5 Ways You’re a Victim of Price Discrimination in Singapore
How would you feel if you bought a pair of shoes at a shop for $200, only to discover that the salesperson sold the exact same shoes to your friend...
5 January 2015

The 3 Biggest Reasons Singaporeans Make Major Career Changes
We all know that guy who left banking to open a café or the engineer who became a real estate agent. While people change their careers all the time, even...
31 December 2014

5 Amazing and Affordable Holiday Destinations Not Many Singaporeans Visit
Many Singaporeans save up their annual leave like a beggar hoarding pennies so they can go on a sanity-restoring vacation now and then. While there are many ways you can...
31 December 2014

5 Personal Qualities That Save Frugal People From Dying of Boredom
A lot of people think being frugal is boring. But to be brutally honest, people who lack imagination and have no desire to leave their comfort zones are bored and...
31 December 2014

3 Worst Value for Money Food Experiences Singaporeans Go Crazy Over
Any Singaporean who’s not obsessed about food may as well give up his pink IC. Other than shopping, our fellow countrymen spend most of their time stuffing their faces, whether...
30 December 2014

Travel Insurance
5 Situations Where You’ll Kick Yourself for Not Buying Travel Insurance
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you didn’t buy travel insurance? Would you suddenly be able to see ghosts or would the world become bathed in psychedelic colours?...
30 December 2014

3 Worthwhile Purchases That End Up Paying For Themselves
While those Chanel earrings or that dapper suit might make you look like the wealthy man or woman about town, the reality is that they’re actually making you poorer, as...
29 December 2014

3 Things Most Singaporeans Are Glad They Spent Money On
We’re always talking about things it’s stupid to spend money on, like any cellphone with the word “Vertu” on it and any fashion item that costs more than a month’s...
29 December 2014

Can You Afford to Stay Home with Your Kids in Singapore?
If money weren’t an issue, I think it’s safe to say many more new mothers would choose to stay home with their kids, at least for a year or two....
19 December 2014

Discussing Money in Singapore: What’s Acceptable and What’s Not?
In Singapore, we crucify people from other nationalities for what we perceive as being poor manners. But take a look around, and you’ll notice that while Singaporeans aren’t exactly shoving...
19 December 2014

Downsize Your Grocery Spending in 2015 By Joining FairPrice’s Warehouse Club
“Gotta steal to eat, gotta eat to live,” went that song in Disney’s Aladdin, and we can’t say we didn’t sympathise with him. Food is something everyone, no matter how...
19 December 2014

Stop Getting Lowballed by Singapore Employers – Here’s How to Negotiate a Higher Salary At Your Next Job Interview
Let’s be honest. As much as you might try to give job interviewers the impression that you’re so passionate about the job you’d do it for free, the truth is...
17 December 2014

How to Enjoy a Week in Buenos Aires, Argentina for Under $2,300
Ask the average Singaporean what he knows of Argentina and he might be hard-pressed to mention anything beyond Lionel Messi and “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina”, which is a pity...
15 December 2014

Moving House on a Budget: Is DIY Moving Worth the Trouble?
You and your friends might have spent countless hours watching anime or drama serials in your childhood bedroom, but at some point it’s time to grow up and move out.
15 December 2014

For Those Who Can’t Afford a Car, Are There Serious Alternatives to Taking the MRT and Buses?
While many people in Singapore cite work as their biggest source of stress, for a significant number, I’m willing to bet, it’s actually the mornings before work that cause the...
12 December 2014

5 Christmas Gift Ideas for Under $15 That Won’t Insult the Recipient
Christmas, also known as the most stressful time of year, is just around the corner. That means it’s time to whip out your wallet and buy useless things for people...
10 December 2014

Should You Get Another Degree If You Hate Your Job?
It’s not uncommon to meet accountants who are sick to death of looking at numbers and engineers who want to get an MBA. And then there are the lawyers, 3...
10 December 2014

4 Expensive Hobbies that Regular Singaporeans Enjoy
Just because someone has a full range of Leica cameras doesn’t mean he can take pictures better than the guy with the dinky second hand film SLR from the 90s....
9 December 2014

How to Enjoy a Week in Siem Reap and See Angkor Wat for Under $450
Your friends might all be flying off to New York or London for the holidays, but if you’re broke don’t despair. For under $450, you too can go on a...
8 December 2014

3 Things Adults in Singapore Pay For Due to Peer Pressure
When most people think of peer pressure, scenes of teenagers surreptitiously passing cigarettes around at HDB playgrounds flash through their minds. Actually, many kids these days seem a lot wiser...
3 December 2014

4 Bad Habits All Singaporean Shoppers Need to Break Now
When the birds are chirping and the sun is shining, Singaporeans flock to… not the beach or the park, but shopping malls, where they seek shelter from bird droppings and...
2 December 2014

How to Enjoy a Week-long Holiday in Barcelona, Spain for Under $1,600
If you’ve ever wanted to see the trippy architecture of Gaudí or sip real sangria while being serenaded by a modern day Don Juan, a trip to Barcelona might be...
1 December 2014

3 Things You Might Not Have Thought About When Planning for Retirement
Mention retirement in front of a bunch of Singaporeans and everyone instantly starts griping about the rising cost of living, low wages and having to work from the cradle to...
30 November 2014

Money Matters Every Couple Needs to Discuss When They’re Dating But Not Married
Most of the money advice targeted at couples is for people who are married or at least cohabiting. But knowing how to handle joint accounts, split the rent and divide...
26 November 2014

5 Travel Strategies to Get Out of Singapore at the Last Minute During Public Holidays
Trying to book a last minute holiday over public holidays in Singapore screams “Titanic” as everyone scrambles to get out before it’s too late. A cheap flight to a place...
26 November 2014