How Poor Work-Life Balance and Lack of Free Time Makes Life in Singapore More Expensive
How Poor Work-Life Balance and Lack of Free Time Makes Life in Singapore More Expensive
In Singapore, it’s pretty much understood that if you want money you’re going to have to sacrifice time—lots and lots of time, judging by the fact that Singaporeans work the...
14 May 2015
couples save money singapore
7 Simple Ways Couples Can Save More Money in Singapore
You may have recently heard that divorces and separations are on the rise in Singapore. I’m betting $50 that a good number of the marriages soured due to money matters. I’m...
13 May 2015
modern home office
How to get the Modern Singapore Home Office for under $1000
Whether you have a full time stay-at-home job or are cramming in after-hour duties, a home office is nice to have – a space where the focus should be on relaxation and comfort. A well-decorated workspace has the power to inspire and rejuvenate, turning the most mundane of tasks into bearable and (dare we say) […]
13 May 2015
paris travel lower budget
Planning a Romantic Trip to Paris? Here are Some Tips for Lowering Your Budget
An estimated 10% of all Singaporeans have the Eiffel Tower on their Facebook cover page. Another 20% have photos of themselves  beaming in front of a Parisian skyline. Of these...
13 May 2015
make money singapore
5 Quick Ways to Make Money in Singapore If You Need Cash Fast
Did you know you could make up to $250 an hour doing homework in Singapore? A recent MyPaper article revealed just how much parents were willing to spend in order...
12 May 2015
online shopping
Credit Cards
5 Things to Watch Out For Before You Splurge Online in Foreign Currencies
Shopping online has made it so easy to spend your hard earned money. Because you don’t actually see any cash changing hands, or see what effect the weight of your...
12 May 2015
5 Weird but Totally Legal Ways to Earn Spare Cash in Singapore
5 Weird but Totally Legal Ways to Earn Spare Cash in Singapore
I get offended by people who insist that if you’re not earning enough, it means you’re not working hard enough. Because who says you need to get a traditional job...
11 May 2015
electric car singapore
4 Huge Reasons Why Electric Cars Are Still Not The Solution To Expensive Petrol Cars in Singapore
We pay so much in petrol each month that entire credit cards have been dedicated to making these monthly extractions less painful. So the idea of buying an electric car...
8 May 2015
How Much Does it Cost to Realign Your Teeth and Have a Great Smile in Singapore?
How Much Does it Cost to Realign Your Teeth and Have a Great Smile in Singapore?
Remember when you were in school and used to laugh at those kids with braces, calling them metal mouths? Well guess what, now the tables have turned, and after all...
8 May 2015
no-claim discount protector singapore
Car Insurance
Car Insurance No-Claim Discount Protector – Is It Worth The Money?
When it comes to driving on the road in Singapore, I’m extra kiasu. I signal a whole 5 seconds before I change lanes, even when there are no cars behind...
8 May 2015
cashback credit cards
Credit Cards
Cashback Credit Cards – How They Actually Work and What You Need To Know
As Singaporeans, we’re an interesting species. When it comes to looking for good food or places to make out, we look online. But when it comes to our personal finances,...
7 May 2015
fuji rock festival
Fuji Rock Festival – Here’s How You Can Enjoy This Amazing Festival on a Budget
So you think Laneway is for wimps. You want to go to a real music festival, one with mud, tents and portaloos. Fuji Rock Festival, which is happening from 24...
7 May 2015
change job singapore
Is It Really Possible to Switch Jobs to a New Industry Without Suffering a Pay Cut in Singapore?
Nobody these days expects you to stay in your company, or even in your industry, for life. I know a lawyer who didn’t show up again after his first day...
7 May 2015
london travel
Tips for Reducing the Cost of a Romantic Trip to London
Every Singaporean makes it to London at some point. Even if you have barely travelled, there’s a high chance your very first long overseas trip will involve London. The fact...
5 May 2015
retirement models singapore
3 Alternative Retirement Models Singaporeans Should Consider
Think “retiree” and you get images of some old guy in a Hawaiian shirt, pina colada in hand, lounging in a Bali resort. This guy lives in the lap of...
5 May 2015
buy wine singapore
5 Places to Buy Good Wine in Singapore at Low Prices
Anyone can see the logic behind buying a can of Tiger Beer at the supermarket and imbibing it at the void deck of your HDB block. But do the same...
5 May 2015
ocbc 360 account
Savings Accounts
The OCBC 360 Account Is Now Better Than Ever – Or Is It?
It must be quite the emotional rollercoaster to be a fan of Iron Man in the Marvel movies. One movie Tony Stark destroys all his Iron Man armours in order...
30 April 2015
5 Things Young Singaporeans Waste Lots of Money On Without Realising It
5 Things Young Singaporeans Waste Lots of Money On Without Realising It
We’re young and we’re hot and we just wanna have fun… goes just about every Ke$ha song. Every morning, hordes of young Singaporean professionals click-clack through Raffles Place MRT and...
30 April 2015
happy hour singapore
17 Awesome Places in Singapore With Happy Hour Deals That Last Till 9pm and Beyond
It’s all well and good to tell people to save money on alcohol by going for happy hour. But many bars’ happy hours basically give the middle finger to anybody...
29 April 2015
renovation singapore
How Much Are Singaporeans Spending on Renovating Their Homes?
Last month, local company Absolook Interior Design received international attention when they released photos of their project inspired by Marvel’s The Avengers movie franchise. The renovation was done for a...
28 April 2015
myrepublic free sim card
MyRepublic’s 1,000 Free SIM Cards With Unlimited Data – What’s The Catch?
When MyRepublic said that they wanted to be Singapore’s fourth telco and offer unlimited mobile data, they weren’t kidding around. Earlier today, it was reported that MyRepublic will be giving...
27 April 2015
5 Daily Habits You Should Quit if You Want to Instantly Save Hundreds of Dollars a Year
5 Daily Habits You Should Quit if You Want to Instantly Save Hundreds of Dollars a Year
Losing money can be like a nuclear-scale catastrophe—a sudden serious illness, a stock market crash or the collapse of a business. But it can also be like death from a...
27 April 2015
3 Signs You Are Not Earning Enough Money
3 Signs You Are Not Earning Enough Money
Ask any Singaporean on the streets if they’re making enough money and you’ll be met with a sneer and a cynical remark. Sure, many are just being complainers. But with...
27 April 2015
5% Unlimited Cash Rebate? Yes, There Is Such a Thing And Here’s How It Works
Credit Cards
5% Unlimited Cash Rebate? Yes, There Is Such a Thing And Here’s How It Works
The rise in popularity of cash rebate for credit card expenditure is something you might not have expected 5-10 years ago. Back in the days of credit card rewards points,...
27 April 2015
3 Popular Illegal Jobs Many Singaporeans Secretly Take On
3 Popular Illegal Jobs Many Singaporeans Secretly Take On
Foreigners usually have this image of Singaporeans as this sterile bunch of robots who follow the rules and never take a step out of line. Well, these people have obviously...
27 April 2015