child inherit money singapore
The 3 Most Important Things To Do When Your Kid Inherits Money
If you have experienced a recent death in the family, you might have mixed feelings when you later find out that your child has inherited some money. And I’m not just...
15 September 2014
residential rental agreement singapore
Don’t Sign a Residential Rental Agreement in Singapore Without Looking Out for These 5 Things
So you’ve fallen in love with your new place and are already texting your friends to see who’s free to accompany you to Ikea. When the agent passes you the...
12 September 2014
failed business lessons singapore
4 Lessons to Learn from Failed Businesses in Singapore  
Starting a business isn’t quite the same thing as buying a winning Toto ticket, though it can seem that way when you’re daydreaming from the confines of a cubicle. For...
12 September 2014
save money grocery singapore
8 Ways To Shave $100 Off Your Monthly Grocery Bill
The supermarket is like a den of deception. Let your guard down and you end up leaving with $300 worth of frozen pizza and a stack of magazines about home...
11 September 2014
top paying part time jobs for students singapore
3 Highest Paying Part Time Jobs You Can Do While in School
When I was at school, I worked as a waitress for $5 an hour. Each shift was 4 hours long and paid me only $20. To make matters worse, I...
9 September 2014
fixed rate vs floating rate home loan refinancing singapore
Home Loans
Fixed Rate vs Floating Rate – Which Is Better For Refinancing?
One of the most common questions people face when it comes time to look into refinancing is what kind of home loan refinancing rates to choose. If you do a bit...
5 September 2014
feng shui tips for selling home
5 Feng Shui Tips to Help You Sell Your Home
Good feng shui doesn’t mean placing statues of dragons and elderly Chinese deities all over your flat. Lots of feng shui principles make sense not only in the smoky, joss...
4 September 2014
How to prevent credit card fraud
Credit Cards
Credit Card Fraud – The Do’s and Don’ts That Will Ensure Your Money Is Safe
Credit cards are a big reason why Singaporeans have so much purchasing power. After all, most credit card companies give you a credit limit that’s 3X to 4X your monthly...
4 September 2014
child benefits from singapore government
5 Child-related Benefits You Can Get From the Government
With an ‘abysmal’ fertility rate of 1.2 (far below the replacement rate of 2.1) and declining birth rate cited as the ‘biggest threat to Singapore’s survival’ by the senior Mr...
4 September 2014
new sgx trading rules
Why Investors Should be Rejoicing Over SGX’s New Trading Rules
We thought the day would never come, but SGX has finally decided to do something about some of their most archaic trading rules. The beauty of the new direction with...
4 September 2014
retirement and investing
7 Things You Should Do If You Want to Retire Someday
If you already feel like a corpse at work every day, you probably don’t relish the thought of never being able to retire and sitting in that cubicle till you...
3 September 2014
10 Things You Must Do To Succeed As A Freelancer
10 Things You Must Do To Succeed As A Freelancer
When you first start freelancing, apart from your relief at never again having to drag your lifeless body to the black hole of your former workplace, under that suave veneer...
3 September 2014
debts and liabilities when you pass away
Life Insurance
What Happens To Assets And Liabilities When Someone Passes On?
What happens to one’s credit card debt when he or she passes on? How about bank accounts? Shares? Mortgage? These may be questions that are seldom considered but important nonetheless....
2 September 2014
party on a budget
5 Ways to be Social Without Spending More Than $15
Trying to save money doesn’t mean you have to hide your face in shame and cut off contact with everyone who ever knew you. Granted, your days of chartering yachts...
1 September 2014
saving, refinancing
4 Relatively Painless Ways To Save An Extra $200 A Month
At times, it seems like all the money-saving advice you read online condemns you to a lifetime of comparison shopping at NTUC. If you’re just an average joe who hasn’t...
29 August 2014
How To Choose A Mobile Data Plan In Singapore
How To Choose A Mobile Data Plan In Singapore
While some people might be eager to let you know how much their houses, cars or handbags cost, when it comes to mobile data plans, nobody wants to pay more...
28 August 2014
How To Get Out of Annoying Sales Pitches Without Losing Your Cool
How To Get Out of Annoying Sales Pitches Without Losing Your Cool
Ever signed a spa package or an insurance policy that you don’t really need only to regret it later? With all these credit card and Groupon deals on spas, facials,...
28 August 2014
dining, credit cards,
5 Ways To Spend Less When Dining at Singapore Restaurants
The restaurant advertises $20 pasta, but your bill adds up to $50 per person. At home, you scrutinise the receipt and discover that your side dishes cost $25 and you...
27 August 2014
investing, stock market
5 Things You Learn from Losing $5,000 in the Stock Market
Sometime in my mid – 20’s, I got tired of living on corn flakes and ketchup packets. So using what time and money I had, I read up on finance...
27 August 2014
The 3 Biggest Money Traps Couples Fall Into When Planning a Wedding
The 3 Biggest Money Traps Couples Fall Into When Planning a Wedding
As we hurtle towards the end of the year, it is wedding season once again.  You may have gotten weary of attending yet another hotel banquet, but you can be...
26 August 2014
The Death Of The Singapore Country Club – 3 Reasons Why They Are Dying
The Death Of The Singapore Country Club – 3 Reasons Why They Are Dying
It seems like it was just yesterday when it was considered cool to spend your Saturdays at the country club, wearing a visor and standing in a big field trying...
26 August 2014
Save on Home Renovation in Singapore
3 Ways to Save on Home Renovation in Singapore
So you’ve collected keys to your new home, yippee! Next would be the important (and slightly daunting) task of renovating your biggest asset. We hope these tips will help you...
25 August 2014
3 Best Ways To Ship Your Internet Purchases To Singapore
3 Best Ways To Ship Your Internet Purchases To Singapore
Going shopping in Singapore on weekends is like putting yourself in the path of an elephant stampede. You risk getting run over by prams or stabbed by high heels—that is,...
25 August 2014
best travel points credit card singapore
Credit Cards
Here’s What You Absolutely MUST Look for if You Want a Great Travel Credit Card
In Singapore, we NEED to travel every few months (or weeks) just to keep our sanity in today’s high-stress working environment. Seriously, travel is the best way to prevent work-related...
20 August 2014
Sum up of National Day Rally 2014 Announcements
National Day Rally 2014: 3 Things You Need To Know About The New Announcements
This year’s National Day Rally provided some interesting insights into how the Government is restructuring policies to cope with current hot topics. Dignity in old age. Provision for medical care....
19 August 2014