

Do Singaporeans Actually Know What You Can Use Medisave For?
About 440,000 members of Singapore’s “Pioneer Generation” will receive Medisave top-ups of between $200 to $800 in July this year. This is the second year that the Medisave top-ups have been given...
29 June 2015

3 Important Tips To Make Sure You Maximize Your Money During the Great Singapore Sale
For all you shopaholics out there, the Great Singapore Sale (GSS) might be the one time of the year you’ve been waiting for. With retail spend starting to look like...
27 June 2015

5 Reasons Your Budget Southeast Asian Holiday Got Expensive
Singaporeans are a lucky bunch when it comes to where they get to go on holiday. Southeast Asian destinations like Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Indonesia offer some of the world’s...
26 June 2015