Credit Cards
Want to Maximise Your Cash Rebates While Dining? Use These Credit Cards
Maybe I’m too innocent or naïve, but I don’t know how people who cheat on their significant others do it. Like, how do you live a double life and keep...
20 July 2016

4 Things You Can Negotiate Before Taking Up a Job Offer
When you were at school, people tended to take everything the teachers and principal said as the gospel truth. So, the school doesn’t want to let you take Bio instead...
20 July 2016

4 Types of Overseas Holidays Singaporeans on a Budget Can Enjoy
The one thing in Singapore that’s cheap is getting out of the country. Even if you’re totally broke, you can walk across the Causeway or take a $50 plane ride...
19 July 2016

3 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Annual Leave Even if You Don’t Go Overseas or Spend a Fortune
I’ve noticed this pattern amongst Singaporean employees. People plan their annual leave meticulously around their overseas holidays, often months in advance. But nobody ever wants to just take the day...
19 July 2016

This Versus That
GrabHitch vs UberPOOL: Comparison of the Carpooling Apps
Singapore may be a tiny island, but getting from one place to another is often slower than it should be, especially if you live in far flung suburbs like Bukit...
18 July 2016

6 Unexpected Things Singaporeans End Up Forking Out Money For When They Travel
The great thing about Singapore is that when you get sick of the unbearable weather and the suffocating crowds, you can get out super easily. All you have to do...
15 July 2016

3 Ways You Can Encourage Yourself to Save Money by Modifying Your Home Environment
Alcoholics trying to stay sober should definitely not display artistic Absolut Vodka posters on their walls. People trying to lose weight have no business stocking their fridges with Krispy Kreme.
15 July 2016

7 Singaporean Dishes awarded by the Michelin Guide that you can eat for less than $10
Next week, the first edition of the Michelin Guide Singapore will be officially released. This is the famous French guidebook for foodies and we join an elite group of only...
15 July 2016

3 Reasons Singaporeans Make Saving Money So Hard For Themselves
As bad as Singaporeans are at saving money, it’s not like we don’t want to. After all, who doesn’t want to have more money and retire early? But that’s easier...
14 July 2016

Will Singapore Ever Become a Nation of Cyclists?
A few years ago, when faced with the prospect of cycling, Singaporeans would always cite the scorching weather as a reason why it was not a viable transportation option. Fast forward...
14 July 2016

Think That Investing is Like Gambling? This System of Trading Might Change the Game For Investors Forever
This post was written in collaboration with IG. While we are financially compensated by them, we nonetheless strive to maintain our editorial integrity and review products with the same objective...
12 July 2016

3 Big Ways Grab and Uber Have Made Singaporean Lives Better
If there are saviours Singaporeans should all bow at the altar of, it’s Grab and Uber. While taxi drivers might disagree, for most of Singapore there is no doubt that Grab...
12 July 2016

3 Reasons Nobody Can be Bothered to Claim Those Free Early Morning MRT Rides
Recently, Senior Minister of State Josephine Teo announced that LTA would continue doling out free morning rides to commuters for another year. Sure, the idea sounds great in principle. Offer...
11 July 2016

3 Ways Almost Every Singaporean Wastes Precious Time
Time is money, and I’m not just saying that because I’ve got something against those people who spend all their lives surfing Facebook. Part of the reason Singaporeans spend so...
11 July 2016

3 Things You Should Do When You Receive Your First Paycheck
What are you going to do with your first paycheck? Ask a bunch of millennials that, and they’ll probably tell you: buy a Prada bag, open a bottle at the...
11 July 2016

Apple Pay, Android Pay and Samsung Pay: What Singaporeans Need to Know About Digital Wallets
The phrase “digital wallet” must ring some sort of bell by now, even for the most technologically backward amongst us, simply because everyone’s been going on and on about them—well,...
8 July 2016

3 Common Mistakes That Make Singaporeans Lose Money on the Property Market
Most Singaporeans will never, ever have to rent property. Many just make the transition from children living in their parents’ flats to (mostly married) homeowners. That’s just the way things...
7 July 2016

3 Things Too Many Singaporeans Pay a Premium For Without Realising It
Singaporeans complain so much about not having enough money and the high cost of living that you’d think everyone was eating stale bread for dinner, with an old TV set...
7 July 2016

5 Super Skills You Can Pick Up Absolutely Free
Those kids whose daddies have money might be sending them to tuition classes and golf lessons to give them the edge over their peers, but don’t worry, as an adult...
4 July 2016

4 Cheap Ways to Beat Singapore’s Ridiculously Hot Weather
Singapore is hot, but not in a Brad Pitt / Angelina Jolie way. Just when true blue Singaporeans thought they had gotten used to feeling like they were bathing in...
1 July 2016

PMETs Starting New Careers Should Turn to These 5 Resources for Help
When it comes to the job market, there is no mercy. One day you’re coasting on the high of being at a cushy spot on the career ladder, and the...
1 July 2016

5 Things That Hipsters are Gentrifying in Singapore
Everyone has that hipster friend who owns an actual typewriter which he displays proudly in his room right beside his MacBook. Things that were once considered old and decrepit are...
30 June 2016

Singaporeans Living From Paycheck to Paycheck Must Do These 3 Things Now
People who count down to payday every month aren’t all poor. According to this recent news report, a lot of the people who end up in credit counselling because they...
30 June 2016

How Can CPF Make Your Home Purchase More Affordable?
You know that period of time in your life when all your Facebook friends are taking turns to get married? I’m on the tail end of it, which means that...
29 June 2016

Here’s How You Should Change Your Financial Management If You Are Going to Become Self-Employed
People always give Singaporeans flak for not being entrepreneurial enough, but that might not be entirely fair. Sure, we might not have another Mark Zuckerberg (and we bet Mark Zuckerberg...
29 June 2016