Car Loans

How to Bid for Your Own Certificate of Entitlement (COE)
The Certificate of Entitlement (COE) is a very expensive piece of paper that you must have to own a car ...
21 May 2024
Is It Safe To Buy a Used Electric Vehicle (EV)? Here Are the Pros and Cons
If you’re considering buying an electric vehicle, there’s never been a better time to make the switch. ...
DBS Car Marketplace Electric Vehicles Car Leasing Singapore
Green-ing your Ride: Tackling Your Concerns on Switching to an Electric Vehicle (Beyond Saving Money)
This post was written in collaboration with DBS. While we are financially compensated by them, we nonetheless ...
DBS Car Marketplace Access by BMW + KINTO One subscription car leasing
Like Netflix, But for Cars? Why This Makes Sense & How to Get a Car From Access by BMW and KINTO One
This post was written in collaboration with DBS. While we are financially compensated by them, we nonetheless ...
Electric Vehicles & EV Charging Points: Your guide to electric cars in Singapore (2022)
Electric Vehicles & EV Charging Points: Your guide to electric cars in Singapore (2022)
The government wants to convince Singaporean drivers to switch to Electric Vehicles (EVs)–at least those ...
28 February 2022
Car Loan in Singapore – Guide to Financing Your Car in Singapore (2019)
Car Loan in Singapore – Guide to Financing Your Car in Singapore (2019)
No matter how expensive cars get in Singapore, price is not going to stop some of us from wanting to buy ...
12 February 2019
Singapore car prices
Singapore Car Prices – Breakdown of Car Costs & How to Save Money
Owning a car in Singapore is an expensive affair, largely thanks to high COE prices. For comparison’s sake, ...
11 September 2018
used car second hand car singapore
Used Cars in Singapore – A Complete Guide to Buying Your First Second-hand Car
Buying a used car is common in Singapore where car ownership is expensive. Sure, your second-hand car won’t ...
11 September 2018
second hand car singapore
With the Relaxed Car Loan Regulations, Singaporeans Would Be Crazy if They Took Up In-House Financing
Have you heard of the acronym “FOMO”? It stands for “Fear of Missing Out”. It’s a legitimate fear – as ...
27 September 2016
second hand car singapore
Car Loan Restrictions in Singapore Have Been Lifted, So Should You Rush To Buy a Car Now?
I love Steam sales. For the two of you living under a rock who don’t know what Steam is, it’s an online ...
2 June 2016