4 Things to Consider Before Buying the Most Expensive Home You Can Afford
4 Things to Consider Before Buying the Most Expensive Home You Can Afford
As residents of the little country that could, we’re always looking upwards to the next best thing. Bought your first HDB flat? Great, now let’s look to upgrading to a...
12 August 2015
The Hidden Costs of Depression No One Knows About and How You Can Combat Them
The Hidden Costs of Depression No One Knows About and How You Can Combat Them
When Singaporeans think of mental health issues, images of crazy people in straitjackets come to mind. That’s why despite increasing numbers of Singaporeans being diagnosed with depression due to escalating...
12 August 2015
4 Things Employers Must Understand About Millennials in Singapore
4 Things Employers Must Understand About Millennials in Singapore
Every day, in workplaces all over Singapore, the struggle between millennials and their baby boomer colleagues plays out. Older workers write off their younger subordinates for being entitled and flaky...
11 August 2015
Furthering Your Studies and Need Cash? Here Are 4 Singapore Bursaries That Can Help
Furthering Your Studies and Need Cash? Here Are 4 Singapore Bursaries That Can Help
Poverty in Singapore is like a mole on your face. You can pretend it’s not there all you want, you’re your denial won’t stop other people from noticing it. Just...
11 August 2015
hobbies singapore
5 Easy Ways to Make Your Hobbies Cheaper in Singapore
Even if your hobby isn’t flying your private jet or riding and grooming your pet horses, the most innocuous of interests can still end up costing a pretty penny. Just...
11 August 2015
retirement CPF singapore
4 Reasons Why Retirement in Singapore is Like That Big Exam You Didn’t Study For
You would think in Singapore that, by our mid-20s and early 30s, most of us would’ve forgotten about how stressful it was to take the PSLE or the O-Levels. At...
11 August 2015
4 Psychological Reasons People Get Addicted to Shopping in Singapore
4 Psychological Reasons People Get Addicted to Shopping in Singapore
Hit up Orchard Road on a weekend and you’ll practically be crowdsurfing waves of shopping bag-toting Singaporeans as they try on outfits at H&M, stare wistfully at designer handbags at...
10 August 2015
6 Regular and Fun Events in Singapore That are Absolutely Free
6 Regular and Fun Events in Singapore That are Absolutely Free
There are some events in Singapore that so blatantly exist solely to rip people off of as much money as possible that I’m surprised they don’t just ask you to...
7 August 2015
3 Big Reasons More Singaporean Employers Should Let Their Employees Work From Home
3 Big Reasons More Singaporean Employers Should Let Their Employees Work From Home
To Singaporean employers, perks usually mean things like a gym membership, medical insurance or being allowed to wear jeans on Casual Friday. But being allowed to work from home is...
6 August 2015
public transport singapore
4 Ways That Public Transport in Singapore Just Got More Affordable
While we discussed the deeper problems behind the public transport fare hike earlier this year, even we were surprised by the catastrophic train breakdowns of the North-South and East-West lines last...
5 August 2015
salary singapore
4 Tips for Singaporeans Who Are Too Paiseh to Negotiate Their Salary
Directness is definitely not one of Singaporeans’ virtues. One only has to look on Stomp to see that passive-aggressive behaviour reigns instead of a straightforward approach. When it comes to...
5 August 2015
3 Sad Reasons Materialistic Singaporeans Live a Miserable Life
3 Sad Reasons Materialistic Singaporeans Live a Miserable Life
You might not find too many Paris Hilton-lookalikes in Singapore, but that doesn’t mean that society at large doesn’t have its own brand of materialism. The Singapore of the past...
4 August 2015
6 Ways That You Can Look For a Job Like a Pro in Singapore
6 Ways That You Can Look For a Job Like a Pro in Singapore
For many Singaporean employees, job hunting is like practising a sport—you have to do it all the time to keep yourself on your toes. That explains the high turnover rate...
4 August 2015
Here’s Why the Foodfare Price Caps Only Stand to Benefit NTUC
Here’s Why the Foodfare Price Caps Only Stand to Benefit NTUC
It’s almost like a national conspiracy – although we pay hundreds of dollars for gym memberships, it only takes a small $5 bowl of Katong Laksa to undo all that...
3 August 2015
nespresso singapore
Is Getting a Nespresso Machine Really Worth The Money in Singapore?
Kopi is no longer cool enough for Singaporeans. Ever since hipster cafes started springing up everywhere like mushrooms after the rain, there’s been a surge of interest in coffee. All...
3 August 2015
5 Tips That Can Help You Survive the 9-6 Daily Grind in Singapore
5 Tips That Can Help You Survive the 9-6 Daily Grind in Singapore
Even if you don’t completely loathe your job, you’ve got to admit that there are days when time just seems to crawl by. You struggle to keep your eyelids open...
3 August 2015
5 Telltale Signs You Are About to Get Scammed or Ripped Off
5 Telltale Signs You Are About to Get Scammed or Ripped Off
Our favourite Sim Lim Square criminal made headlines again when it was revealed that he now had a total of 28 charges against him, including a new charge of cheating. It’s...
31 July 2015
5 Money Saving Tips Singaporeans Should Know If Something Bad Happens to Their Car
5 Money Saving Tips Singaporeans Should Know If Something Bad Happens to Their Car
You might refer to your car as your “wife” and have spent many loving hours polishing its rims. But no matter how much care and attention you lavish on your...
30 July 2015
How Do You Determine What the “Best” Credit Card Is?
Credit Cards
How Do You Determine What the “Best” Credit Card Is?
Think back to your first credit card and how you chose it. Did you pick it because you liked the colour, or because a salesman from the bank approached you...
30 July 2015
5 Household Expenses That Singaporeans Can Definitely Do Without
5 Household Expenses That Singaporeans Can Definitely Do Without
One of the most expensive things about living in Singapore is keeping a roof over your head. Apart from a hefty mortgage, many Singaporeans seriously underestimate how much it costs...
30 July 2015
Always Busting Your Budget Before the End of the Month? 3 Emergency Measures You Should Take Immediately
Always Busting Your Budget Before the End of the Month? 3 Emergency Measures You Should Take Immediately
You might have devised an elaborate budget at the beginning of the year, complete with colour coding, spreadsheets and motivation graphics. But if you’re unable to stick to it, you...
29 July 2015
5 Mistakes Singaporeans Make When Calculating How Much They Need for Retirement
5 Mistakes Singaporeans Make When Calculating How Much They Need for Retirement
Singaporeans all over the island freaked out when the Straits Times published this article last year declaring that they were going to need $1 million in order to retire. Many...
29 July 2015
4 Ways Singaporeans Can Go on a Sabbatical Without Worrying About Money
4 Ways Singaporeans Can Go on a Sabbatical Without Worrying About Money
Gone are the days when people were afraid to undo the chains from their ankles and take a break from work. The young Singaporean worker of today is more likely...
28 July 2015
7 Secret Skills Singaporean Aunties Can Teach You on How To Save Money
7 Secret Skills Singaporean Aunties Can Teach You on How To Save Money
They may not be the ones tearing up the boardrooms at Raffles Place or making millions in the world of commerce. But the ubiquitous Singaporean auntie is a force to...
27 July 2015
5 Huge Reasons Singapore Employees Quit Their Jobs
5 Huge Reasons Singapore Employees Quit Their Jobs
Singaporean companies have trouble retaining their employees. Sounds harsh, but it’s true. Job hopping is accepted practice here, and famously unhappy employees are quick to jump ship the moment something...
27 July 2015