
Articles by Peter Lin

I am the poster boy for reinventing one's self. I've been a broadcast journalist, technical writer, banking customer service officer and a Catholic friar. My life experiences have made me the most cynical idealist you'll ever meet, which is why I'm also the co-founder of a local pop culture website. I believe ignorance is not bliss, and that money is the root of all evil only if you allow it to be.

Public Transport Fare Hike: What You Should Really Be Concerned About
Public Transport Fare Hike: What You Should Really Be Concerned About
Oh look, the annual public transport fare hike is here again. Although it’s something generally expected, people still have the same reactions to it as finding a rat in a...
23 January 2015
credit cards singapore
Credit Cards
Do You Have the Right Credit Card, or Some Piece of Plastic Junk?
When I got my first credit card, I was pretty pleased with myself. I had picked the best of the best, I told myself. This credit card had everything! It...
14 January 2015
exclusive credit cards singapore
Credit Cards
The Top 5 Credit Cards in Singapore You’ll Never Own
I know what it’s like to have people fall at my feet, make way for me wherever I go and scream whenever they see me coming. Yes, I’m still looking...
2 January 2015
cpf minimum sum increase singapore
CPF Minimum Sum Goes Up Again: Should You Really Care Anymore?
What’s your first reaction when you hear that the CPF Minimum Sum has gone up again? It’s probably similar to when I see a giant cicak run across my floor. I...
18 December 2014
Singapore Credit Card Interest Rates Going Up
Credit Cards
Singapore Credit Card Interest Rates Going Up – Do You Know How Much You’re Getting Charged?
Last time, policemen wore shorts. Forget that, now we’ll be saying, “Last time, credit card interest rate only 24%”. This year will be remembered for many things – Ebola, ISIS and...
15 December 2014
salary budgeting singapore
If You Don’t Budget Your Salary Now, You’ll Hate Yourself
Congratulations! You’ve got your first month’s salary. No more cup noodles for lunch. You now take a cab everywhere you go. You buy that handbag or watch you’ve been eyeing....
11 December 2014
early retirement Singapore
Singaporeans, Say Goodbye to Early Retirement!
A bunch of data that was released earlier this month regarding employment in Singapore. Naturally, our mainstream media tried to spin it positively by saying there were more people joining...
10 December 2014
sg50 jubilee baby gift
SG50 Baby Jubilee Gift: We Consult You Before We Spend Your Money So You Can’t Complain
I bet you parents of babies born this month are really feeling pek chek. If your baby had just waited a few more weeks to escape their mother’s womb, you...
9 December 2014
year end holiday credit card travel
Credit Cards
Year-End Holidays: Read This Before Booking Anything
It’s the end of the year and you’re ready to get away for a much needed holiday with your family. You add up the price of the flight tickets, the...
8 December 2014
why singaporeans are not investing more
4 Reasons Why Singaporeans Aren’t Investing More
To Singaporeans, investing is like your “favourite” relative. You know, the one whom you dread dealing with every family gathering. Like the grand-auntie who always pinches your cheeks and reminds...
8 December 2014
grocery shopping credit card singapore
Getting Your Parents to Do Your Grocery Shopping Might be the Best Saving Tip of the Year
Your parents may have worked hard to give you a good life, but here’s another way they can continue to make your life good! If your parents are above 60 in Singapore, they’re officially Senior...
4 December 2014
home loan calculator hdb maximum loan financial calculator flat interest rate cpf
Home Loans
Home Loan Calculator – You Should Definitely Read This Before Using One
A home loan calculator is a common tool to help you reduce your stress. Good home loan calculators start by getting you to key in some basic information about the...
12 November 2014
5 jobs for former shisha retailers
5 Jobs That Former Shisha Retailers Can Do After The Ridiculous Ban
Earlier this week Parliament banned the import and sale of shisha tobacco, though they gave licensed retailers until the end of July 2016 before the ban kicks in for them...
11 November 2014