
Here’s How You Can Beautify Your Home and Earn Some Money at the Same Time
Here’s How You Can Beautify Your Home and Earn Some Money at the Same Time
Mention the words “art investing” to most people, and the image that gets conjured up in their minds is ...
16 February 2015
why singaporeans are not investing more
4 Reasons Why Singaporeans Aren’t Investing More
To Singaporeans, investing is like your “favourite” relative. You know, the one whom you dread dealing ...
8 December 2014
best way to spend 1000 in your 20s
The Best Way to Spend $1,000 in Your 20’s
You’ve probably seen this kind of article before. The best way to invest $1,000 is to put it in your CPF, ...
2 October 2014
new sgx trading rules
Why Investors Should be Rejoicing Over SGX’s New Trading Rules
We thought the day would never come, but SGX has finally decided to do something about some of their most ...
4 September 2014
investing, stock market
5 Things You Learn from Losing $5,000 in the Stock Market
Sometime in my mid – 20’s, I got tired of living on corn flakes and ketchup packets. So using what time ...
27 August 2014
When Should You Sell Stock? 3 Key Situations When Selling Might be Your Best Option
When Should You Sell Stock? 3 Key Situations When Selling Might be Your Best Option
When should you sell a stock? That’s a key question that many investors find harder to figure out than ...
12 August 2014
Why Your Pride Is Keeping You From Growing Rich
Why Your Pride Is Keeping You From Growing Rich
The 2014 World Cup will long stay imprinted in our memories for it’s countless highlight-reel moments. ...
24 July 2014
Grow Rich, Singapore Style
Grow Rich, Singapore Style
Every now and then, you come across a shared article on your news feed that tells of a heart warming, tear ...
19 July 2014
Buying a landed property in Singapore
How Two Teachers With Four Children Managed to Buy a Landed Property in Singapore
If we had to raise a child, we’d be able to afford a landed property in about 60 years. If we had to raise ...
18 July 2014
Here’s The Most Honest (and Biased) Review of 5 Major Investing Strategies You Will Ever Read
Here’s The Most Honest (and Biased) Review of 5 Major Investing Strategies You Will Ever Read
There are a myriad of places that you can get an in -depth analysis of various investing strategies that ...
16 July 2014
7 Signs You’re Financially Successful and Don’t Know It Yet
7 Signs You’re Financially Successful and Don’t Know It Yet
You know why Singaporeans aren’t happy? It’s because we’re always pushed to get the biggest house. The ...
15 July 2014
The 5 Hottest Luxury Timepieces to Invest In (2014)
The 5 Hottest Luxury Timepieces to Invest In (2014)
Timepieces are attractive “alternative” investments because they are a good hedge against inflation. In ...
2 July 2014
2 Important Factors of Investing “House of Cards” Teaches You
2 Important Factors of Investing “House of Cards” Teaches You
When it comes to learning about investing your own money, our guest writer Lionel Yeo has some thoughts ...
1 July 2014
Lease a hotel room for profit
Here’s an Unlikely Property Investment Alternative That Involves Hotel Rooms (You Read That Right).
Is property investment dead in Singapore? Well, I wouldn’t really call it dead – more like paralyzed because ...
11 June 2014
5 Better Things You Should Be Doing With Your NS Pay (Rather Than Getting Drunk)
5 Better Things You Should Be Doing With Your NS Pay (Rather Than Getting Drunk)
National Service is a pain in the keister, we get that. But here’s the kicker: while you’re busy defending ...
23 May 2014
Who Would Have Thought Buying a Watch Could Be an Inflation-Beating Investment?
Who Would Have Thought Buying a Watch Could Be an Inflation-Beating Investment?
You’ve probably heard the saying “time is money” at least a hundred times right? Maybe your boss has used ...
5 February 2014
The Beginner’s Guide to Investment Products (Part 3: REITs & CPF Investments)
The Beginner’s Guide to Investment Products (Part 3: REITs & CPF Investments)
In our previous article, we delved into the world of Unit Funds and ETFs. In the final part of our 3-part ...
29 July 2013
The Beginner’s Guide to Investment Products (Part 2: Unit Funds and ETFs)
The Beginner’s Guide to Investment Products (Part 2: Unit Funds and ETFs)
In the first part of our beginner’s guide, we explored the two fundamental investment products everyone ...
15 July 2013
The Beginner’s Guide to Investment Products (Part 1: Bonds and Shares)
The Beginner’s Guide to Investment Products (Part 1: Bonds and Shares)
Finance experts have a lot of special talents. Key among these are re-inventing words, and using them in ...
10 July 2013