Senior Citizens

CPF LIFE: The Complete Guide to Payouts, Plans & Minimum Sums in 2024
Did you know Singapore is a “blue zone“? The term was coined by Dan Buettner, an American National Geographic ...
6 May 2024
senior travel insurance 2018
Senior Travel Insurance for Elderly with Pre-Existing Medical Conditions (2022)
Finally planning to take your parents or grandparents on holiday this year? You’ve probably got a good ...
28 July 2022
senior citizen tours
7 Best Travel Agencies in Singapore for Elderly-Friendly Family Tours
In Singapore, travelling is not only reserved for fit singletons with few responsibilities on their back. ...
28 April 2022
nursing homes singapore
Nursing Homes in Singapore – How Much Does It Cost?
Sending your loved ones to a nursing home can be an emotionally wrenching decision. But with a small property ...
13 April 2022
9 Scenarios Why Renting A Serviced Residence Could Be A Financially Wise Choice
This post was written in collaboration with Far East Hospitality. While we are financially compensated ...
20 September 2021
HDB Community Care Apartments
HDB Community Care Apartments — Are They Really Such a Good Deal?
There’s a new type of HDB flat in town. The new kid on the on the block is called the Community Care Apartment, ...
18 February 2021
Budget 2020 Singapore — Careers and Employment Support, Measures to help local workers
Budget 2020 — How Workers of All Ages Can Stay Employed, Keep Growing, and Seize New Opportunities
This post was written in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance. While we are financially compensated ...
merdeka generation package singapore
Merdeka Generation Package Singapore — Who’s Eligible & What Top-Ups Do You Get?
Remember the Pioneer Generation package that was rolled out in Budget 2014, to much excitement and debate? ...
25 October 2019
senior citizen discounts singapore
11 Types of Senior Citizen Discounts in Singapore from Groceries to Phone Plans (2019)
Getting older doesn’t mean getting less awesome. In fact, if you live in Singapore, becoming a senior citizen ...
6 August 2019
senior citizen discount supermarket
Senior Citizen Discounts in Singapore — Supermarkets and Pharmacies
I think of birthdays like video game levels. With each decade you clear, you “unlock” a series of benefits ...
5 August 2019
activesg credits swimming pool gyms
5 Things Singaporeans Can Use Their $100 ActiveSG Credits On
Singaporeans complain the government doesn’t give them enough welfare, but when they do get free money ...
6 March 2019
Pioneer Generation Card In Singapore – Guide to Utilising Its Subsidies And Top Ups
Pioneer Generation Card In Singapore – Guide to Utilising Its Subsidies And Top Ups
If you were born before 1950 and became a Singapore citizen before 1987, congratulations, you’re part of ...
16 April 2018