Singapore Wedding Banquet Price List 2016
The ultimate test of friendship is when you get invited to a wedding. If you’re not invited, or invited and not interested in going, then congratulations, you’ve been downgraded to “acquaintance”....
12 January 2016

5 Ways Money Issues Can Destroy Relationships in Singapore
Think of getting married in Singapore, and the first images that come to mind are balloting for an HDB flat and a lavish wedding banquet.
12 January 2016

What Do Singaporean Home Buyers Need to Know in 2016?
Last year may have been the year of #SG50 but this year is definitely starting to be the year of #SGRugi. Assuming you don’t speak Bahasa Melayu, “rugi” means to...
11 January 2016

4 Big Influencing Factors That Convince Singaporeans to Buy Stuff They Don’t Need
Some Singaporeans are so addicted to shopping they get panic attacks when they realise how much they spent on that one trip to Orchard Road. Every few weeks, someone on...
11 January 2016

4 Freebies From the Singapore Government With No Income Ceiling
While “free gift” is like a clarion call to Singaporean aunties islandwide to assemble outside their favourite FairPrice branch, we don’t actually have too many opportunities for a free lunch...
8 January 2016

The 3 Biggest Excuses Singaporeans Make for Not Starting to Invest
Recently, a good friend of mine declared that he wanted to start investing. As a lawyer earning a five figure annual sum, he’s amassed a pretty decent nest egg, but...
8 January 2016

Home Loans
Now That Fixed Deposit-Linked Mortgage Rates Have Gone Up, Should Singaporeans Panic?
Have you heard of the Butterfly Effect? No, I’m not talking about the terrible Ashton Kutcher film from 2004, but the chaos theory concept it’s based on. Put simply, it...
7 January 2016

How to Be a Foodie in Singapore Without Busting Your Budget
Everyone in Singapore considers themselves some sort of culinary expert—but only when it comes to eating and not cooking, of course. Despite the fact that posting food pictures has gone...
7 January 2016

5 Common Money Mistakes That Are Quick and Easy to Correct
So you’ve made a New Year’s Resolution to save more money this year, but we’re just a week into 2016 and you’ve already gone back to your old ways. Sure,...
7 January 2016

4 Money Myths Singaporeans Should Be Getting Rid of in 2016
How did everyone’s New Year begin? Mine began with bumming around at home with my girlfriend. It was the best date of the year, and the fact that it didn’t...
6 January 2016

3 Things That Must be Done Before Singaporeans Will Want to Balance Work with Child-Rearing
Just like Singapore’s low birth rates and lack of work-life balance, incentivising child-rearing in the workplace has been discussed to death, but to little effect. And once again, experts are wondering...
6 January 2016

3 Big Reasons Singaporeans Quit Their Jobs That Their Employers Are Still Clueless About
If there’s one thing I learnt during my time in the corporate world, it’s that many SMEs are pretty clueless in terms of HR and managing their staff. All too...
5 January 2016

3 Ways Singaporeans Can Lower the Ridiculous Cost of Living Here
Nobody ever said Singapore was a cheap place to live in. But some things here are more expensive than others. While everyone pretty much agrees you need to pay obscene...
4 January 2016

For 2016, Here’s 3 Ways to Spend Money That Will Give You a High Dose of Real Happiness
Nobody wants to buy something that will make them unhappy. Even sadistic parents who put their kids through gruelling tuition sessions every day after school do so with the hopes...
31 December 2015

Credit Cards
4 Tips for Actually Benefitting From Your Credit Cards
If you take personal finance advice from women’s magazines or Men’s Health, you could be forgiven for thinking that credit cards are responsible for terrorism and the ebola virus. We...
30 December 2015

3 Types of Unplanned Spending That Singaporeans Fall Prey To When They’re Not Paying Attention
It’s very apt that Singaporeans coined the term “blur sotong”, because there are quite a few unaware people in our midst, especially when it comes to spending. Money mysteriously disappears...
28 December 2015

Singaporeans Are Wasting $2,600 a Year – Here’s 5 Better Things You Could be Doing With The Money
We already know Singaporeans spend tons of money on homes, cars and tuition for their kids. That’s all well and good, because they at least intend for their money to...
24 December 2015

3 Pieces of Money Advice Singaporeans in Their 20s Should Take Heed Of Before It’s Too Late
When I was in secondary school, I once borrowed $30 from a friend to buy some a pair of clownish JNCO jeans (oh the shame). That was my first and...
23 December 2015

Is Getting a Private University Education Worth It in Singapore?
While it’s true that Singapore students have lots more tertiary education options now than they did ten years ago, to say we have a really diverse educational landscape is like...
23 December 2015

3 Realistic Money Goals Every Singaporean Should Have Going Into 2016
Let’s face it, Singaporeans are just not that good at coming up with goals that haven’t been programmed by society. Other than the whole “degree, job, marriage, HDB” thing, people...
22 December 2015

3 Red Flags Singaporeans Should Watch Out For Before Accepting a New Job
Applying for a job in Singapore is scary. But not because you’re afraid you won’t find another—we’ve got a robust job market which means leaving your job for a new...
22 December 2015

Just Got Your Annual Increment? 5 Things Singaporeans Should Avoid Doing At All Costs
Unless your boss is the devil incarnate, you’ve probably received news of your salary increment for 2016… although let’s admit it, there’s a good chance your increment barely keeps pace...
21 December 2015

5 New Year’s Resolutions Every Singaporean Should Make For 2016
So, did you manage to keep any of the New Year’s resolutions you made at the end of last year? If your year went anything like ours did, your resolution...
18 December 2015

5 Industries in Singapore That May Be Facing a Tougher 2016
It may have been the year of #SimiSaiAlsoSG50, but it was also not all fun and games. In the midst of a global recession that saw the China stock market...
18 December 2015

Festive Season Shopping Strategy – How to Maximise Your Time and Money in Singapore
If you haven’t bought your Christmas gifts yet, be afraid, be very afraid. You’re at risk of spending your final week before the holidays being elbowed in the face by...
17 December 2015