Who Should Pay on a Date in Singapore?
So a friend of mine goes on a blind date and the guy takes her to Starbucks. When they’re at the counter, he leaves her to pay for her own...
28 June 2016

4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Accept That Contract Job
It used to be that contract workers were just one rung above pond scum, and two rungs above interns. They were just there to do a job the company’s employees...
28 June 2016

3 Things Young Singaporean PMETs Should Consider Before Starting New Careers
To many old folks in Singapore, the road to a good life used to be to study hard, get a nice, cushy PMET job and then live out the rest...
27 June 2016

These Hidden Costs of Retirement Could Derail Your Retirement Planning
When it comes to planning for retirement, it’s not just about plucking a magical number out of thin air, and hoping that you will be able to achieve it.
24 June 2016

The Brexit Vote, and How Singapore Will Be Affected
For many of us in Singapore, when we think of Britain, we’re probably thinking of how the England, Wales and Northern Ireland national soccer teams are all still in the...
24 June 2016

How to Go on a Week-Long Holiday to Phuket For Less Than $400
When you step off the plane at Phuket Airport, you invariably see groups of Singaporeans lining up at the duty free shop to buy bottles of Martell for their dirty...
23 June 2016

A New Study Shows What You Should Really Be Spending on To Make Yourself Happy
It’s becoming the norm for upwardly mobile young Singaporeans to spend lavishly to make their lifestyles look as Instagrammable as possible.
23 June 2016

3 Reasons Becoming an Uber and GrabCar Driver is Great for Tertiary Students Who are Old Enough
Part-time jobs for Singapore students are quite unromantic, at least for those who are serious about making money. You’re more likely to see university students breathing down their tuition kids’...
23 June 2016

3 Things Singaporeans Hardly Do But Should to Save Money On Overseas Holidays
Never try to part a Singaporean from his overseas holidays. If you’re denying an employee his annual leave for that weekend trip, you could well find him on MC on...
22 June 2016

3 Things That Make Singapore Hiring Managers Trash Your CV
So your resume isn’t actually the best in the world, but neither is everyone else’s, aside from the odd overachiever. Why then have you received no call-backs after attending so...
22 June 2016

3 Hidden Costs Singaporean Parents Often Forget About When Sending the Kids Overseas for School
When I was a kid, there were only two reasons you went overseas to study. Either you were a high-flyer who had obtained an all-expenses paid scholarship to a prestigious...
21 June 2016

How to Make Sure You Don’t Waste Your SkillsFuture Credit on a Crappy Course
Singapore is known for efficiency, not so much for quality. Sounds harsh, but it’s the truth. We can get stuff done fast, but when there’s no quality control companies try...
21 June 2016

Besides Affordability, Here are 3 Areas Where the Singapore Healthcare System Has Room For Improvement
One of those phrases Singaporeans chant all the time like a mantra is “it’s better to die than get sick in Singapore”.
20 June 2016

3 Reasons Young Singaporeans are Shunning Traditional Jobs for Entrepreneurship
So everyone is always complaining about how Singaporeans aren’t entrepreneurial enough, that we’re such sticks in the mud, but is that really true? As far as I know, most of...
20 June 2016

Here’s How a Good Dining Credit Card and a Dining Discount App Can Save You More Money in Singapore
I love my girlfriend, and one of the many reasons I do is because we complement each other on dinner dates. She loves dining out, I love eating. She doesn’t...
16 June 2016

8 Free or Cheap Things Every Broke Singaporean Can Do Alone at Home
As the end of the month approaches, you realise with dismay that you’ve busted your budget again thanks to the 500 McDonald’s meals you bought in order to get your...
16 June 2016

Singaporeans With Decent Cooking Skills Can Make Money in These 5 Ways
I once went to the home of a friend who was a professed foodie and home chef. Her kitchen was more high tech than my friggin’ computer, and was also...
16 June 2016

How to Enjoy a 3D2N Weekend Getaway in Kuala Lumpur for $200
Weekend getaways are one of the things that keep Singaporeans sane and stop us from feeling like life is just one neverending work day. But annual leave is in limited...
15 June 2016

5 Steps Singaporeans at Any Age Can Take to Plan For Retirement
I’ve been dreaming of retirement ever since I started working… that’s how traumatic my first job was. So it’s really never too early to start planning for the day when...
15 June 2016

4 Things Singaporeans Must Do to Make Sure They Don’t Get Screwed Over by Their Employers
In Singapore, whoever has the cash holds all the power. It’s embarrassing but true that employers in Singapore do not have the best reputation when it comes to treating their...
14 June 2016

5 Things You Should Bear in Mind Before Listing Your Place on Airbnb in Singapore
It’s a modern day horror story–the tragic tale of how two HDB flat owners got their homes confiscated by the authorities after renting out their flats on Airbnb has struck...
13 June 2016

3 Things Employers Should Understand About Singaporean Millennials’ Attitudes at Work
It’s pretty safe to say that baby boomer bosses in Singapore hate having to hire millennials, other than for the reason that they’re cheap.
13 June 2016

5 Alternatives to a 5-Star Hotel Staycation in Singapore
Singaporeans have this curious habit of going on staycations—in other words, paying hundreds of dollars to stay in a hotel that’s at most an hour’s drive from where they live....
10 June 2016

4 Things Shopping Mall Landlords in Singapore Should Do With All Those Vacant Units
It seems like just yesterday when all the cool kids were hanging out in shopping malls. These days, the only people who think the Orchard Road malls are cool are...
10 June 2016

Singaporeans are Flocking to These 5 Travel Destinations Nobody Wanted to Visit 10 Years Ago
Singaporeans are some of the world’s most prolific tourists. If you want to know all the good shopping spots in Bangkok, the best restaurants in Hong Kong or the nicest...
9 June 2016